Show a a road open from ely ay iy representing midland tim trail 11 on of eb nev G S hong president of the ely nov nev automobile club and L 0 Schwa lonborg enborg editor ot the ely depositor Epo ui iti rived in salt lake late saturday day night after a hard three days trip through in some places mud and A lateral ater nl most impassable starting from froin eb thoy they mado made their way through mcgill pass aa tippet deep creek callon fish springs orrs ranch skull and Giant aville into this city this is only ono one of cevora several flips made by mr hong hoag to inspect different routes to find tho the most desu ablo botved ely and salt lake ho lio will confer with W D rish 1 9 D evans ant and B F P redman herald republican |