Show Z ROO n I 1 I 1 ce ME IM now 9 W the great tonic and stimulating pro properties bertics of sunny brook have had much to do toward mald making nir X the largest distillers of fim fine old whiskey hiskey top in the for nearly so 50 years sunny brook has proved roved of real value to taio thoe e who now and then require an energy builder when energy is saalig licU tg efficiency is lackin kare ou oll ard mellow whis y like sunny crook acts a a great up bu ider an I 1 makes life onh living sunny brook is bottled Bott in in bo 3 c every cry ry bottle is ic c with the government Goern ment stamp showing that the tie conceits are yem I 1 straight natural whiskey ekey U S standard proof this star hov ever oily ru assures suree purity but not quality aay bottled in bood bond is genuine v whiskey hiskey but not all straight whiskies are good whiskies when you select sunny brook the ezira food wh akey then you know that in addition to tha the assurance of absolute puni aird by bir the prea greatest test ao ament v on the gl you ou hat e a guarantee of quality by tho the urge unrest tallee of fine whiskey tn the boria wat 1 aw NEGER LINDLEY G generel berid distributors 35 37 wot second south street BOTH PHONES SALT P CITY UTAH emmr statement cf cr hc ownership management 0 etc of the carbon county news published weekly at price utah required by the act of au august 24 1912 NAME OP OF POST OFFICE ADDRESS editor Wil willianm linin C boncek price ufah rutih managing editor william C benfer price utah manager bla william C bonfer price utah publisher william C benfer pi ice ut utah ab owners if a corporation give names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 por cont cant or more of total amount of stock william 0 benfor price utah known bondholders bond holders mortgagees and othor other security rity liol holders dors holding 1 per cent or more of total adint of bonds mort mortgages or other securities 1 L G starbuck Stai buck orlando florida v signed lV villiam 0 benfer bonfer publisher and proprietor tor S scorn orn to and subscribed before eme me ibis ath day of april 1913 0 S price seal notary public ir my illy commission expires sauviat Au viat i lulo 1916 T leui la 13 heres Q a helper bos composition on the horse the ilie horse hoie hoi e is the most useful animal in the so is the cow I 1 once had thirteen n ducks and to aab u rakes and a skink killed one he smelt irful I 1 in la ew a boy NN I 1 ich I 1 ad 7 chickens hut but his ilis father not let him raia raib thim timm and so he lie got mad and so ho he bored a hule in his mothers wash washtub tub I 1 wish ish I 1 had a horse a horse weighs 1000 houna orders taken for cut flowers at 41 tf well faro fargo express office county superintendent marcusen Mur cusen has sent a letter to all the school principals pals of carbon county callan calling attention to the fact that next tuesday tue S is arbo day and suggesting that the day bo absei observed ed byc by cl leuning ening up school premises planting trees and grasses and with appropriate exercises the superintendent calls particular attention to the desirability of dl ing all flies that hofve h vc jui juidici vici the ft inter get geta a start ot hite the ire the beet best chickens in exis 1 tence middleton Midd lyton has the best beat stock that money c can 11 n buy SALESMAN 0 WANTED T rows AO 1 1 MM M E WANT WANTA RELIABLE MAN to WE WIM handle our family farn ly and veterinary yeter mary flavoring Flavon nd extract extracts and toilet antici articles baking pond m boags etc in this county As our prod acta are well kno n to the f fa a mcra mers here this is a fine opportunity to let tet dood payin on a a aur t knuit in vestment our free course in aka salesman Sa lesnan abia alow alone Is orth many dollars to my any U write today and ihle pa per mcconnon CONNON RIc COMPTY co ip ANY a winnoa minnesota minne iota wow farm lands W we e have for sale or rent 40 acres c lose to town fine land and good wa ter right will give the right party a it good layout mcdonald real estate investment co 34 tf wanted washing or gouse housework work of any kind mrs kjelstrom Kjel atrom north ninth st T i I 1 as monte soglio 6 m 00 10 hotel hot joo crosso prop prom ra first arst c class I 1 ass bourd board and rooms it re rates E cry thine and clean baths and modern con ton south of D R Q depot lepot 60 50 feet cast oust so utah depo depoti A CHRISTIAN arensen SEpO M 0 an i and rind S surgeon ageon me COMM MAal hank U surgeon denver A kio rio orande grande ry ny PRICE UTAH rol who chicka on tim bani bant which he lie considers the safer way ay to carry anoney 0 gash cash in the pocket or 01 one ohe of our check bool books ME CHECK BOOK is THE ONLY WAY AVAY when safety and co convenience vengence veni ence are considered the rist nations banfe of price P rice IL we handle best money can buy look over our list 0 FLOUR U S kansas biard ard wl wheat icat remolino Se molino kansas kansis g imi mid d wheat turkey red L tali hard wl wheat icat mue iove soft N cicat high patent perry mack soft N wheat cicat high pit ent standard straight grade grado whole wheat pure pur 0 a to rye rne 1 11 hour 0 ur also corn meal m white imite cream and yellow germade 0 bran shoats cracked corn chopped barley oats hay rock and r rushed and field peas also aiso stock salt seed oats wheat corn almalta 0 8 0 ap abl c aa es R it TR ernimo nIMO NEELS give cifu and mid boyance to tired lagging feet IE if jour your feet feel aliko liko thoy need a rait bring your shoes shoos to us and let us give thera H u live rubber heel something that will put life lifo into 0 our o ur steps diep I 1 in 11 and have them harness bring ring 3 our arness oll do a 0 OILED before starting our spring work job cheaper than ou can buy bily tho the oil A shoe and J grames pt I 1 C E V TA 11 just east of the garden store afi C YOU WANT jau 0 B pin I 1 you want STYLE and y BRING YOUR NEXT ORDER TOT 1 I carbon county news 1 I |