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Show 111 Keitn;- O Brien sii VjlW Slightly Soiled and Broken Lines of wig H Ladies Muslin Underwear QFjj llk' Ladies' slightly soiled frowns some with tucked yokes, some Jf I Jfl I U embroidery edjres. some lace triuimed, including tnanv of m u VPf M high necks and long- sleeves, while some are low neck (pf m wLyW. :uul po f leeves. To close them out we will sell ffl.UO, f?r26 MflfJ) ill ; ,im v!ms " ' wbl Ladies Corset Covers. Ja Slightly soiled and broken sizes. Some me laee trimmed,. with ribbon running- through ; some Imve embroidery in- SL - tt M SPrtion and embroi.lery edging. Jlegular $1.00. $1.25 MM fLj $1.S5 and $l.."0 quality YS ' UMtsi 'fl-'.o. $2.0(, ,$2.25. $2.o0 and $:;.O0 i (L( ftgfi 1 Vfmn quality pl.3U- JflJVjj ."fie and ()5c quality yW Begs to specially notify his patrons that he has secured the I ; agency of ! J Cbe Tasso Corsets Tliis incomparable corset, known for many years, as the very acme I of; perfection amonng:Corsetiers in Europe and, Ibis country, stillW , I retains all those features which have 'made it so desirable, while the'" I late' models show all the new ideas conforming, to the Spring' and Summer fashions. - - . ' "' . : ';. .', ; -'. ; .... v ? f LENTEN SUGGESTIONS Now as the Holy Season of Lent is with us, a great many things will be needed for church and home. If you are thinking about getting something for a church, such as stationery; x-eatments. stations of the cross, etc., write us about it and we will give you full inlorma-I inlorma-I tlon as to prices, quality of goods. I All orders executed promptly. Telephone call Pink 67D. ! THE JAMES CLARK CHURCH GOODS HOUSE. 627 Fifteenth Street. Denver. Colo. 'Phone rink 673. . ; ; E. E. BURLINGAME & CO., ASSAY,OFnCE-BRy Established in Colorado. 1866. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt and careful attention Gold & Silver Bullion RineRdMu1BcdHTsflEDa.ye1 Concentration Tests lkftl?' 736-1738 Lawrenee St.. Denver, Colo. ; L I IN .3 OLD TEA DING I i. STAMPS j j WITH EVERY SI PURCHASE, ! In Every Department of the Store j I -- i j SPECIAL PRICES j f I ; On All t-ihoes. Waists. Suits'. Skirts, Ladies and ft".- dren's Underwear and Hosiery. Dress Hoods, f.!:i. ,, ) 5' Uibbons. Cloves ami C. liars. 'Mm's Shirts. Hats. Nt- k- I 1 wc;(r. Overalls. Towels. P.od Srreads and Xtior:s. ) Nothing reserved. KverytHng cut to pHrticlpa'e J I (bis great sale. W,- will positively a!lnw - no discwunt.i ) "I i fimn these special prices evert should you not. coileoC t J stamps. j S7.50 in Stamps With Every SI.00 ! ; 5 S 1 M-Wftw VAP fmh tftPP. psa I mm iiviy b sa jujiu ului i ' 7 j WALKER'S STORE j in the Ready-io- Wear Section. v A- collection of exquisite summer gowns ha just been checkd t off and will be on display in our Suit Section Monday. A bewilder- ing array of the prettiest, daintiest, go'wns you ever saw. .FabrUts nxt I Linens. Silk Mulls. Lawns. Eatiste. Brussels Net. in plain and Dolly I: Varden patterns and all the rest of the appropriate fabrics for this ! summer's wear. I Select your graduating dre.s now as there will not be anything prettier shown this season. Most of them are copies of imported J models, some have dbow sleeves and low neck, others in the hieh 1 and round neck. Skirts trimmed with tucks and' ruffles and have the deep girdle. Prices range from $15.00 up to $o5.00. i Also a large assortment of Shirt Waist Suits in plain and hard embroidered linens, tailor made and with the coffee coat, very chic for the season. Assorted colors and white and priced from $4.00 to j $47.50. ' i f BE GIN NOW If I Rzzzzto keep cool, rrrr j 'f Ur saf0'ine stovesi witn and without oven, are - Uj easy to operate and absolutely safe. The same line J 'C we have carried for the past four years, and which flfl toja has given perfect satisfaction. J- 4 ; j We also have the "Perfection" oil stove for light Jjf gn cooking no evaporation, therefore economical and J J f IM odorless. feilElki 1 ' i i-i.n-i 11 ' ' -"i ' I ' Ni "" f (GIF AT Ai rl : $ f -; - - y ; ! CHECKED LOUISINE SILK I I r ii f , ' fl I. f r'i A cry, popular lor smart shirt vaist suits for street ).:J gnw J j ! ,j "'if! outing wear." various sized chocks in black iiml I j I J ' white, and navy arid 'white: 20 inches wide: rcjrulnr I ) 1 j I 1 .So to $1.2o yard. . J.r f S I FANCY CHIFFONv TAFFETAS . f J . J?jS tMiS rd;ff-t3: - DISCOUNT 1 i NEW FOULARDS FROM ; 1 : Fine twill satin finish Foulard Silks in various sizes ' - ' ' Ti f- "X aorl arrangements of polka dots on navy and black KQQlkY A TICGS. I grounds: 24 in wide: regular $1.00 to $1.50 yard. I .. - . , ' ' . . . . - - i - '. '.....V " " ' ' - J V UTAHS GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. fl K ---;: . , . , ; i '. - i i ' . . - i ; - - i .... ... ...... , ,..,-.--,ji..iiimiiiiiii..uiiiwi,. u . |