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Show f 4-44 MOHAIR ' BUTTE. Mr. James A. Murray is absent on a business trip to San Francisco. Rev. Father Batens has been appointed ap-pointed to care for the spiritual needs of the smallpox patients. Mr. Connell of the M. J. Connell company com-pany departed Saturday night, Nov. 11, on an extended hunting- trip. Mrs. Lulu Largey and Miss Tina Largey returned from a three weeks visit to Salt Lake City on Monday last. The Catholic KnTghts of Butte will entertain on Saturday evening, Nov. 18, ISM. Every effort is being made to ensure a pleasing success. St. Patrick's rarcchial school continues contin-ues open, despite the prevalence of smallpox, but many of the pupils are absent on account of the prevailing "sore arm." Rev. Father De Siere of St. Patrick's, in company with Rt. Kev. Bishop Bron-del Bron-del of Helena, departed last Sunday night for Europe. Both reverend gentlemen gen-tlemen will probably be absent about s'ix months. At 7:30 p. m. Sunday Father De Siere gave benediction and spoke very feelingiy to people in bid ding them good-bye. He paid a special tribute to the sturdy young miners of Butte, who stood by him so faithfully in tempestuous times, but his words were especially kind at the children's mass, wh'ch he celebrated himself at 9 a. m. He encouraged them to continue con-tinue attending mass so faithfully and in such larg numbers, and promised to mention their piety and perseverance to the Holy Father. While absent. Father De Siere, besides visiting Rome, . will I also journey to Lourdes and other devotional de-votional shrines, where he promises to offer special prayers for his beloved congregation. The best wishes and prayers cf all go with you, Rev. Father. May you return, renewed in vigor, to the field where you have, labored so faithfully and so fruitfully. During Father De Siere's absence the Rev. Father Callahan will be acting pastor of St. Patrick's. Ralph Sweet came over from Boulder Saturday night. ,j Dr. Peter Mussigbrod came in Saturday Sat-urday night from Garnet. Dr. T. J. McKenzie of Anaconda was a Butte visitor Saturday; Mrs. Allen returned on Saturday from Helena, where she was called on business. busi-ness. .--, - - Master Imas Rich has gone to Salt Lake City to attend AH Hallows, college. col-lege. - Fathers Blair and .Callahan conducted conduct-ed services at the Centerville Catholic church Sundav. Geoffrey La veil came over from Missoula Mis-soula Saturday night and registered at the McDermott. ... , Miss Annie Kelly returned Saturday fro ma three months' visit to San Francisco, Fran-cisco, greatly improved in health. H. Arnold of San" Francisco is visiting visit-ing Butte. He has a host of friends here who are always pleased to 82 him. Mrs. Dupont B. Vincent and Mrs. M. P. Gleeson spent the week in Anaconda visiting Mrs. Peter Levengood and other oth-er friends. W. J. Stack received a telegram Friday Fri-day conveying the sad news of the death of his aged mother at St. Louis, Mo. A handsome parochial residence for the Pastor and assistants of St. Patrick's Pat-rick's church is at present in course! of construction on the site of the old presbytery. The building is of red brick. Several notices are posted around Centerville offering a reward for any one who will show the person or persons per-sons who have been throwing stones through the Methodist church windows. win-dows. - Rev. Father Callahan returned Friday Fri-day after a week's sojourn in the City of the Saints. He reports a very pleasant pleas-ant trip, but is glad to be home again, where duty calls him., The funeral of Michael T. Harrington Harring-ton took place from the family residence resi-dence last Monday at 2 p. m., proceeding proceed-ing from there to St. Patrick's church. tr- Mrs. R. F. Leggat, who has been visiting vis-iting her sons in Buute for the past few months, left for her home in St. Louis Wednesday, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Ruth. The Butte : Optical Company has proved to be most reliable and efficient in relieving strained or impaired eyesight eye-sight by glasses of its own special grinding. If you need glasses inquire of the Butte Optical Company's-work. Anaconda. Standard, Nov. 12. Mr. Jerry Mullins, v-Jio was recently called to Cripple 'Creek" by the illness of his father, returned last week. He reports the condition , of. the elder,. Mr. Mullins as much improved, and states that Cripple Creek is "booming" on a ; solid basis, and is one of the most prosperous pros-perous mining camps in Colorado. Vaccine virus is one of the prominent constituents oil Butte at present. All the rooms in Butte's public schools have been twice thoroughly fumigated during dur-ing the past week. We trust that such determined and prompt action will cause the few yellow signal flags still displayed dis-played to soon disappear from the streets. H. H. James, superintendent of the Butte division of the international Correspondence Cor-respondence schools, is in the city from Scranton, Pa., the headquarters of the school. ; He will remain in Butte for some time, looking after the business of the school here. , J. K. Pomcroy has returned from Jo- 4 : mmmi :j4l 1 : i mwk ,! 0am,! X firaasa ' t i f4v - w Wk,-- x i Iwri'. .x.wm !:: 'I Hi- x WkrvMh vA v . REV. JfATHER BE SIESE OF BUTTE. ' hannesburg. South (Africa, where he has spent three months. He went there ' to engage in minings Jhut on. account of j the war, he concluded to return home and wait for peace. His wife is in j England, and will remain there until i spring. Sunday morning Father Blaere of St. Patrick's celebrated mass at 8:30, and high mass at 10:30 at St. Lawrence church-in Centerville. Father Callahan conducted the services in the evening. The pastor of St. Lawrence's. Father Batens, is taking care of smallpox patients. pa-tients. ;i'. On last Wednesdayi'evefting Mrs. Lulu Largey entertained the Montana boys of All Hallows college at the Knuts-ford Knuts-ford hotel. Salt Lake City, in honor of Rev, Father ' Callahan. The invited guests were: Rev.,rFather Larkin, S. M., president of All Hallows; Rev. M. J. Murphy,-S.-M.,-and Miss Nellie Callahan. Calla-han. With such an entertainer as Mrs. Largey, ,the , appointments were perfect per-fect and merry was the feast and long. Anaconda Standard. Miss Dean Blume, who has been in the employ of; M. J. Connell Company for some time past, left here last Sunday Sun-day evening for Minneapolis, Minn., accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Frank Morlan, of 416 West Park street. Miss Blume.' has been very ill during the past four weeks - and her relatives judged it prudent to bring her home. She has made many warm friends in Butte, and all hope for her speedy recovery! re-covery! - -v- Mr. John J. Kelly, an employee of the M. J. Connell company died Friday, Fri-day, Nov. 10, at the Sisters Hospital of pneumonia. Deceased was a native of Brookville,- Canada, and well known in local circles as a prominent member of the Clerks' Assembly. The interment took place from St. Patrick's, church, Monday, 13th,. at 10 a. m. High mass for the dead 'was celebrated by Rev. Father Callahan. Mr. T. Kelly, a brother of the deceased, who travels for the Kirkendall Shoe house of Omaha, arrived in time for the funeral. One of the most hotly contested games of -Rugby.. ever, played on the Butte gridiron was seen Sunday, Nov. 12, at the.. Athletic Park, between tne Montana Mon-tana Athletic club, under Captain Percy Benson, . and the Butte team, under Captain ."Jim'' Hooper." Fast and clever playing was displayed by both teams, and while Butte "never lost the ball on downs, yet they were unable to score. The attendance was small, owing to disagreeable weather, but enthusiasm en-thusiasm made up for lack of numbers. Report says that Captain Hooper will take his team to Denver for a Thanksgiving Thanks-giving game. . ANACONDA. F. E. Krause of Helena is in the city. E. E. Congdon is in town from Phil-lipsburg. Phil-lipsburg. F. D. Durant of New Chicago is in the city. ' ij ' Mrs. L. G.. Smith went to. Butte Saturday. Sat-urday. ' f - '. J. Savery went over to the Cable mine Saturday. ' ; j 'Henry 'Mueller lot -Butte 'was in the city Friday. . . . .' .: . G. .Y... Stapleton : rame down from Butte Sunday. . i r $ " " . C. R. Wiles of Deer Lodge was in the city Saturday. . .j ... A son was born ;Friday to the wife of Archie. Price.. . . . , . Richard" Mvers of Butte was on our. streets Saturday. . A son was born to the wife of H. O. I Kennedy Saturday. Andrew- ilcMillan of Philipsburg and . - v - - McDonald of Butte' attended the funeral funer-al of A. R. McKenzie, which took place Saturday afternoon. Sheriff Jack Conley has returned from the Bitter Root valley. A daughter was born to the wife of Harry McManus Saturday. State Senator H. L. Myers of Hamilton Hamil-ton was in town Saturday. Charles Mallory of the lower valley was in the city this week. Mrs. Leggatt of Butte was a guest of Mrs. L. G. Smith this week. Mrs. Adams of Butte, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Heaggy, at 705 Cherrv street. Mrs. Joseph Booth of Missoula is visiting vis-iting her daughter, Mrs. McDonald, at 40 East Seventh street. Thomas S. Silvers, J. T. Baldwin and J. M. Montgomery were among Butte people who visited here Saturday. E. J. Clague accompanied the remains of C. A. Moss to Chicago Saturday evening, where they will be interred beside the grave of his mother, which was a wish of the deceased. D. C. Walker has returned from a visit to Basin, accompanied by Mrs. W. W. Wickes and daughter, Margaret, who .are visiting Mrs. A. M. Walker at her country home east of Anaconda. Daniel K. Harrington, a well known miner, died Friday morning at the Sisters Sis-ters hospital from the effects of Injuries Injur-ies sustained in an accident in the Mountain Consolidated mine nearly a month ago. The funeral of A. R. McKenzie took place from the residence of George W. Irvine. Saturday afternoon. It was attended at-tended by many friends of the deceased, deceas-ed, who turned out in large numbers to pay their last respects. A Mormon conference of Latter-day Saints is being held at Dewey hall. Apostle Heber J. Grant of Salt Lake City is here for the purpose of delivering deliver-ing addresses at the conference, and other elders will speak on the general subject of Mormonism. The gathering is evidently for the purpose ot creating a public interest in Mormonism. Letters from Manila, dated Oct. 14, were receiver! in this city Saturday from W. M. Thornton and E. D.' Matts. They report extremely hot weather in Luzon. On every' hand they heard words of the highest praise for the Montana regiment. By this time they have, sailed from Manila on their return re-turn trip. They are coming on the steamship Coptic, which is due at San Francisco about Dec. 2. ' Authentic s information from New-York New-York states that Marcus Dalys condition condi-tion is serious, says the Anaconda correspondent cor-respondent of the Butte miner. His physicians advise him that he must keep very quiet and avoid all business for the next twelve months. They express ex-press the opinion that the casing of his heart is almost worn out and any worry or excitement is liable to bring on another an-other attack of heart failure that may terminate fatally. His attorney, William Wil-liam Scallon, who recently went to Denver on businees,has been .summoned .summon-ed to New York to consult with Mr. Daly" - "There are.no cases of smallpox in Anaconda" was the statement made Saturday night by Dr. Stephens, the county health officer. "There is a light case of varioloid at Lost Creek. It is that of Mrs. Stevens, who came from Butte about three weeks ago. Everybody Every-body around there is vaccinated and as the case is a. light one I don't think we will have any smallpox from there in Anaconda. The people down there are quarantined and the quarantine will not be raised until everything is safe. "I believe we will get some smallpox here, for I don't know how we can get ! away from it. The mayor should issue I a proclamation to have all children vaccinated and we should do everything to protect the city." The Woman's Literary club of Ana- I conda met in regular weekly session on Saturday afternoon. The first paper, "The Development of French Philosophy," Philoso-phy," was read by Mrs. Maiden. Of its merits we use only one term. "It was good." Our president, Mrs. Peckover, in her own charming manner addressed us upon "Marie Antoinette and the Court Etiquette of Her Times," giving us an excellent conception of that most unfortunate queen and the difficulties under which she lived. Afterwards the club was favored by a short talk from Miss Thomas, a co-worker of Colonel Parker in the great field of child study. Her remarks held much of interest to mothers, especially to such as accept motherhood as the noblest and highest of this world's professions. HELENA? Dr. A. E. Kromer returned Saturday from a trip east. . --?- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Branden left Friday night for New York City. R. H. Kleinschmidt left Sunday night for the Seven Devils copper district, Idaho. Mrs. Alex. Burrell wife of Manager Burrell of Marysville, paid a short visit to Mrs. G. W. King the past week. - .' : .'.'' A basket sociable, under the auspices of the Catholic Ladies' Literary and Benevolent society, will be held at St. Aloysius. hall, Tuesday ' evening, Nov. 21, for the benefit of the poor. Every one invited to attend. The bronze cannon presented to the state by -the First- Montana -.infantry through Colonel Harry C. Kessler, wa3 Saturday placed on a glass plot in front of the court house, where it will remain until romoved to the capitol grounds. The old gun was inspected by many persons during the day. The state university ar.d the Montana Wesleyan university students will be represented in a debate in this city the evening of Dec. 15, the subject being, "Resolved that the attitude of the Boers in the Transvaal is Justifiable." The state university will take the affirmative af-firmative and the Wesleyans the negative. nega-tive. J. D. Ashby, L. E. Armitage and R. C. Smith have been chosen "to represent rep-resent Montana Wesleyan. , " . .. |