Show DEMENT TAX IN of carbon count Coi int state of utah tile at ar I 1 11 it 11 pursuant Pur auant to the provisions of bioc c cioll 2620 2920 of the compiled I 1 lawn 0 of f utah 1907 nn annl 1 nn an order of the board of county of gald carlon carbon county tho the undersigned na as county treasurer of carbon county herewith publishes the delinquent list of all person persons and property 0 oln ing taxes for the year 1914 which ly by law lav arc are made collectible by the treasurer tr 0 of f carbon county and which are unpaid and delinquent and the d will according to law offer for bale sale and sell between the hour hours of 10 a m and 3 p 1 in at the north door of the counte court house of said county at price city utah itah on monday Aton day december 21 1911 and ard succeeding day days no muc much 11 of the following described real state estate and personal property situated in said county anti lute ante on which the said taxes for the year 1914 have not been paid as an hall shall b be to pay taxes penalties and costs reference in 1 hereby made to the r ament rolls of said county now in my custody for the itemized Item lied amounts which go to make up tip the whole amount of delinquent taxes hereinafter bet act forth and the same 1 Is hereby made a part of thin notice the cost of this publication Is to 25 cents for each notice of description Lon all property mentioned or described jn in the following delinquent list Is situated south and cast of the salt luke lake base meridian U S 8 survey and in carbon county state if it utah in this thin hat list the following ab abbreviations are arc used for the word sot not opposite to them iz N north or northerly S south or Sont southerly herly E elij ikast ast or easterly En sterly W west or westerly NW MV northwest or northwesterly SW SV southwest Sou South thweat went or southwesterly nn nr northeast or northeasterly SE BE southeast Southen mt or southeasterly beg beginning 1 th thence rd o rods ch chains pt ft P deot cat it in inches cor corner sub subdivision sec see section T or twp To township R range 5 S 1 L 21 st lake meridian per P or per prop personal property A treasurer of carbon county utah dated november no ember 28 1914 WIN WINTER TER DISTRICT NO 1 pleasant valley coal co E of SE BRIA sec see 21 tp twp 12 it 6 pleasant valley coal co E of NHU A sec 25 twp 12 R 6 G 1478 pleasant valley co coil coti ti co all sec 36 39 twp 12 it R G pleasant valley coal co SE F of SW lota lots 3 and 4 sec see 19 twp 12 R 7 pleasant valley coal co swa 11 of NE NEI W of SE seia A SEU SK of NW A sec see F 30 T twp p 12 it 7 2882 pleasant valle coal co NW of nea jwj SW of SEU wa sec see 31 twp 12 22 R 7 pleasant valle coal co all sec see 1 twp 11 I 1 1 R 6 pleaseant Plena ant valle ami co all sec see 12 twp 13 R 6 pleasant valley coal co E see sec 13 tp 13 R 6 pleasant valley coal co NE aa sec 2 24 4 tv p 13 R 6 pleasant vaclev coal co N of SEU N of SWU SW of ND N of of SE BE va of otaw NIVIA NE of NEA of NEU NR S SY of of NE sli of SEIA SE of MEU S of seba SE of NW NATIA SE of SW 0 of SE ana and lots 6 and 7 sec see 6 twp 13 R 7 except right of way pleasant vallo valle coal co vi W of NE of seia W sec see 7 twp 13 R 11 7 pleasant valle coal co S of SEIA SE va wa sec see 18 twp 13 R 7 pleasant valle coal 60 co NF abi U of NE A W of NE A NW of SEIA SE NB nl of NW lots 1 2 3 4 sec 19 twp 13 R 7 3 0 96 wiliam C burrows S of SEIA SE of sva SAVIA S of of 4 sec 18 twp 12 R 7 coal co lots loca 3 and 4 sec see 18 twp 12 R 7 metcalf coal co lot 1 see 19 ewt twp 12 it 7 john A burros vs beann NE ANn sec see 19 a tap 12 it R 7 lo 10 1478 woods canyon coal co 8 of if NE N FA N of sn SMA sec see 31 twp 12 19 it R 7 david it talor state land certificate no 2442 wilhm C burrows state land certificate no william C burrow burro e s otate land certificate no jamen larson state land certificate no chas if 1 gibbs land certificate no C Wo woodward odvard house no 3 per P fred kimber liou house no 5 per P H christansen Chrls tanson ir house no no 6 per P 5 mark hansen house u no 7 per P oco Pl pierson erson house no 12 per P W H IL lawley house ko no 14 per P grant gibson house no 20 D per J P reese house ko no 22 per P E R james bouso no 26 per P geo house no 29 per P james adams house no 40 per P 55 olivcr clark aie house kl no ii 43 per P 1 81 85 joe golding hou no 53 per P 1 85 81 W P esvan evans no 56 per P 83 gibbs monson k no 6 61 1 per P thoa thos edwards house no 6 62 per P 73 cleo middleton house no 70 per 11 1 BG lewis hobyl house no 71 per 13 92 alfred stone no 75 per P jno Ites lr house no 79 per P 5 C bradwell Dr house no D 13 84 per P I 1 11 jno 0 on ir s no no D 84 per P J C larson house no F 84 per P 1 85 J W m idun NV no A d ac per P frank laken iloine no 8 per P mrs S 11 house no per P 54 thomas C clarey house no per P james neilson house no per P 4 jno Str cupel houx no per P john dee doe house no per P 18 anton dolanc house no 1240 per P 55 adlle marton house no per P orson cloward house no rt r P joe caesar no 13 6 per P 1 85 at larsen larson house no 13 7 per P noise nolson nelor ibave house no per P 7 39 N I 1 11 peterson alouse no per P nick pappas house no 19 2 per P 14 chas head read laloli no k 0 0 per P 0 caputo house no 2 0 1 per 11 joo joe Pod vasek aek house no per P abarton lupen lopen house no per P guat hueste no per P 1 86 tom perry house no D per 11 1 18 85 ilou house no per P 1145 dan hola house no N 0 15 per P 6 ignoc dusuk dusek no per P poter peter lakis house ai no per P 18 frank Pode zig lietz no wo iii per P jno estelas house no per 11 1 1 1 85 goo caselas Ka selas house no hii P 1 goo Pa house hote ko no 2 24 P 1108 cleo Alara kakis coffee house no per P 1108 frank Mar Alar kashek kasbek house no per P joe derganc Der gant house no 2 29 per P jno allader MI Al iker laker house no per P 11 08 frank kokal kolli house no ao per P anton urk house 1 no pur per P mrs airs frank Ala malaker laker house no per P dokla angelo house no yi per P G house no per P S fallk ankli house no per P 11 1109 OS S llou house iio no 23 7 per P F 1 95 G Itar kalakin house no per P 1 peter lioe no per P jno zumer house no per P al Helo house no per P 1 aa stee kislch aiu house iia no per P anton S shumer humer house no B per P hairy fotas houge a no A per P dan aiola house no per P jno maddolina Madd olona house io 10 per corp P G Zurma house no per P 11 laju house no wo 1 9 per P geo house no per P miko I carsonic Karst nic house rio no 51 per P antone k house no per P frank Pan gerel house no per 11 pleasant valley coal co per 11 pleasant vaclev ariev c coal i co per P 2880 99 pleasant valley coal co per P pleasant valley coal co net proceeds of mines wood cannon camon coal co per P 2402 woods canyon coal coat co per P 1940 u aown IN DisT Klur NO 2 nell at madsen all biks A and B scofield townsite te thoa thos pugh lot 2 DIX 1 scofield Town townsite Hite to 2206 margaret argaret Af pugh lot 3 dik 1 scofield townsite to lena lot 4 bik 1 scofield flold T 1161 aeo oeo pierson Pic lot 12 2 bik 1 scofield townsite to 2 matson jensen lot 1 bik 2 townsite to jno weber lot 2 jhk 2 scofield Town townsite sito to 1344 13 aa AV it 1 Bl mosely lot 7 diky bik 2 scofield townsite te sarah jano jane ilease ilea se P pt cli lot 12 bik blk 2 scofield beld tow ansito to A madisen sons bonn pt lot 1 dik 3 scofield flold Town townsite sito to 5 74 3 at loveridge pt lot 2 bik blk 3 SL ofield townsite te niel it N of lot 6 5 lot 7 bik dik 3 scofield flold townsite mary krcha Will iome lot 6 bik 3 Ec eckfield ofield townsite te 2090 A greant jj NE cor lot 4 cst ent to union at st S 15 ft 13 17 to front bl A N to beg also lot 3 pt of bik blk 4 scofield townsite te 26 25 as 55 alary illiams Alv nil all of lot 6 except piece sold to bik 4 beld to 32 52 james BOB beg 24 ft N of HE or lot 6 N 23 ft W 86 f ft t 8 2 23 3 f ft t 1 13 8 86 G f ft t to boff beg pt lot 6 bik blk 4 scofield Hoo flold Tonn sito mary greenhalgh lot 1 bik To ronalt Town situ 2137 f 5 scofield A lot au 2 icik blk d 6 townsite Tow Town nalto sito 1393 mr IV 11 wilson lot 3 bik blk 7 scofield townsite Town alte I 1 1636 luna lot 3 bik 9 scofield Town townsite sito to J at loveridge Loverl dge lot q bik blk 9 scofield Town townsite sito to 1858 joseph castle lot 3 bik 10 scofield townsite to mrs atra mary farmer lot 6 bik blk 10 scofield flold townsite to 1277 james babtist lot 8 bik 10 scofield townsite Tow nalto 2090 mrs atra root hunter lot 10 bik blk 10 scofield townsite te 1393 J M loeridge lot 11 bik 10 scofield flold townsite te 17 1742 42 valento pona per P A greenhalgh lot 1 I bik 17 scofield flold Toun townsite site to jamea james douglas lot 5 bik 17 scofield townsite to 1161 D Va Ta lerlo pt lot 9 bik 17 scofield townsite to J AV payne lot 1 bik ay 18 scofield beld townsite te J at lot 4 1 bik I i i 18 scofield mary alary tax haikka aka bet beg 90 ft N of SE cor bik 19 N 60 ft along meridian st W ft SW ft S 18 ft E ft to beff beg part of lots I 1 and 2 block 19 scofield townsite te 2 30 J 11 pane per P albert mayo one lot in hunter plat of ft front and ft hack back with ith right of way ay for street on back of lot am recorded in book page scofield 6 G 9 97 s D Pl scofield flold townsite te saloon 38 37 32 mao afao bros per 1 P 40 64 bradaick Brad mick per P 2071 lopuch per P jno mayo afao per P 11 2469 jno manson alanson per P jno L perra per P joo per P nazzareno Sag glana per P jacob huchor per P dan manson per P jainer ruller per P A P F johnson per P jno leplin h per P jno 11 II neilson per P E J liu llewlen I 1 len per P anim stillman per P dae williams cerp per P J P F Dr aroyles oyles per P martin kink per P joe garnz per P prank frank K per P it it wilson per P matt rat tono per P fan dora mao 0 per P carl Gros grosbeck beek per P 2 33 II 11 r randall per P 11 geo aerio per P go gpo per P frank kink per P 23 11 it carter per P 2 3 sal faggani Fag sani per P 24 2 32 LD SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 2 joseph castle S of SW ant of SWA SEIA SE of X W ii also bee beg at the SW SV cor of NW of SEIA SE thence east cast 10 rode rods th N 80 rode W 10 rods S 80 rods to the beg in SW of sec see 9 17 17 it 12 2406 fish creek coal coke co N of SW ath W of NIVA sec see 10 T 12 R 7 1468 utah coal coke co N of SE 8 14 sec see 10 T 12 R 7 utah coal coke co SW of NW NW or SW sec see 11 12 T 12 R 7 people peoples coal coke co X W A of NW NE of NE INE sec 13 T 12 R 7 1 coal coke co afe of NE sec see 14 T 12 7 AV C burrows sj of NW I 1 of swa sec see 17 T 12 it R 7 4 37 W IL if donaldson NEU sec 17 T 12 ra 2916 antone noll nell St adsen E of NW AV V of NE sec see 20 T 12 R 7 madden broa dros SW seva SE of U NW of SE sec see 20 T 12 it R 7 nell af M madson adsen Af NO 14 13 11 of sec see 29 T 12 R 7 scofield inv dinv co NE of NE va NE of S SEU E ai sec see 32 T 12 R 7 wood woods canyon coal co W 0 of f S SWA W 14 Z SW swa 14 of NW ya sec see 3 32 T 12 R 7 2187 lVa wasatch satch live stock co N of NE SW SE seya of SE sec see 13 T 12 it R 7 2552 j wasatch live stock vo co SIA 8 of SW of SE sri soc see 13 T 12 22 R 7 waw ll 11 e stock co NW A N of SW A S SE E A of sa of NE SE sec see 14 T 12 R 7 Wasi wasatch atch live stock co NW A see sec 15 T 12 R 7 1458 wasatch livo live stock co SVA SV of NEU sec 15 16 T 12 it R 7 wasatch live stock co W of SW sec see 16 T 12 22 it R 7 wasatch livo live stock co E r of NE NE of SEIA SE sec sao 20 T 12 it R 7 1093 wasatch lie stock co NW N of NW of SCIA SE W of sec see 21 T 12 R 7 SVa wasatch satch lve stock co li of NE see 21 T 12 ra wasatch live stock co NW avi N of or N NH of NE 91 BUU sec see 22 T 12 43 4 it 11 7 wasatch live stock co S of NE sei se 22 T 12 it ra 7 wasatch live stock co r of nwe NE sec see 23 T 12 r 7 mav live stock co W ol 01 NVIA NW S sec see 23 T 12 R 7 wasatch ahe stock co all of ste 24 T 12 it R 7 GG wasatch lle lic stock co all of sic ste 25 T 12 2 R 7 wasatch live stock co W of set 2 26 6 T 12 II 11 7 2916 wasatch live stock co sn sec sop 26 T 12 II 11 7 1458 14 ga lVa wasatch satch live stock co wi 4 SW sec see 27 T 12 it 7 a wasatch lle gioi stock 1607 co a all I 1 1 of section except SW qt SW sec see 34 T 12 it R 7 wasatch ajic stock co 1 all of sec 35 T 12 II 11 7 wasatch live stock co all of sec see 36 T 12 it R 7 woods canyon camon coal co lot 4 see 5 T 13 it R 7 S J harkness Hark of NW S SW W A 0 f N NB 1 14 NW fi 0 of f SE sec see 5 T 13 it R 7 peoples coal coke co per P CASTLE GATE SCHOOL DISTRICT N NO 0 11 louis mcklev house no 2 per P A manchester house no 3 per P 11 A potts house no 6 per P 28 fronde checketts house no 12 per P C 11 31 murch house no 0 14 per P isaac pollitt bouso au no 0 16 per cerp P hy bamer house no 17 per P david dald house no 19 per P 28 wm win ilo house s no 0 23 per corp P wm house no 26 2 per cerp P sam Kt nille house no 26 per cerp 1 james cowan house no 28 perl 28 henry II ampson house no 29 per P 21 r W rudeen house ko no 34 per cerp P robert Di dicinni vinni house no 33 per P 1 AV J howard house no 35 per cerp P thos dixon house i no 0 36 per cerp P L it R U eans an iffe house no kc ii 41 per P 5 wm edan house no 42 per cerp P G D reese house no 43 per P alam alain hardee harde cioe house no ii 45 per P orson conbere Son bere house no 52 per P r 17 A alien allen house no 52 cerp 25 john house no 54 per P 17 J carlson Car laon house no 57 per P 17 jno jones biolo couro no 5 58 P per P jno oliver ho house se N no ai 82 P per P 25 geo mollard house no per P 17 roy elliot house Z no per P 17 vcra avery house no per P 94 wr s gregory house no per P 17 A burrows house no per P mike Blazak lH ls house no 14 1 per P 5 gust Zo farls hous no 14 5 per P 17 J 4 house no 15 2 per P 1 17 N dabekis Da dekis house wo no 15 3 per P 17 N Manasa dakis house no per P mike celestine Celest lne house no per P 17 gust house no per P 11 eutera liu house no per P jno ino Kal kalogerakis Kalage agerakis rakle house no IS per P j 17 geo I house no 10 per P 17 9 3 adamakis Adamak ls house no 16 1 per P 17 geo house no per P 17 frank singer house KO no 17 8 per 11 17 theros theroa house no per P 17 geo daskalakis Dai kalakis house no per P 17 antone UnI makis house no per P 1 73 7 jim petras petran house no per P 17 nick X house ko no 19 8 per P 17 mike alike X N pappas house no per P 17 joe DrI drikakis gakis house no 2 0 2 per P 17 jno Pron Proun chas house no per P 17 jno house housa k no dij barp 17 mike Verin formento ento I house no per P 2 17 73 A anav adv Xam pash house no per P 17 nick hots houe e N no per P 1 7 mike alike Ala house no 23 34 per P 1 17 7 3 mike house N per P 1 7 mike alike P Nicolo Nico demas lodeman afu hous nos per P 1201 gust house no 22 per P 1 7 J P romano Ilo manu house no per P chas Poll chronaki akil gnuse no per P 17 U TrI briganni Trip annl ganni house no per P sam cruse no 2 4 8 per P i 7 I 1 jim cantora Man lAan tora house iio no 24 per 1 P f i 7 nick ambrosa Am brosl no per P S fendo no per 3 16 P 1 72 J no 2 6 9 per P 5 is win jackson house no 2 ii per P 1 73 id d B cox house no a ai per por P f 10 3 ac jan ralth house no per P 1 73 ud hasemoto Has noto moto house no per ID 5 r juo jon mazzo house mo per P joe X Atall malino no hougo no per 11 i 73 ant atino house no per P 11 I 1 Phill philamina mina house no per P i 73 sam 11 bouso 0 o no ai per V august kanelos Kan eloB no per 11 1 71 sam Sl house no per P 17 nick johnson John non house no per P i 45 robt williams house no per P 1 81 chas has stags stagg house no per P 1 58 AV kirton couo no per P 1 72 11 II C matthews house no per P 5 16 A P Babcock House no per P S 16 wm Steen stevenson sors house no per P 1 72 13 chamberlain house no per P 1 72 12 frank teller house no per P 1 I 72 dave barnes house no per P 1 72 tom sweeney house no per P J H 11 zabell abell SS house no per P 6 99 frank Blo blondon ngon house no per 11 1 73 mike like kruly house no 0 3 5 G per P 1 73 joe romano house no per P 1 73 jno house no per P 1 7 as antone Lc dakis house no per P 1 |