Show wherein tic he commenia Com ntH tf T hi t i I 1 1 he lie editors realtor s column on or DIS Idease lalni councilman kirkpatrick I 1 is an example of the truth of tho old uld saw to the effect affect that a republican seldom resigns an office tho the two light snowfalls of the past ton days have hava been a godsend to tho the and cattle on the ranges as most of the water boles had dried up 4 the esteemed advocate has another guess and one only coming ks s to the date for filing the olec tion contest it has guessed twice and erroneously each time county treasurer ballingor ballinger expects to be so busy collecting taxes ithe the remainder of the week that he lie finds he will not bo be able to attend the tax conference in salt lake city today and tomorrow the fashion art league of america has issued a bulletin announcing that the frills and furbelows of 1830 are to be the tho fashion again it it to be ba hoped the hoop skirt and bustle are not classified as fr frills illi and furbelows of 1830 press dispatches from alamosa alamona colo anno announce that ras a former resident of county this state cashier of a bank at romeo colo is missing and that between and of the banks funds cannot be found it is rumored that in addition t to 0 two saloons which have closed their doors recently there are several more which will quit business af after ter the first of the tho year four or five saloons could make money in price but when it comes to more than a dozen some of them are bound to have bard sledding the revenue collector for the district of utah has ruled that ministers and others who perform marriage ceremonies must affix a vai va lux lax stamp to marriage certificates marriage licens licenses ts birth and death certificates do not requite require a stamp does the collector mean to insinuate that marriage leads to war the news is informed that several corporations owning property in carbon county are buying up old county warrants some of thorn them at par and turning them in on their taxes if these people are paying par for warrants it would indicate that they are going out of their way fco to embarrass em barass the county commissioners by causing a shortage of funds to conduct the ordinary business of the county but you never can tell how far the spleen of some will carry them the seventh annual session of the american mining congress held in phoenix arizona last list week passed a resolution asking that the tho government of the united states take stops steps to have tho embargo on copper shipments to neutral ports bf lift tod udby by the warring nations of europe the resolution recites that people are employed directly in the mining and smelting ting of coppering cop copper Perin in the west and that the embargo placed on da copper shipments is the cause of many of these persons being out of employment the copper mines of the united states pro i deuced last year wealth to tho the amount of according to tho tile resolution reeo rezo lution 6 the editor of the green river dispatch is after tho the city council of his ills town because tho members do not instruct the marshal to keep tramps tramp out of the tile depot at night go slow brother miller for there is no telling when any tiny of us will become homeless press dispatches from tho the east say there are many men out of work who would bo be glad to get tho the poorest kind of jobs if tho municipality will not keep these unfortunates from freezing for heavens sake do not kick when the railroad company allows them to huddle around the depot stove the L E editors di tors christmas fifty two to weeks in the year the editor of a newspaper is a machine grinding out news for his readers adors re hd ila has no regular working hours news is news and his standard is that the news belongs to his ills patrons he ile works when there is work to be done which means that he lie works all the time his mission in life is to boost along his fellow man and business 0 in general of bis his home and nearby towns this he does conscientiously and to the beat of his ability sticking to it from ni pi orning until night every daf da in the week and 52 50 weeks in the year the great majority of the editors subscriptions expire about this time of the year either in december or the first of january he looks forward to this season as his harvest the time when he will be rewarded for his years laboi if you dear reader are one whose subscription has expired or is about to expire send us your renewal now it ii is due us we have earned it and you will feel all the better for stait stat t ing out on a new year with your paper paid ahead militaristic ingratitude one ono gabrio is ill used last june he shot the austrian archduke francis ferdinand for that austria demanded that servia humble herself declaring war when the submission was not sufficiently prompt and abject russia went to the assistance of servia germany to the assistance of austria and most of europe for four months and a half has been engaged in the greatest war of history amid the tho vast destruction that flowed from Prin zips act he was incidentally as a mere drop in tho sea put on trial convicted and sen teamed to twenty years in prison that is about the samo sentence he bould have recel received ed if in an alteria tion over the change for a glass of beer ho he had killed a bartender having furnished the park spark that fired half the world ho he is shunted off to a common jail like any vulgar homicide so far as we wd gather from brief newspaper report reports of the tile trial not one of the groat great armament manufacturers facture rs for whom he provided profitable trado trade opportunities beyond their utmost dream dreamt sent so much as a fifty cent nosegay in recognition of appreciation the royal and noble youths of jereral lands who were hoping for war as a bigger more mora exhilarating game than huli hurtling ting seem to have neglected the tile humble instrument who finally 11 provided the desired amusement all the professional who were impatiently awaiting the chance for pay and glory that war affords them callously loft left him film lo 10 a straw pallet and prison faro fare if there is anything in the militarist cult gabrio hould should aurely have been given an ampie ample pension and made a count at least there may be a reason for thie this ingratitude the milito riste and armament maker makers may regard both rio and the archduke francis ferdinand as inconsequential accidents bel believing leving that as the nations continued to arm rm to talk aarand war and think war it was only a question of ti time ime until some pretext for fighting appeared sa saturday ay evening post |