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Show ZIP AND NANCY. A True Slory, HY JOtniMIINI. CIUIHCH. Xlp whs a pug dog, with ejes ns grei n as emc raids Ills rnnstnnt companion com-panion wiih a rat rilled Nanej, "lhey Ii id been slncero ri lends for over twelve jears Zip was growing donf and his ejeslght vvna beginning to full him, whllo Nancy hid lout tho mnjnrlty or her leelh nnd n rew gray hairs wero becoming notlccnliln In her sort black fur When a very small killen Nancy wis can led about bj tho dog, he gripping her llrnilj ml tho luck of tint neck In return she would wash him cis ho lij' l fine the lire stroking lilm with her little Inngue Thej nlo from the Minn dish nt meal time, nnd whatever Nancy Lad sho wlllluglj surrendered It to the dog Zip nlwnjn ran after tho cats, nnd If In lulstukn hn clinsed Nancy, he would run Intci tho house thoroughly ashamed of himself. One day a half starved-looklng starved-looklng rat appealed on tho fence. Ho was v. niching Zip nnd Nancy frolic, and looked as though ho envied them Mrs. W'cbstcr, the lady owning In and Knticy, loved nnlmaln ory much, nnd sho look pity on the staived int As tho da j was Drldaj', sho had somo llsh In the house, which sho gnvo In the eit He greedily gulped It down iB J and looked for more which he received. Vj Whin he vvna nt list iutlsucd ho real iHs I ? I'd that he hid found a good homo, 'Kv, and refused to go nvvnj Mrs Web JiW'? sler felt sorry for tho cat and decldeil 'H-a to keep him Sho had now two calfl Hy nnd i dog Tho strango cat wan K called Tom . Bl it vvna an ever to be remembered day Vj when 'loni entered that peacenbio fam ..K llj CJuarrels followed and poor Zip ,H gem rally had n niral ii nn his nose. )H given by the eer rendj cl ivv of Tom. v 'I he dog vvna very much nfrald orthli ,iH new cat nnd avoided htm wheneverlt .H was possible At list VIp died from "H old nge He went In bin cosy llttlo SH bed one nttjit nnd never woke- again. I Tom seemed glad to bo rid of tho dog, '-liaaal but I nor Nancy worried all tho time. " She would ent nolhlnn, nnd vvni slowly rH djlng from sorrow A llttlo grave wan iH dug In the back of the jnrd and Zip H wnn lild there to rest Nancy often fH stole out nnd liy down beside thn llttlo IH One diy Mrs Webster could not find Pfl Nancy In the house, nnd went Into tho VH biik jnrd to look for her There, by 'tmM Zips resting place, Nancy had TjH stretched herself nnd died Ihit day-SM another grave was dug for Nanry, and '-H there she nnd lp rest together. Tom seems very much Hatlsllcd, and l ,jH monarch or the household. iiiifl |