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Show BLACK HAWK VETERANS. "" Arrangements and Committees for Their Cnmpftre Next August. Sprlngvllle. March s The meeting of the council of administration or the Association As-sociation nf Veterans of Hlark Hawk War of Utah counts met nt thn clt hall hue nt It) a in this morning to make ar. rangemrnts ror holding their lenlh nn-nual nn-nual midsummer oimpilre Kver town In the count) was represented The first business nr the meeting was th election or officers of the nssoilitlon for tho ensuing enr Ihe rollovvlng onl cers wen elected Commmder, I M Uestwooil. nsrlstant vice cninniander. (le.irge Harrison assistant adjutant gen. eral, T A Hrovin assistant uuiiilertnus. ter-general A II llarmer. chaplain Jl 1. Prutt, iouiuii of adinlnlslraifon, John T'.,-nl"'r. .Hofcee Parror. Samuel Taj lor The elclegites to Ihe meeting wer l.ihl. Samuel rajl'r s.wal A nrovvn, l till ti-ll im Hone PI nsnnl drove Itobert I'ob-blv, I'ob-blv, Bamtirl Vilnius Vmerlcan Pork, lil King. Nsnla fhrlstens. n Henrj Miller. Provo Wllllnm Piobert (leorae Bnum (leorge P.v.ins O.oig, .iron. Sprlngvllle, Albert II Itsrm.r Waller Wheeler, It T rtljnchard Henrv ltn)lntiee, Bpanlsh Fork, John lloherteon (ieorge tllcks, Pajson. John Tanner loseph Whllemnn, John l" Berls Sal. m S r funis I It Penrco, (losheii, Hans Jnsptrsnn, Itobert Ourlev John I, Jenkins, Bantniuln, Ch ster Msonge-r There was a spirited contest between Iahl, Provo and Bpanlsh Pork ror the camp, but I ehl came off victorious b a hnndavne msjorlts. uiul the cnmpllre will U held In that clt en August bth, J th 21st and ."2nd The committee ilecldnl to hold the ciimpflre fuir elava tills vear instead of l)iree as heretoror. It was also decided n the committee to give a one ds ex. elusion to some rcorl some time In June, nnd I M West won I O.nrge Harrison T A Jlrnvvn V II llirmer Valti r YV heeler heel-er II T ni.eluhaid Henrv llnlanca all or Sprlngvllle were a pointed as a ipe. clal committee lo innk irrangemsnts tor the. above named excun n and the committeemen com-mitteemen of administration In the other towns were reo.ii.sted to ssslst the coni-mltteee coni-mltteee In working up the exctirsinn In their respective towns rh. usual mm-jnlttees mm-jnlttees on programme must iroinels etc were appointed for the annual campflre and 11 Hrlggs, M P Pratt and f w estwooil vvcic appointed as IrlllmaBte-rs for th three dev drills |