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Show HAPPENINGS IN WYOMING. Judge Hramel returned to Chejenns from easier last nlgl t It Is understood ho will refuse to aund Charles Wood-war Wood-war I s sentence John arson Lewis lllbalt and herl-dan herl-dan Downev have been BOecie.1 to lenre-sent lenre-sent th" Inberslt) of VVvomlng In the Intircollegiite i ham with the I'nlvelslty of Denver will, h onuis April J5th Attoniev J 1 Norton and bis bonds, nun ried I I ul'.iali haia returned to (heienne from Denver Norton has se. uired some Denvrr friends to go on his bonl and la Push will bo n leased from risponslhilll) I rof Unerv of the agrloult iral department depart-ment of the Xplieralt of Wjomlng will londiut experlRH nts with tattle und luis. s as well us sheep no as lo learn trv l'i thl '2!"','1''"1" of tho 10-k Indus Snovy has bem falling stealllv fer tha pust three days In the vlrlnltv of Harato at la the mountains u h aevrn feet leep It Is sail that thlrtj fei 0f snow of tho Medlilne How mountains .. "iimlnsnt t heienno business msn arrtiin home fiom I uaiier reports there Is no ill kir of i ountv Attornej Duller who has troiuht suit f,r d images UK, mat I , of th eadlng tllltens of "a-trn "a-trn i muni! bMug roughly luiudled Ihe l rk f ihe LU.trit eouit at Ijrs-'.1'Hh.1ie,T Ijrs-'.1'Hh.1ie,T "'"I", "" 1UI," Can" it Wan. irr it 12". in tnonei and a sll-vor sll-vor Wiitih b linglng to the lata Donato I inutl iliu Italian lalorer who was D . mber V i' "" " th" ",glu ot iJL7'.'i!;l,on! m."'l' '' hov nne ehom. lets of the iu tinu of Ih etns ol toma-t toma-t l r iitht la from l halk Bluffs Colo b Haiihtnmi Jc tin Uoyk show that tHr i w a the i u n lacto: In Ih. ians b i p i iib a l srl to 1 t ( it (11 ' ' ' I' II. of bo I 1 II r t ti- i i i i p f ,, i it li- .rt ,',!. r n' a a e e i II ir i ene 'n .i'vali. and the Grand 1 ncampment mining dls-tri dls-tri t thla sumnr-r . Xt ( hejenne ountv Attorney Stoii ren-deicd ren-deicd an opinion to th effect that the iojnt cannot restrict the cltv In the mstter of givntlng II Uor licenses The Xllirney holds that the cit Is supreme within Its llmlls and the county has no authority to interfrre W P Ora a boatawaln a mate on th I nlld States ship Solace en route with 116 comrades fr m Snn Pranclsco to Ho boken N J , Jumpel from a moving train at Medicine Flow und waa badl Injured about the head II' was suffering from delirium tremens |