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Show At the North Beck property, to the north of Eureku, Utah, development work Is confined to the 1600 level, where two drifts are being driven. - During tha past three months seven leasers In the Pioehe, Nev., district, have ceased operations owing to the increased cost of mining and lower metal prices. . .. Mines of the Park City district Increased In-creased their output from a total of 1605 tons for the previous week to a total of 2137 tons for the week ending November 26. The small hoist, which has been In use since shaft work was started some months ago at the Lehl-Tintic, reached its limit last week, but a larger one Is being Installed. .. Diamond drilling will be commenced at the property of the Ryepatch Mines company, situated about four miles from the Ryepatch station, Nev., oq the Southern Pacific. In a suit brought against Charles Peters, et al., In the federal district court at Boise, Idaho, by William Klein, et al., unscrupulous and Illegal dealing in mining stocks Is alleged. Stockholders of the Prince Consolidated Consoli-dated Mining and Smelting company are called to a special meeting on December 11 to consider means of financing the work of exploration be. low water lovel. A vein of gold and silver ore measuring measur-ing eight feet in width, including two feet of rich talc, has been opened by Charley Williams on his property three miles north of Silverton, Nev., according to the Ely Daily Times. The Mingo Chief Mining company, owning a group of claims at the head of the Nine Mile canyon, In Idaho, of which John Van Dorn of Spokane is president and manager, recently con tracted for fifty feet of additional tunnel work. That Arrowhead has a bright future and Its mines may be very productive , is the opinion of Ely, Nev., mining ' men. The property has produced in past years upwards of $1,000,000, and ; has a shaft down more than 300 feet.: Ore from there recently gave values , of 130 ounces In silver. Ray Consolidated Copper company reports for quarter ended September 30, 1920, operating loss of $113,519 and deficit after dividends of $-140,443, against total net incomo of $387,255, or' 24 cents a share lr I receding quarter quar-ter and $932,147, or 59 merits a share In corresponding quarter of 1019. The West Virginia bureau of mines, which Is credited by experts with the best equipment lu the country fir rescuing ..entombed miners, has just added to Its outfit fowViot work three new pieces of appnratus-a geophoue, a carbon monoxide " detector and a brass-encased thermometer. Development at the Argjie Silver Mines property Is proceeding under most promising conditions, according to the report of the manager, says a Butte dispatch. In the two headings which are being driven from the bottom- of the Argyle shaft mineralization mineraliza-tion of a most encouraging nature has beert encountered. The No. 2 shaft of the Chief Consolidated Con-solidated mine, Tintlc district, which was started about two years ago, has been . completed. The original plans called for sinking the snaft to the water level and wlkile Its present depth 1009 feet, has not taken It Into the water, it is undoubtedly quite near the permanent water level. "Aluminum is the metal of our age," says Lay Jeffries of Cleveland. "A generation ago it was classed .as a rare metal, bu. now, due to the research and investigations, of engineers, engin-eers, we have alloys which equal mild steel In strength, at the same time preserving pre-serving the most wonderful property of aluminum, Its lightness." Production of the mines in the Tintlc Tin-tlc district during the week ending November 20, Increased from a total of 153 carloads for the week ending November 19 to a total of 173 carload. Tintlc Standard, with a total of forty-seven forty-seven carloads of ore; Chief Consoll- dated, witli forty-ono, and Dragon, with eighteen carloads, were the heaviest shippers. The Judge Allied mines at Park City now include the Judge, the Dnly West, the Park-Utah and the Duly; and, while the shipments under the caption cap-tion of "the Judge mines" have been comparatively small of late, It Is not because there Is not plenty of ore to narket, but becuuse of the Insufficient Insuffi-cient facilities of the ore-hauling contractors. con-tractors. Announcement Is made that the oil shales of California will be developed by substantial eastern Interests. The site chosen for these activities Is In the vicinity of the Santa Maria and Casmalia oil fields In Santa. Barbara county. Experiments have been under way with California shales for some time, and It Is believed that the shales of this state can be treated as easily and profitably as the Colorado and Utah deposits. A vexatious problem confronts the large copper producers whether to curtail output still more and thus further Increase the unit cost of output out-put or shut down altogether, says ths Boston News Bureau. The latter also Is a costly procedure. , For qutuJer ended September 30, 1920, Cliluo Copper company reports net operating income of $108,783, equivalent to 13 ceuts a share, against 330,152, or 37 cents a share in the preceding quarter, and $702,384, or 81 cents a share in the corresponding luarter of 1919. |