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Show LEAGUE APPROVES THE MANDATE PLAN PERMANENT BODY OF NINE NATIONS TO BE CHOSEN BY THE COUNCIL. Four Mandatory and Five Non-Mandatory Powers to Have Representation. Repre-sentation. Commission to Meet Once a Year. ' Geneva. The council of the league of nations on November 29, approved the final draft of the project for the permanent mandates commission, definitely defi-nitely accepting the tentative proposal to have the commission comprise five non-mandatory and four" mandatory powers. It was decided that all the members be chosen, by the council. The permanent commission, it is forecast, will Drobabiv meet once a year at Geneva and review the administration admin-istration of the mandate holding countries. coun-tries. Detailed rules' for the commission also were ratified. ' The council did not consider the proposed invitation to the United States for its participation in the discussion dis-cussion over disarmament. . The committee on the admission of new members finally,, agreed that it Is impossible to admit now the new states carved out of old Russian territory. terri-tory. The theory of the committee is i jtfeat -these siat.es wJU-avontwiy form Tfart of a new Russian 'confederation, entirely changing their present status. The committee will recommend, however, how-ever, that, while these states are not admitted to full membership, their delegates shall be allowed to sit in the assembly in a consulting capacity without the right to vote. Among the important questions which will come before the assembly this week Is the question of admitting Austria and Iiiilnria to the league ol nations. Despite the strong opposition of Serbia, Rumania and Greece to the granting of membership to Bulgaria at tills time, a large majority of the delegates dele-gates seem in favor of taking that step, There is virtually no opposition In the case of Austria, the application oJ which probably will be favorably acted upon In a few days. |