Show Trust com com- ZIons ZIon's Savings s Bank and Main stroM opens open more 1 No hn pain b U n. n a a. y I ar HL Have o V YuU u u uSi Si 3 gs a. a acUtt count It riot not urt ore ant ff fozi you 2 w wish w h 0 z to J or ien ent eal i Estate oC t your Wants in n uhe Republican can kan f Classified FOR SALE-REAL SALE ESTATE 1250 N Neasy CASH cas' cas easy monthly BUYS One of or tho those e room l brick cottages collages lot Jot feet I r. r of or w. w on Blair avenue be between be- be tween Slit and South HO HOMER IER St St. ROBERTSON Deseret National Bank Banle First South and Main Streets MARTINEAU CLARK Real r Estate and Stocks If you want the earth carth see sec us and Herald Blk Both phones IF you ou wish to buy or sell a business see NeWcomb If Jr its it's real estate sec Perkins mana manager er Newcomb's R. R E. E Dept w. w 2nd So R. R n. n 7 both phones SALT LAKE CITY REAL ESTATE bought and sold Union Pacific R. R R. R lands Utah and Y Wyo o E. E J J. J Wills 15 IG W. W 2nd nd So Room 29 9 MARIGER NO 40 E SO SOr WILL sell soil your property not long to watt wait AT LESS THAN MARKET VALUE by owner room 7 brick modern corner lot also room 4 brick modern modern mod mod- ern easy casy terms Apply at 77 1 East Seventh South street ACRE FARM ON COTTONwood COTTONwood COTTONwood COTTON- COTTON wood GO 60 acres In choice bearing I fruit 73 hours hours' water right three 3 houses two Iwo 2 teams learns farm Implements ments etc Will Ill sell whole or part to suit take lake city propertY properly in ex ex- change Thompson Real Estate Company Company Com Corn pany 63 W. W Yo Second South UNION n REAL AL ESTATE ESTArE BUILDING Investment Co It It will pay you OU to see them for homes on the lii In- In plan 63 GS' GS w. w Second South RAl-CK RAl REAL ESTATE INVESTment INVESTment INVEST- INVEST ment Co can fit you OU out with anything anything any any- thing in lii the real estate line Suite 32 D. D F. F Walker Block FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS SALE FOR SALE SALE Finest Finest mandolin In the United States also tine fine lot of or music Can be had at a bargain Inquire J. J H. H Berr Berry Mountain Inter Republican composing room after 7 p. p in m COU COUNTER TER DRAUGHT SODA FOUNtain FOUN- FOUN tain and arid fixtures for or sale cheap J. J F. F Whittemore 66 W. W r. 2nd nd So Phones SECOND HAND AND PIPES PIP for tor sale Utah Junk Co 63 East Enst Eighth South Tel OLD NEWSPAPERS He PER HUN- HUN dred Apply Mountain Inter-Mountain lican SEVERAL GOOD WORK HORSES HORSE wagons and buggies So State street t. t GREAT WESTERN IRON mON 8 METAL CO HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON metals rubbers rags bottles beeswax beeswax bees bees- wax hides and pelts pelt No to lo So First West Wesl Phones Ind md 1821 Bell 2429 Old machinery a specialty bought and sold second secondhand secondhand hand pipes and arid raU rails for sale FOR RENT-FURNISHED RENT FURNISHED ROOMS IS FOR LIGHT LIGHT- hou housekeeping Jl JI Church St. St be between between be- be tween Main and arid State Stale off ocr Ith South ONE LARGE LAnGE FURNISHED BEDroom BEDroom BEDroom BED- BED room at 39 Bridport breal breakfast ra t furnished if It desired 7 MOD BR 1ST ST ST. A nice homo home for the rl right ht party HOUSTON REAL REAT ESTATE INVESTMENT INVESTMENT INVEST INVEST- MENT CO Fones 27 So Main 1 NICELY furnished three-room three flat flat flat- Rooms for fOl rent furniture for salo sale Best location In the city a bargain barg-aln cash or or terms rent very cheap In Inquire In- In quire quiro J. J II II H. Borry Berry Mountain Inter Republican Re Ito- te- te publican composing room after aHe 7 p. p m m. NEWLY NEWL Y FURNISHED ROOM WITH board modern house suitable for Cor two gentlemen n or man and wife wite E. E Fourth South FURNISHED ROOMS TIlE THE RAMONA RAMONA IONA Everything new and und modern S S. S Second East FOR SALE-HOTEL SALE FIXTURES CONTENTS OF OP THE fUE MILLER l Hotel No State Stale street 65 rooms dining room arid and kitchen one new range ranle one large Jarge ice box will sell ell whole or 01 part now open for Cor hl bids If Ir not sold by hy May 7 will bo be sold at ut public auction HELP WANTED WANTED MALE MALE WANTED BOY BOY WITH WHEEL A AT Nr ATThe The I Mountain Inter n ter- ter terM M u u n tal a I Republican I e pu hI lean office JANITOR WANTED WANTED APPLY APPLY McCornick building building- Experienced man only A MARBLE POLISHER A AT ELLIAS Morris 1 Sons Son CoAr Co AT Ar ONCE OFFICE BOY MUST MUS' BE quiet quid and reliable Apply at InterMountaIn Inter Inter- Mountain Republican n A FIR FIRST FIRT 1 CLASS P TC I INquire IN- IN quire quiro at S S S. S Seventh Ea East t. t PT PU S E EMPLOYMENT pOl rE T headquarters for fr Or mine rom sm smelter and railroad laborers laborer hOtel help 15 V W. Second South Bell Tel MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN barber trade wages wa while learning burning s n ua Mol 1 ia ColIt ColleS Col- Col It leS o 6 6 E East t First South St. St WANTED ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND D furniture carpets carpels stoves ran ranges es bicycles etc ulc Stat Star Furniture Co So State street Bell Dell phone BALED DALED HAY IN CAR LOADS HARvcy HARvey HAR HAR- ve vey Co W. W So Temple WANTED FURNISHED SMALL house or rooms for light housekeep housekeep- ing Address P P. O. O Box HIGHEST PRICE PAID J. J FOR OR HIDES pelts scrap-iron scrap old rubbers rags rag bottles copper brass et Utah Junk Co 63 E. E Eighth Eig South Tel TeJ A LITTLE GIRL TO RAISE A GOOD home reference if It wanted Apply to S. S State or phone Bell NATIONAL CASH REGISTER WILL pay cash P. P O. O Box ASSAYERS CRISMON NICHOLS ASSAYERS and chemists removed to So West Temple J. J ASSAYER 46 RICHards RICH RICH- ards arde St. St W. W II IL TREMAYNE ASSAYER OVer OV- OV OVer OVer er Main St. St Salt Lake City Utah Ulah Mall Mail samples receive prompt attention BATHS AND MASSAGE ELITE PARLORS PARLORS NEWLY NEWLY OPEN OPEN- cd Baths massage manicuring shampooing for Cor ladles ladies and gentlemen experienced operators 9 8 Constitution Blk BIk Kraft and arid Bell Dell Phone BUY SELLING BUYING SELLI NG-SELLI NG ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND SECOND CLOTH- CLOTH log ing trunks valises best prices paid 28 Com Corn street Reply b by postal card Phone MAIL ORDER HOUSE THE BEE HIVE 71 E E. E SO John F F. Peterson Mgr Mens Men's clothes and underwear to order BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD DOARD AND D ROOM VERY REA- REA E. E Fourth South CARPENTER AND JOINER I E. E N. N H RACE REAR REAn 23 W. W SECOND South Ind hid A. A L. L HAMLIN REAR nEAR S. S MAIN Ind md fono forro 1421 1 residence 2576 CHINk CHINA DECORATIONS ORDER WORK VORK A SPECIALTY FIRIng FIRing FIR FIR- Ing done loire also special class for beginners beginners be be- Inners Saturdays Mrs l H H. S. S and Miss J Stella Daynes 36 Hooper Block CARD READING MRS FORDYCE So Second East CARPET CLEANING FLUFF RUG WORKS YORKS W. W S. S I Temple Both phones CEMENT CONTRACTOR J J. J T. T GOUGH Jj CULLEY AVE Phone Bell est Fori Forrest Walks alks a specialty t CHIROPRACTIC A SURE AND LASTING CURE FOR rheumatism and any l kind kinI of or sick sick- ness Chiropractic Cure Curo Co 6 61 64 i West Second South COAL AND KINDLING A A. L. L HALSETT E. E 3RD SO Bell 2407 2197 CLEANING AND DYEING TIlE THE ORIENTAL CLEANING CO East 2nd South lIeu Bell 1003 UTAH STEAM DYE WORKS GO GG E. E Third South Telephone 1165 V. Y CLEANING ST. ST ELMO CLEANING COMPANY COMPANY- 69 GJ E. E 2nd So Ho Tel 2186 s. DETECTIVES VEST WESTERN VESTERN RN DETECTIVE AG AGENCY NCY Private detective services rendered b by ratable and Id experienced men 3 38 S- S 3 9 D. D I F Walker block Salt Sail Luke Lake City Cily Utah Phone 1834 Iud hid DRESSMAKING FOR FOn FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING DRESSl and tailor made suits call and see co us La Mode Dr Dressmaking hll Parlors 39 E. E 3rd South Bell phone 1 LADIES LADIES' TAILOR TAILOR- TAILOR MADE SUITS AND ANDall ANDall all classes of QC dressmaking Prices rea Mrs Cowdin 1 Constitution Bell tullon Phone Ind md 2122 2422 2528 X DRESSMAKING AT TH TIlE THE TEMpleton TEMpleton TEM TEM- shirt waist suits and tailor tailor- made suits Miss bUss Sloan from Boston Mass I LD LADIES FOR OR GOOD QUICK NEAT dr s kIH see so ne n.e. low levi rates 3 t t. to introduce l tod m myc Mrs Williams V Z 51 S lt FLORISTS ERNEST A. A LAMBOURNE LJ FLORAL Co No 8 S South Main with Willes- Willes ivro bru oral Fur work ork ork and decora g our specialty pc CABINET MAKERS HARRIS CRAIG CABINET MAKers MAK- MAK ers o office and store fixtures artistic wood turning and brackets West rest South Temple street Salt Lake City ELECTRO DERMATOLOGIST HAIR MOLES BIRTHMARKS ARKS freckles red reel spots all imperfections of ot the skin permanently removed by electric needles Miss Small Templeton ELOCUTION ELOCUTION ORATORY DRAMATIc Ic Art Ph Physical Culture Fancy Fanc Dancing Mr and Mrs John Milton Studio room Com Club EDUCATIONAL GATRELL'S UNIQUE SCHOOL OF Shorthand and Typewriting Hooper building FOUNDRY STOVE REPAIRS REPAIRS' G. G D. D LOVETT ALL MAKES MARES RE- RE paired Foundry 44 H N. N West Phone 2304 GOWNS MRS S. S T. T BENEDICT DRESS MAKIng MAKing MAK- MAK Ing Parlors Templeton HAT FACTORY HATS CLEANED BLOCKED AND repaired Utah Hat Factory So Main Ind md 1339 I HARPERS METHOD MISS JENNIE SLOAN OF NEW NEV NEWYork NEWYork York has opened parlors at GOG Templeton Blk Blk Introducing Introducing- the HarJer Harper Har lIar per Jer method of oC shampooing scientific scalp treatment and manicuring manicuring- HOME BUILDERS THE GUARANTEED HOME Co Homes built on easy payments 15 16 per cent down and monthly In- In of 10 per 1000 Loss than rent Will rm buy for tor cash any vacant property properly in the city 66 GG W. W Second South Both Bolh phones HOME COOKING LUNCHES PUT IUT UP UI MEALS SERVED SERVER I 1 Mrs l M. M A A. W. W South Temple HOUSE CLEANING THE HOME IE HOUSE CLEANING CO COWe COe We e clean everything Carpets Vall Wall Paper Papel Furniture etc to suit sul our om patrons So State Stale Street Ind md phone 1293 ICE CREAM TIlE THE KEELEY CO PURE ICE and sherbets prompt dell er cry ery 26 G Richards street Both phones KEY FITTING LOCKSMITH KNUDSON NOV NOVELTY MFG CO Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sharp ned Keys Ke s 's Bicycles DIc Bi DI- c cycles and Gun repairing lOG 1053 Yo E. E 2nd So Bell Dell Phone 1 THE rilE STAR STAB NOVELTY AND In REPAIR PAIR Works Yorks 1 W. W V. V Second South WM Wl F. F MAIN 25 W. W SOUTH TEM TEM- plc pic Ind 1781 W. W H. H CLAYTON W. W FIRST SO LAUNDRY FINE LAUNDRY Tn WORK VORK DONE BY hand by a ft L reliable woman lace laco curtains cur cur- cur I a specialty Bell Tel Forrest SOX I FRENCH HAND LAU LAUNDRY DRY E. E Third South Ind Tel 2477 LOANS I ISTAR STAR LOAN CO 7 ATLAS BLK An Any salaried or wage- wage earner carner can n got get just on his note Monthly Semi-Monthly Semi Weekly 30 20 5 35 10 Or an any other sum and pay back In proportion DONT DON'T BORROW BORnOW TROUBLE BORrow BORrow BORrow BOR- BOR row mone money Salaried men or women wom worn en cn accommodated on their note without mortgage O or endorser Easy payments a Confidential Cherry Cherr D D. F. F Walker Volker building TILE THE STRINGER CO 70 W. W 2ND ND SO Oldest company in Utah Ulah Loan on on any property You retain possession MASSAGE E MRS SWEDISH MASsage MAS- MAS sage room Pearl Avenue Bell Dell phone 2944 MANICURING MISS MINNIE BICKFORD ELECtriC ELECtric ELEC- ELEC massage maO end anti nc sham sham- p poAia for or ld s and gentlemen D F. F W Walker building S Salt lt I Lake ke City Bell 3 phone 1713 1712 z I MEDICINES S- S BY MAIL MAIL M MAIL A I LOR ORDERS D E R S PROMPTLY Y filled rubber goods r a specie d- d IJ 11 b S. S al M dd l hv 4 C. C ll 11 Hi W. W Sec Second tC- tC ond South uth Salt Lake Cit City PROFESSIONAL ONAL ATTORNEYS Debts collected anywhere no fee tee unless successful correspondence solicited so- so cited and answered promptly PHOENIX LAW ASSOCIATION Dooly Block Hiram E. E Booth E. E O. O Lee Lc BOOTH AND LEE Attorneys and Counselors Auerbach Building Telephone Ben L. L Rich Attorney Notary Public Boll Bell Telephone Office Residence Z 1289 Z I FRANK B. B SCOTT La Lawyer wyer 7 D. D F. F Walker Building OPTICIANS ALEXANDER OPTICAL CO ANY ANT lens duplicated 2 1 Atlas block MEDICAL Office Hours 1 to 4 and 6 5 to S S. p. p m m. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD DR WALLACE Botanical Treatment W. W South Temple Salt Lake City Utah Ulah Piles removed without knife DR JOHNSON Specialist for tor Rectal Diseases removes removes re ra re- re moves mO plIes piles and external cancers without knife v. v S S. S Main 1 Street Salt Lake City PAINLESS DENTISTRY DENTISTRY Teeth Teeth cx ex- trading without pain or no pay Boston Dental Parlor Main st. st sLover over Penn Penny Arcade OSTEOPATHY MRS GRACE STRATTON paUl Constitution Phone Phon Bell 25 2528 8 1 K M. M MCDOWELL OSTEOPATH 1 12 Scott Strevell Phones 1796 K Rca Res 1499 K I. I R. R PARSONS D. D DO O. O M. M D. D 4 Auerbach Blk Phones Ind md 1721 Boll Bell ell 1120 V. MOTHERS' MOTHERS ATTENTION THE TIlE FARGO RANCH DAIRY URY D WILL furnish you ou milk for tor or your our bab baby from the samo same cow every day Address Address Address Ad Ad- dress Box 1 9 MONUMENTS AND TOMBS PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR DECoration DECoration DEC- DEC oration Day Robert Dover er 73 W. W v Temple I MIDWIFE MRS LIZZIE GEISLER W. W 3RD North private home homo for tor confinement confine confine- I ml mint ment nt cases Bell phone K I II I I PALMISTRY MADAME tE SCHNEIDER THE TIlE NOTed NOT- NOT NOTed NOTed ed psychic palmist and card reader past present and future revealed Call or write tile W. W 3rd South PLUM PLUMBERS B ERSI ERSKINE BROTHERS PLUMBERS steam and gas fitters Telephone 1661 63 53 W. W First South street Terms cash PR PRINTING STAR PRINTING G CO COMPANY BOOK and Job printing Book binding binding- and paper ruling SOS State Slate street Telephone Telephone Tele Tele- phone V. 1064 Y RUPTURES CURED RUPTURE CURED WITHOUT MEDIcine MEDIcine MEDicine MED- MED or knife Dr Wallace West rest South Temple STEAM CARPET CLEANING S. S L. L STEAM CARPET CLEANING works cold blast feather Ceather renovating ing work g guaranteed 1 Cor West and So Temple Emyr Eynon Enon Bell Dell Tel 2019 Ind md 1110 SCAVENGER CITY SCAVENGER CO 13 E. E So Phones Dell Boll Z 2346 Ind had SECOND-HAND SECOND FURNITURE BOUGHT nOUGHT SOLD AND EXCHANGED O. O K Furniture Co So State Slate I SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS ALL KINDS AT BAILEY DAILEY SONS Seed Secil store store- 63 E. E 2nd So Both Fones SHOES FOR DEFORMED FEET SOLID COMFORT CO FOR THE TIlE HARD to lit fit Special cast made Scientific shoe hoe making Gus P. P Olsen Olson S. S State Stator SPI SPIRITUALISTS MRS IRS HARRIET FONTYN TRANCE CE medium Spiritual meetings Sunda Sunday Sun- Sun da day ay and Thursday S 8 p. p m. m 67 So West Vest Temple street Direct treeL TAILORS II 11 I. I F. F CLARK lit lIti W. W So Temple NEW EW GOODS JUST GOODS JUST RECEIVED A Afine fino fine line of English goods Sulla from rom 1800 up Suits pressed SOc II GORRIE 26 W. W Third South N. N P. P ANDERSON 24 E. E SO TEMple TEM- TEM TEMple TEMplo plo St St. Low prices good bood work Bell phone 2221 WM J. J GRACIE WEST SO Temple p UMBRELLAS UMBRELLAS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS' MADE fADE AND COVERED SALE LAKE Umbrella Works Yorks E. E First South U UPHOLSTERING PH 0 LSTER I NG J. J H. H IIA HANCOCK COCK So State Bell WALLPAPER CLEANING T. T 1 On ORTON ON E. E 3RD ORD SO KAPLAN HOUSE CLEANING CO Rooms 1 up satisfaction guaran guaran- teed Main both phones V. 1866 9 Read this Ad three times ime ada after I IDS t v w A Orders rd received by TELEPHONE delivered WALLAC I L 1 iii 4 twp Four fast through daily trains to toCh Ch Chicago and au the th East as over the only cl double uble track railway between the Missouri River and Chicago the route of the famous electric lighted Overland Limited and Los Angeles Limited and of the China Japan Fast Mail rail and Eastern Express Splendid Equipment Fast Schedules The j Best of Everything Direct connections at Omaha for tn P Minn a Q via the he electric lighted trains of The NorthWestern NorthWestern North- North r Western |