Show BOTH H un Call qu 31 JO either elthe phone to get gel The Inter Republican iny Un tie dc- advertising or fe ili I I I L ARE YOU WANTING REsulTS RESULTS RESU F II I S MI iMM a Bi YOU WILL GET THEM QUICKEST BY ADVERTISING IN THESE COLUMNS I WERE WE'RE NOT AFRAID TO HAVE YOU PRO yE E IT Eon FOR I SALE F REAL IJ ESTATE FRUIT FARM On ith h I E E. near So about C acres mostly in fruit Rood good G room house hous barns and outhouse Ample wat water rater r. r Fruit trees iree are in perfect condition I WILSON SHERMAN COMPANY 52 2 W. W Second South RA RACK CK REAL HEAl ESTATE AND IN- IN nt Co Oan an fit It you OU out with anYthing any anY- thing In the real estate line Suite 23 D. D I F. F Walker block e. e MARTINEAU AND CLARK Real Estate and Stocks Stock If It you OU want the eurth earth see us ua antI and Herald block Doth Both phones phone SALT LAKE LAII CITY REAL RIAL ESTATE bou bought ht and sold oId Union Pacific R.R. R. R R. R lands Utah and ond Wyo 0 E. E J. J Wills 15 W. W p. So Room MARIGER NO 40 E. E SO WILL sell our property not long to walt wait UNION REAL HEAl ESTATE BUILDING and Investment Co It It will pay you to tos s see see e them for or homes on the Installment plan J 3 W. W Second South FOK FOl SAI SALE MISCELLANEOUS E COUNTER DRAUGHT SODA SOVA FOUN- FOUN thin and fixtures for foa sole sale cheap ap J J. J F F. Whittemore CC CG W. W v. v So Phones SECOND-HAND SECOND RAILS AND PIPES PIPI S for sale Utah Junk Co 63 Fast East Eighth South Tel 29 9 OLD Not NEWSPAPERS HS iSo PI PER PElt H HUN- HUN dred Apply I Mountain Inter Lain Republican SI SEVERAL GOOD WORK HORSES S wagons and buggies L 13 3 So State Stale st. st t. t GHI GREAT T WESTERN IRON AND METAL CO HIGHEST RIChEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON InON metals rubbers rags rage bottles beeswax hides anti and pelt pelts No 23 to 2 O So First West Sest Phones Ind md Dell Deli Z Old machinery a specially bought and anti sold second hand pipes lII's and rails for tor sale HELP hELL P WANTED MALE LIVE JAVE ENERGETIC TRUSTWORTHY men to represent nt Mountain Inter lican Apply lly Circulation V Dept between 10 and 11 U a a. a m. m MEN IEN AND WOMEN TO JI LEARN HN BAR BAIt ber her trade c caKe age aKe while learning lions furnished Moler's Ioler's College Ih East First South st st. HELP W W ANTEI FEMALE J E EGIHL GIRL GIHL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK three In family Inquire l Fifth st st. EXPERIENCED h LA LADY IY STENOGRApher pher apply appl own handwriting stating salary wante wanted C C. S. S Martin mall box boc ro FOR FOn RENT nEXT FURNISHED S PLEASANT NT ROOMS BEAUTIFUL lawn JAwn excellent board at tho the Woodbine Ji North Main IaIn FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping 2 Church Church st. st bet het Main and State Slate ore oft Uh ith So ONE OlE LARGE TARGE FURNISHED BEDroom BED BED- room at MS 9 breakfast furnished If It desired FURNISHED BOOMS S THE fItE RAMONA EVERYTHING RA NEW arid and modern 13 South Second East Enst I FOn FOH KENT HENr UNFURNISHED FOUR FOUn STRICTLY MODERN I So 3rd East WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY STENO STENO- at once Apply for or test between JO 10 anti and 12 a. a m at Office Inter Mountain WANTED TO BUY DUY MANS MAN'S SADDLE must be lie cheap Tel Dell 22 ALL ALI KINDS OF OP SECOND HAND I D FUR FUR- alLure Star Furniture 11 11 C Co 31 S So State Ste st. st Bell Dell HIGHEST ST PRICK PAID FOR HIDES BIDES pelts scrap Iron Iroll old rubbers rags ras botT hot hot- tip copper r. r brass T brass etc tc Utah h Junk Co 63 E. E Eighth South Tel A LITTLE GIRL GUlL TO RAISE BAISE A GOOD home homp reference If wanted Apply to 2 S. S State or Roll lIeu X l CRISMON AND NICHOLS ASSAY- ASSAY rs rs rind and chemists removed to lo 29 So West Vest Temple J. J ASSA ASSAYER YIn 46 RICh RICh- aids st. st W. W W II II TREMAYNE ASSA ASSAYER OVER HI 14 Main st. st Salt Silt Lake City Cily Utah Ulah Mall samples receive e prompt attention I BUYING BUYING UYI SEI G-SEI I ALL ALI KINDS SECOND-HAND SECOND CLOTh CLOTh- ng n ng trunks vali os bost prices paid Com Corn st st. ply Re-ply by postal posta card Phone TI lEn A AND iNh J E E. N. N RACE HACE REAR HEAU 23 W. W SECOND South Ind md wI GI A A. 1 L. L HAMLIN JIA REAR HEAR 2 S S. S MAIN IAIN Ind lull phone 1121 residence 29 CHINA CHIN DECORATIONS ORDER WORK A SPECIALTY FIR- FIR I n ng done a also 1110 special class for beginner Saturdays Mrs Mr- Ir II S. S and Miss Stella Stehla Dano SC 6 Hooper block CARl O. HE MRS FORDYCE 49 So Second East i CLEANING I B. B AND XU PRESSING I CLOTHES LEANED CLEANED AND PRESSED D ti n. n l month York Work called all 1 for and de tIe- livered Templeton Cleaning Co l lbS S E E. 2nd nd So Both Doth llao CLEANING AND XI DYEING UTAH STEAM l DYE WORKS E. E Third South Telephone y C. CL CLEANING I FLUFF P RUG WORKS W. W S. S TE TEM TEM- I- I pIe Ille Both phones CLEANING ST. ST ET ELMO IO CLEANING CO E. E d 20 o. o Tel ATTORNEYS Ills Hiram E. E Booth E. E Q O. Lc Lee BOOTh AND D LEE Attorneys and Counselors Auerbach Building Telephone 47 17 Benjamin I I. 14 Rich Alty Atty Notary Public I OPTICIANS OPTICIANS' ALI ALEXANDER XANDER OPTICAL CO ANY AN lens duplicated 2 1 Atlas block MEDICAL Plies Piles remo e removed without knife DR JOHNSON Sp Specialist for Rectal Diseases le Removes Remo 3 plies piles and external cancer without knife S. S Main Street Salt Sail Lake City Cily OSTEOPATHY MRS GRACE GHACE STRATTON OSTEOpath path Constitution bide Phone Bell Bel I K K M. M LT OSTEOPATH 12 2 Scott Strevell bids Phones K 17 res I I. I R n. PARSONS D. D O. O M. M D. D 4 Auerbach block Phones Ind md 1721 Bell Bel i 1120 Y COAL AND XU NI KINDLING A. A L L. HALSETT E E. THIRD SO Bell lIeu wn EI ELECTRO I DERMATOLOGIST H II A I R. R M 1 0 O I. I L 14 E L S BIRTHMARKS freckles red rell spots all nil Imperfections of ot the skin permanently removed b by electric I Ine ne needles Miss Small ea GOl Templeton bids bIdA I l HESS DRESSMAKING FOR FIRST-CLASS FIRST DRESSMAKING anti and tailor made suits call An and see us La LaMode LaMode Mode Iode Dressmaking Parlors E. E Third South Bell Dell phone 1311 LADIES FOR FOn GOOD QUICK NEAT dressmaking see sec me rae low how rates to Introduce Introduce intro Intro- duce myself Mrs Williams 3 31 1 State Slate DETECTIVE rE AGENCY I WESTERN DETECTIVE AGENCY ARE AIlE prepared to undertake all nil proper detect detect- Iv lye ive work Intro Introduced to us by lIy cooperatives cooperatives opera co tives banks mercantile houses att attorneys And private individuals Rooms Room r s and 9 D D. F. F Walker block lock Ind Inti phone 1831 Salt Lake CIt City Utah FOU FOUNDRY AN AND STOVE STo REPAIRS G G 9 D. D P- P LOVETT ALL MAKES RI RE paired Foundry 11 N N. Seventh West CS 2304 v phone 23 l CABINET ET E S HARRIS HARnIS AND Cn i- i TG CABINET makers office and store fixtures nells actIs tic c wood turning and anti brackets l 1 W W. Yo South Temple st. st Salt Lake kc City City GOWNS CONS MRS S S. S T. T I BENEDICT DRESS IAK lag TIK parlors T Templeton HAT FACTORY HATS CLEANED BLOCKED AND A Ind md repaired Utah Hat Factory Factor M So Main iain- iain phone 1339 HOME IOME COOKING G LUNCHES PUT UP MEA MEALS LS SERVED Mrs ris M Al A. A 11 W. W So Temple HOUSE TIlE THE HOME HOUSE CLEANING e We clean CO COe everything e waif carpets s pa- pa paper per pea 1 furniture l etc lc- lc to sut uit our patrons 10 So State st It Ind Inti phone 1293 I I HS TIl TIlE THE GUARA GUARANTEED TEED HOME Homes Themes Co Co cent down built on as 1 payments i Iii 16 per Ilca and monthly 10 A per por less than rent Installments Will of iii for fur c cash nn any vacant bu btty I Ily property In n t the city GG C W W. St Second South Bo Doth Both Phones ICE lOB CREAM A TIlE THE KEELEY CO PURE PunE ICE cream and sherbets prompt delivery ery y v 20 G Richards si st Both Iloth phones I LOANS S THE TITE STRINGER CO 70 O W W. SECOND So Oldest company In m Utah Utah Loan on any property You retain possession DONT DON'T BORROW DORROW TROUBLE TROUBLE- nOR BOR nORtow row tow mon mone money Salaried men or women ACcommodated ac AC- ac- ac on note without morl mort- ga gage KaKe A or oa endorser Easy payments Cherry D. D F. F Walker bl g. g LAUNDRY h FRENCH hAND lIAND LAUNDRY IG E. E T Third South Ind Tel Hj MANICURING IA MISS MINNIE nN n DICKFORD ELEC ELEC- trio tria massage manicuring and shampooing for Cor ladles Idles and gentlemen n. n 13 D. D I F F. IVal Val Wal- Valker k ker bm Salt Lake City lieu Dell phone 1 If t lO MIDWIFE UD MRS LIZZIE GI GEISLER n W. W 3rd North rth private home for confinement ca cases cs Hell Bell MAIL U ORDER HOUSE THE TIlE BEE DEE HIVE III 71 E. E FOURTH I South John F F. P Petersen Pc n Mgr Mens Men's clothes and underwear ar t to order MOTHERS MOTHERS' ATTENTION THE TIlE FARGO RANCH DAIRY WILT WILL furnish you milk mille for your ou baby from rom the same cow r e every da day Address box MASSAGE I. I SWEDISH MASSAGE I Pearl ave uve Bell Dell Take rala 1 Waterloo car I I FOR GOOD BATh RATH OR MASSAGE GO to the Kenyon Turkish h Baths cor Main I and Second South Ladles s from 1 to lo C j p. p In in Friday and Saturday and by liy ap ap- ap 1 I f i A. i II I I lad lady rO ConnE G between th the A a. a j a e or 18 nd dress 23 I THE NOTED DAIV S card reader I PS Call lIast or t nn p j 0 write IS I f D telephone 1 s I and st. st steam nm ant s ferms CashI cash 53 West I sn I 1 PAIN 1 0 JAV East Enst d So s. tel ter and amI Belt Bell 2371 I I STiNG CO nOOK AND rR hR STAR bOok bindIng and IJ flet jOi joh fit St Telephone ruling y j IG W. W SO TE II F VERSON ON 24 E SO A P. P st st. 1 N. N LoW P B good d Work Work- Dell Bell phone phon I 1 Y I STEAM C CLEANING G I 1 T CLEANING S. S I I. I feather ork renovating Cor I work Ye West t anil So I Temp e. e Emyr Eynon Bell Tel I 1 Ind I SCAVENGER YEr UTAH AU OFFICE EGO EGOs s Tf East IE Bell Dell K oio-ic IO-I IO CITY SCAVENGER YE W CO E. E S So Phones Z Ind md JEY J LOCKSMITH I KNUDSON P NOVELTY MFG CO- CO L Lawn wn n mower sh ke keys s 's bicycles s and ad gun pun te j M E. E Second So o. o Bell J JI phone 3 K TIlE THE SV STAR NOVELTY AND REPAIR Works 12 V. nd South WM W y F. F IAIN W. W SOUTH TE TEM TEM- I- I PL ph I. I i I UPHOLSTERING J J. 1 II fA CO KO SOUTH STATE Bell Be 1 X M SPIRITUALISTS I MRS l liAR ET F FONTYN TRANCE m medium Sp tw al meetings Sunda Sunday and Thursday S PJ W So West Wel Temple st. st f r 1 rED FEET I SOLID ORT ICOm-ORT FOR TIlE THE HARD lIARD I to fit SpecIal cast made Scientific shoe making C Gu t P Olsen 21 S. S State UI lt S P. PA I MADE IAD AND AND COVERED SALT LAKE E Umbrella W Works ks IK lW East Easl First South WALLPAPER CLEANING I T. T ON E E. THIRD SO KAPLAN II HOUSE USE CLEANING CO- CO Rooms II fl up guaranteed Main both P phones Y C j NOTICES LEGAL r NOTICE OF 01 SALK SALE OF REAL HEAL AND AI PERSONAL ESTATE of or Imogene I The Thc und r will sell tiel ell at private side sale n a third one interest Interest In Patent No o ail for or a pipe one S Stor Story ory and anti Clark piano plano and an untIl untIl- undivided vided one half Interest In the Mammon mining claim situate In Dry canyon conon Ophar mining district Tooele county count Utah Also 1140 i the following described real ate situate In Jl the city and antl co county nt of Salt wit to Lake st stAle sUte te of ot Utah Ulah to at the st corner of or lot 1 1 block blockS S plat pInt I B Ii Salt Sail Lake City Cily survey lY and running t thence h north 10 rods the nc east iod lods thence j south 10 rods thence W west nt 2 4 rods to t the he ila place dace of he on or utter Tuesday the lie day ilay of ot June i j 1 Saul Said property properly will be sold In separate te I parcels and written bids bida will be rt received cl cil therdor at ut No Sit SH I Fast East n t Ninth South I m street treet Salt SaIL lAke City Cily Utah Ulah Terms of or sale cash 10 per cent to accompany bill bid hid balance Lalance to be te paid on confirmation of ur sale ale C. C E. E ANGEL ANGELL A Administrator I Ua Dated tel May 29 ZI OO SALT LAKE TRANSFER CO V. IV Second South Ceo Pi A. A Sims Mir I r. r Phones Phon 25 24 l EXCURSIONS EAST i i I I II Via May and and June 1st 3rd and 1906 Denver Colorado Springs and Pueblo 2000 2000 Omaha and Kansas City City St. St Louis St. St Paul and Minneapolis Minneapolis- Chi Chicago ca g 0 Memphis Proportionately Low Rates to Many Other Points Tickets Good for Return to October 31 st st. SEE AGENTS CITY TICKET OFFICE Main Street EAP One Fare plus 2 2 for Round Trip Th ru- ru LI FIL TO RATES CHICAGO ST. ST J LOUIS OUIS MEMPHIS I hi I 14 tIP MINNEAPOLIS ST. ST P PAUL MISSOURI MIS MIS- JS- JS 4 SoUR RIVER AND J Nl I INTERMEDIATE ll DIATE lIATE POINTS n Tickets on Sale May 26 June 1 3 16 Return limit October Hist Stopovers allowed alJon 10 Through Standard Tourist sleepers Best Diners on all train Write or telephone us for fOl further Information Both phones 2 Hi I I E. E DRAKE Passenger cr tnt Agent II 11 L. L X T. T 1 P. P J t. t 4 W. W Second South St. St S. I SALT T rJ LAKE IE CITY CALLISTER ANDERSON-CALLISTER CO I COLLECTIONS WH State StaR Street SPECIAL L REPORTS lU- lU REAL HEAL J E. E TE I AMERICAN RILES MERCANTILE STOCKS s AND ANI 1 BO DS AGENCY SURETY IY Bo ns j Suite 1 D. D F. F Valk Walker MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURER'S 1 A HUNTS J 1 ji S |