Show lIU G TO EXPAND n Copper Coppet- Company Paving Way II fur for BI Big Illg Acquisition It Is contemplated to double the thc capital stock of it the company from to s The Tue additional tock stock If it author wilt will be he I kept in tn the company Company'S t ury until such time as Its s siah lall I itcO como lu-como I says a. a abu bulletin un ui u use c over tI the time Pollock wire The Tue proposed Increase e in tho the capital capita stock ock of the thc company IB is for fot the purpose pur PUr- pur- pur of pose 1108 allowing the company compau to en- en n- n largo Its operations If If Such such action tic bo deemed for Cor advisable advisable this I S is provided under untIm the tile fie state slate of Michigan mining Quincy laws Milling nr of oC officials say a that thal tho they do not uin others t to tc gobble up tip all fl tho the ic Want live properties In their country countr MI that the p they want W td be bo In iii a a tt to jay ia aY fur for new properties that th they rW rna mu may |