Show SALT LAKE ROUTE I PLANS NEW TRAIN Passenger Department Is Considering Considering Considering Con Con- Improvement of Service WILL LEAVE IN MORNING In lit Travel Trave Makes New Xe It coord Borel In lii II LH Last t T o Weeks for Clark Road HOt Six ix fast trains trins dal dally daily bet between Salt Sai Lake ake and Los Angeles will wi be he the result re- re suit sult of oC the change In train service now being beIng considered b by the passenger de- de of or the tue Salt Sai Lal Lake e Route noute Of- Of tidal cial announcements of or the change will vill wi probably bear the well used wel phrase To ro 0 m meet et a popular der demand and anti and nd this will wi be borne out by the time passenger returns of or the tho road for Cor or April The travel tra between Salt Lake and andros ros 08 Angeles during the last Just two weeks weel has as been greater than timan at any corre- corre time at this season ea on since the time rou road oad was handicapped early larh In the month montim 1 by the necessity of or making Unusually un- un usually slow time through the Menio Men Mca do doVale io ow Vale Valley wash where repairs of he the tracks over the tIme recent washouts were vere only temporary the record for forlie forthe forthe the lie month has hns nearly made up for forthe forthe the he loss IDS during the tho three w weeks eks when through traffic was wa suspended ed en ent eni en- en t trel Ire I y I Convenience Con of f Schedule When hen the time plans of the passenger department are carried out nut the new train rain trin will wi leave leae Salt dt Lake Lako ami ammil Los Ang Angeles les soon oon after 8 S a. a in m. filling In Inho inthe ho tho gap between the ml midnight anti and anc the afternoon train conveniently for fat through paR passengers engers as us well as those starting from Crom Salt Sal Lake lale or 01 Los Amm Al Angeles ge ele les There has ha been heen scarcely a da lay day In Inho inthe the ho last two weeks when a 0 lower berth could be obtained oh either train baying leavIng bay leav- Ing ng Salt Sal Lake Lale for Cor Los Angeles and ami some ome days ays the trains have left lef the theSal Sal Salt Lake Law station staton with er e every berth included filled PIll Freight ht ANo l o Increasing Increasing- in Freight traffic has ha al also o shown a corresponding Increase that has imas taxed I the he operating department of or the road to o Its Is fullest extent This condition is attributed to several cam causes cs besides the he San Francisco dl disaster which has embarrassed tho time Harriman Ham lines Jnes In California An Au unusually lar large o amount of oranges are now moving ea eastward and of or these theRe the Salt Sai Lake Route RouLe Is I averaging three or ot more moro full ul trainload trainloads train train- loads load a day The local freight eight of the road rond I is still sti rushed in making up for or the time lame of or the washout when stocks of general supplies all al along tho the one hundred miles affected were tere I reduced to a a. minimum nn Rushing hlll Bullfrog Branch Active work worl has been begun again on the Bullfrog branch of or the Clark road all of the tIme construction gangs and anc equipment that was borrowed at the thc time of the washout having havInG been re lC cc- turn turned cd In hope o of completing the UH Bullfrog branch at nt th the the time previously announced the construction department department de tie- of the road is using er e every effort to Increase e Its Is force fOIce of at laborers and frequent shipments are re being made mabe made from flom Salt alt La Lake I. I employment agencies |