Show WANTS SANE POLICY IDAHO SENATOR CHAMPIONS THE WEST IN EARNEST PLEA FOR conservation declares it a Vio violation tation of constitution to withhold power site sites from the use of western states who pay millions into treasury washington what we want la Is a sane practical conservation policy under reasonable regulation permitting the development of our natural resources resource a in accordance with the na tural laws of progress and industrial growth declared senator dorah borah in addressing the senate on monday dur ing the consideration of conservation legislation mr air dorah borah spoke aa as tho the champion of the we west gl t it would be a maggid cent abbe echeme e indeed he to compel the whole great west to hold its vast resources in idleness deprive its people of their enjoyment and use and compel them to pay tri bute to those resources of which you have taken possess on hern here in the east and developed at your own free will contending that it was a violation of eory enery principle of ot the constitution to withheld power sites from the use of the western states mr borah inquired I 1 it allino s or massachusetts receives thousands or even millions of dollars as a revenue for their water power ald ari edalo id receives nothing but on the other hand pays millions antu the federal treasury tre sury Is there equal lt mong the states he lie said that the contention that natural re sources in a state belonged to all the people of the united states was all right in theory but that in practice it was utterly untrue |