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Show a ee et ; THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1906 ry See 2 Good. Aro. Results' "All these results are good, but they} have not been achieved by the forest| sérvice alone On the contrary, they | SESSION IN NOW 4 [ See (Cont! if ontinuec rom quality of (Continued from page oe one.) springs < ess land the much had gle paunS Referee |] earlier in ss and torequesting hardNelson fighting Siler to fell stop butting with | better of tl closing rally to Gans oe 26- ee pound realized| apparently felson lead. his that. his only chance was to fight breast | ropes but could not penetrate his the} de-| administration pressing as to ee get he can, Just " ae 10 i whether adjustments 4p-land needs) will danger from - the Bae represent also the needs and sugges-]ot the public domain and tions of the people of the whole West.| from the lands theretofore 3 . : § ereroro They embody constant changes and} of ee one as aoe near et he can y come ts : handle} > > theoe subdivision from» « came Jand and the consequent ad Pteintensive] : tse tae : : oes |. cultivation, With an adequate supply] of water a farm of five acres In some | rights.to eee to re ewhere, Is as large as may essfully tilled by one family. ind 23 o Gans close i a Immediately { whip iped Nelson's jaw. 1) - away tet quis Z 4 in two Gans was m ee ice so ! uaU! pe x 7 eee. NE elson on the jaw with a lert,| Round 27-Ga sparred while waated his vit lity with useless : ej Nelson swings It r parts . of the arid west, atar or of 40 e in what is a the of any state miner would the! has been to irrigator| the ropes and he slipped to the | Gans then cut loose and drove his left}of floor. Gans held out his hand and as-|¢o stomach with terrific foree and fol a Seni. Gu, nished lowed with right and ere to Jaw ee naengent DN cea apts Ca son, maddened, fought back viciously] like him Se ae Ss aa led shoe onsndec renS$ th rae butted 5 ‘ elson bull: two ke breast als ‘ a ‘1 & "Ve tired. seemed ; Both ins | fent head. his with the jaw on Gans has slight lead at the end of the round R 7 1d 8 ans jabbed Nelson. on 4 i to Te ft. Nel&Son put‘ left and ar ‘ ind a2 mouth, men mt) momen bringing resorted to tactics, They center Gans | ' ex-| and| 4 Ne "contents but body (enue eiider Gans' find to tried an with countered negro the and failed ing led i cee th c " Opes ee ane age TES Be RE NCIEG AYR. SRLS =sek = i with 15-Opens a elbk wee d and butted was: ‘ , Bell. Separated. Round He warned : : to 2 ene ‘ desis authorities coming in a relief s fast, . W-Siler Round chk hehting a 1 ocke a 1¢ ae' in two ‘with deliberately elibe hit a to tion of| view a nd . In all so that j in the back Seo Pre 1 ational 7 Nolin eS land oy Oe ni Th ae ald lyestment ay eCatled caithottoa Biba Belie Ser | made by Gans sent Nel on's head back with left | turning to the treasury it Is useless to|service, for I =e". = a . : as : : P Be in = the /liever country of the, people ‘ to face, They were in a clinch]: expect that t he xpec locks re locked e ce as the bell rang will consider direct appropriations for] {frrigation, as Round 16-Nelson right missed a left ana| M#!ly Nelson swung a hard right one Nelson anoths clear iroue ly Gans the ropes. wrestied| Round %-They closed the the work. Let us give the in.|service a chance to ulllise Fi-|{nvestment a second time to the | cussing in, Nelson Falling | tus with his head. Gans terrific with jelly a Nelson pulled the negro after him. They| were vushed back into the ring and re- | Ni Ison''s left cye was such increase. butt-|*ransferred peppered him swings. right now entirely a I look forward|would wrestled orked punch, , during which the same} applied later Gans, irms, sent tha short- -airm right shot eae in left uppercut moment a and abo after son Battier back jolts to face twisted his|tled coe ' Nets Stee Sree san cautioned again be nt down fighting shoulder to shoulder. elson sent two lefts to face but Gans drove rights ee PECRTUN ropes against and Nels be gece Ganst acked to Noo end of the sound Gans 5 the Dane's ie Bete face. and ‘Lhe men pulled Gr La of ring, This papel both the seeming continued a bloy tor t Interior depart- of Agricul- Houvid ee alibie® win. wass0ing: ne down it © i nate al Beth men wens pies faehee ln: or oe pean ara on he = ao rang. bell the as once | Ured will disappear ling, finally Rent Nelson the phd t Ae back Coe ‘gong weet and Siler and his said head. grabbed Nelson by the head | "isht aS reut at and in of most the. stockman, this important intention policy, of all, n eae to the wisdom ablenald It Congress: of ing out. "The. you son two sent over uppercut Nel-| and | punches body right |at and Gans|at eye. tert: hooked: ans srange et iclone sy st Gans . 5 ee oe pney rights. mau to and peleftsea straight two mix-up of a slight the, best drove straight ae Round with Nelson answered face and pepe drove PNelaen stomach, wee esued. to ash The® again Phe the aga on ropes. Gans mouth leaned tried Gans and ribs negro's the against Nelson breast. (Gans') worked shes as shoulder as Irrigators is close. now George remain sterile was left to | which |ing Nelson left to right. punch | a men the a_ in broke |strafeht looked right] away.|broken. to shoulder | however, the left to jaw hard to}a ugainat the ropes, smashing right lefts to two with er shard ae this ee jaw. ound 40-They this round. the advantage Gans bad 2-They Round Siler rushed at to center Ls constantly Nelson warned o5S ‘ drove rights two to and Bae the eye after Gans Ey ats cc "i 2 Solden < aut tae sta pH End followed with the usual wreatling Nelson tactics. They broke away and leftswing with a hard Guns staggered and} Gans did not respond to the jaw. cee pan -y Git stopped again a. ‘the facd-and the if rm as and this: chief the variation homes, "eg plate a clinch. ear, . to Gans Then . drove): forces eens . safeguard | igsuutions. will generally ,1 firmly find -. among jaw. They In -__- Session steam- a am ede Utah's Most train Los reine! 1d. understo « a ‘ is before efore ongvegatth neregaltion the EXCURSIONS. | juadrivium had today ringing Via finest A@CAMTT It ter, ee the : reniada ats decided . . be will = cS adjo adjourns. The probably commence elec tion Saturday a ge Sa ue Daily Weather Report. 79 Coes temperature, Maximum. deg i) temperature minimum e W hic h degrees, 66 temperature, Sarin ymean normal. below )js 2 degree of temperadeficiency Accumulated An-)|)ture sinee the first of the month, 10 government has not which In fires. | the not forest emai founded and meee because you, more; to and. action wiser it is upon y be expe construction an entirely government than more returned by 10 to the ra-| the that of public} a special . st adi Sleadier in| owner land payments. the annual of the flow John the of out: comes be-|jar of pockets Water > i ve ea Planned. Projects governnational the by Many "Trrigation range, and < it ment i tbat has , ee ©\ ‘ in that and successfully way also the reserves are need. a growing meeting Oklahoma, first "The allotment such mo COn-| ee POCATELLO BLACKFOOT Saha Mak Gata ST: ANTHONY SUGAR ary REXBURG Ap ye ee tion -=- NAMPA RUPERT ms WHEE PE "The Dut uty a of Method SEROLTN "247 CU ete o Ap- ee c. s | f |in ELL | | Cais by : = . Club. Cities." | COLORADO TO CITY, KANSAS the rye Fa . OF RaNa-| MEXICO - : I Lee-‘Why W. Livein Idaho." teano, inLowell- itedaced About \o1ed to forestry, rey -n sale Bufiale & T, A. 8. F. Lake Salt : New Phases Mis- and core- only $30 ' greatest cipal rates ieor York, points summer pesto F. WARREN. to attention Especial trave ROnrants children. and ladles Sleepers other to tingeSh witk * Boston. and:through 411 Dooly Ry., City, varicty of chan out "nquire -_ information oe . t aaily ny given. cheerfully . Oo . TOWNSEND. anh ‘ ‘Tickes iiizacee St. Louls. Agent, ond designs ee Two eee | { | bik., Utab. ea aak The d New ne a aa e Bu | | | | 2 Americafs Left.. Phie grazing Through car, Salt Lake City Kansas City. to St."Louis1 and a Guistan Rates, 0. A. G. Great ‘Social ment,' ration. Mc B. u. we gan note e | | }| . ‘The - Commercial ae "See | CITY Mes ask LINE -TO- ; Advertising. Building oe | JOE, ST. PASO, EL GALVESTON, in | CHICAGO. and . McAllister COLORADO-UTAH 5) DAILY TRAINS 5 Session. 7 trough to LiveA. Yorks Stephen of BA | States. of © West"Settlement . piniriaeus Ad h i arris Harrls r Tom | } of on ; Richardson-'The Tom | | Mil- ; True-"Livestocls Kk. William River of Gold." TE { Wantland-' ‘Home-Making the Arid RM : . = } Adjournment. : E. Pharmacy. Penny. DevelopIrrigation Stanley-"Irrigation Cc. M. | Edwards-"Trrigation - Locklin. Fisher. sit Hundre d Palmer-‘Irrigation H, Brown. Hayden o Mexico Afternoon t | Ad ams. H. in eee eee Ed. H. NEAR EN She DOSS gearsBr C. A. the and Water It." Peo- Irrigation." Co. Collins. cintyre. tenet caleetl oat eet wo \E. soe -- MERIDIAN the Cg FS M ~s=-iC. St HEYBURN Called State De Seaton Gordon Company. Stationery i ‘ acc Shown Company. Idanha Hotel. or Ashbaugh-‘Natlional Streams.' of Interstate G. ug Stationery ; geseph Vernon-‘Pumping a we Di Pharmacy. . W. R. CALDWELL - T. Perkins-"General by of the Country jand ple in Truman Pharmacy. Company. Drug y Spongberg \ wees Idaho Co. Jackson. Squires BOISE Session New S: Sugar . ph TS PAS Be MONTPELIER Johnson. ‘ in Palace Drug Company. Fone me Watson ae J. W. Sale & Chaffee elf wwe ,|daho oe Ss, ae ed an ° and n S \ Cutter etna . Crops." J. in 5 1can _ ________- FALLS Cahoon . W. Kyle W. IDAHO Heath. Harris. R ° pers e J. al lhe wis st lel ne k R. M epu 2 ere B. Postmaster, Gra Fred -- TS George Muir. follow day Kiesel-"One J, AGEN ; ae W. J, Company. Stationery Johnson. les Mr. Dollars for Rec lamation. HunThree Freeman- H. gh Reeclamafor Dollars Million dred PCTDGB. : A undertaken& recent been ane not'lzy Fishe temilts sohave bene stodnt .S ary ; of fae Sena projec ta in tion of many <ansas Colorado Idaho, California, North Nevada, Nebraska, Montana, rE ae Whi aie 0°30 to J. Irrigation Fred: the ee concern- REXBURG TRAVELING . WE ‘ Sant Professor sae Fale Os car ulgch. HH Meee Dhara Lee LC om 4 est the and Water ow FALLS Hoge. Cha iffee Char --------- ANTHONY Hansen, "Pra 2 Miele + Sik i Winters. Walter eg bi - SR2 SFE - : H. Nicholson. James Aer pe sors ~ A . eee ew eT fund reclamation of the secretary The fel been SL Rane, Grass;-lyet TORS constructhe has cuthiciaad pro-|jnterjor better the of str aah Stree M of Duty High a of |areans of Obtaining works upon the} repaid to i ga ae IDAHO -SUaY, > * President ees e : Parde aac orde i by Pre ses Pe "| ne Possibill ossibillIrrigation Ross- MW Db Valley River Snake |tles of the await- DUS ) es irrigation of Jenson. Lorengo ents A F. M. eee hie - POCATELLO WilT J. ai é gation tf ioe 114 in are Dr. Wilson, on | since January 1, 6.20 inches Relative humidity, 32 per cent at 6 ux 1 I Weather forecast, fair and warmer, -tick#t . S BLACKFOOT to plying California to the1 street Idaho @ ose PARIS : James! E.G eanee <0 re as ] ae Parardee. eat of raw ient- den ee " ia of be- : R ecder-"‘Education A. W. J projects. In short, the fund by Affected as Population ipal 1S chain . extending endless an are|]e@omes Irrigation." a dol-|tjonal Not years. to future co-|plessings remain Hearty i use ) Ss. S. It is endefensible theory. bet-|Control "None equitable and and just M. Morning govern- national the of action is |. condition satisfactory to will be as weleome most help This mutual Angus .> W. THESHA larger southerm = Blair, A Chris Scow Wright, Millard T. ShurtlifZ,,:A. M., Van der lieber y-John Crook, for the program The fiscal of the systematically | maion service at the close 1908, will be $41,441,672.95. year, on all} service they G... > Paylorsyilie 1 8nd The propositions difficult more ane 5 to 4nq armerly are eee Brimhall, reserves. aa, to a5 ae a excluntve ly so for derived irriga-| Beet Sugar." S.. Clarence moneycata ever|ijgn California." blishrne ntlin rapaTheih ths oro S purposes. t j, a small] is has Stockmen, Fee Ad ot : which committees the by consulted H. pres thy 2 all p When it was Not yet assigned-''Size of Farm regarded by | Units Under Irrigation." Fortler-‘‘Value Samuel Professor Hoebib so. do reasonably forest||jgw exists almost everywhere |Guestions G Nebeker Providence-D. entered 2 P a tremendous ae Be eee involving a, ae to thei crowd. " South Main h gt session ler, D. M "Lat eran bie eyDraper-lHle a er A. JsSmith men erie existing Irrigation law was put The 1902, in books the statute tolupon that] eter M. A. Dougherty, Db Rooklidge, Fort Gre ay Ray--L. B BE. of the}ter has been enacted by the congress burned] or the United States in recent years.|ment ye Those which settlement. all settled. of process sen, ‘ ¢ the most conservative always be found upon the -You the time point Follow. " Office, 169 = dele- 3.-Utah‘s. Pe A in America. | gion of the Norwegians Utah, ca Dakota, South Oregon, timber] Dakota, "The sales of forest reserve eecye. i OF o Ags ene engeh 54 rs rey < & ve . m sore 38 < le ane rice ils Oregon T, B.. Wileox-"President and) Washington and Wyoming, and in the miners, - lumbermen) |'Ganse complained again, mbout the Bat-| to. settlers, League)-Address, ler roughing it and sent Nelson's head | Other users are increasing very rapidly | territories of Arizona, New Mexico and | Development debe will session evening The to with a left uppereut at bell. to a clinch Utah's. Glasmann, - Joseph ; augmenting and reliance political believe that elements will «aq done) work-| The . of threat ; With oS ietan ; seins with La back came Nelson to jaw. t The men did uppereut to stomach. Hetle fighting. Gans got Nelson at arms' | water. {back came Outings leading een pai ae WV. Moyer, if Ls. SUGAR CrEY. ail ae pi say eb "nner Jo) mn enry ) | B.a-eeewee: ote: Cn we." BURRS . in ! er ris... Geore . ae ne anee f Vv ree ellos SALEM ~ eee eee Hee ee FiI Pe es erde-| rce conservative surest }9f our thereby. -onservative great the In-|and and te acon teh tten: Liste 2 F are Uetwien near-| men and the forest : : officers are ‘ offend-|ed sent in|}of back a Pe: ROUTE . MONTPELIER Farminggton--A Rose, El! Manning Logan-E. W. Itobins n,.T.°C.' Thorsen, Oo). Stevens, J. A Thomas Irvine, Sian Knowles, Quayte », J. C. yy fp anetys ont . "The d administrath the administration, it it isis to to the as |you as you To the stockmen and) It stockmen to the at bell. jaw the ass: > certs ac and started in at a lively | means came and Gans land ite left in their resumed, men. as > em American ficiat rej the]/and as tee knowledge the for Differences: it be would lf the pan, deadlock a flash Jesuits { Attendance at Ir-| ff BOISE _ ~--_-------_--- <sounteenth, through oe for]upon the subject of Irrigation hastily I and without the utmost cons sideration. dethoroughly been has matter The physical its in considered and bated importance near the government work forest ever-present oe = " to te, Proyvo-Dr. promote to aoutitey the of service|taxpayers forest of officers the punch-|tween Gans hy u broken that t is estimated work great stock-|this of associations local the |and the heart with yGiously over to the credit of the recla|the amount advisory appointing aré who Al men with this lipwed Jans right as It and the its pay to wrestled, | operation and stalled they rn rs UTA. George a y, Glen_R Bothwell, liam W.. Riter, George Austin, Stringer, Adolph Richter and the owaste productive eit the streams which make your pros-|and sis to become a charge perity can be and are being freed from} jana benefited, and is to be ly twice left get}! could. his: jabbed 39-Gans Nelson before face Then tion Irrigation congress is one : . ae } : pr ot | PROS RCS. ' Me = Hans far. he ce : _ Gan anon a eoiney Pecos , es of the republic, for multiplying the] farms ,, ahd American, .of | number. fires|tjonal forest that them. | tjrely controlling proved has by controlled ¢thers. In jeverything upon spent his left a swung Nelson being through | stalling, Mainta Gans by way of Nelson Nelson|er, rushed to push finally Gans Dane his;-head-on a thks ) .. National ye Hl a firm benational of contemplated, in them pany been|could is Only one-tenth of 1 per cent rea of the forest reserves was to spar|the him force and complained again Gans resting put Gans! yery fo | aie; Jaw: rhts andyatter mer oth face. a clinch: sent «Ory Men: BOCK; ae ieee enat bell. oan oe weary face] Round moa this repe ee Gans the ong rang Gans|io and as the jaw. and later ment had his distance range. long about LUNGS: ~--_-____-_- es ma Yee Bee ; BLOOD.LIVER. Oel His a by L. I i! k, O. nar B. ker. Gilson, George re A. Hi: anson, M.Vieiss, sITHes, ohn <aysville Fairview-S. 0. Nielson Centertield-H. A. Kearns. Mt. Pleasant-Judge Andrew Nielson. Kjar C. Manti-L. which been has policy -first of result service be ean Ait price the Dit Lce 1t be _ y Lotiras ong found #%-Nelson rushed in and DiehE keep: the with | backed up, trying. to ac lineh to left to face. fought They blood. Gans poked right a in a stiff BOP De and. lis covered re ae badlge nection die olored and he was sent ms 3 came aa had | ie on nothin were very careful.) crowd put art by rahehitting) at a mayor Congress. Servi ce. Se Sept. da:, 301s Stance the in have been et 5 feasibility lowed and both landed lefts to chin, |} men went werata to the wrestling and substantially provides was|y_ achievement This 1905. in Nelson swung a left for Jaw that missed | Over Nelson pushed Gangs almost to the ropes| and missed a left for the fa oes Nelson | its mark three feet. Then Joe stopped| due both to the forest service and to} money arising from the sale in set apart be shall |} of settlers and the effective assistance they] and wind to the left powerful landed severe left uppercut to Jaw and|a they mix it, Gans putting a‘hard right| clinched, Both men the his ad-|Gans He followed left asto jaw. a long-up ger Nelson woke ended. the round wantage and to DISCOVERY this Herman steamer. abe Oy Ohi LAKE \utumn of] followed the PROM rigation fal Sy Spec Republican ; epub Bi iIm- the exaggerate . we iss mibe oe zis Irrigation Seeclainn make the/tarm. has energy with forward earried aay" The) ee ee scrapping. millions gree ie neficent It not ' individual only enlarges] opof wholesome, the fleld' espects ery ‘ ST ; ; eae erieial me TiInet: ji ae . : . : increases the Pe eal the ies regions the agricultural of yelopment |e the meet work the But jaw.| to}| again told as ViS-| Gans head. his amare' this style two lefts to jaw and Nelson landed sev- | orously An exchange fol- | against eral lefts, to body. Twenty J of air Those in‘ in Ne a nd ive mapad ite Tees ei 1] aqut Me oO capacity le om - | Res fort This policy is In the highest aS ote of au and and enough and|telligence, to show how our forest righ ka Wilin. ea-|tour be would}est John W. Tate 4h wry i Doremus., | } ‘ ait Joshua ‘allister, _Fillmore-Thomas Day, Miah Majiville, J.-A youd,» . i ; rail-|4re preserve cone ne ascertain lsc to a time. short aot stomach his lue the quanstored in population a7 the the and . , GED) | TOs the reahean Ory serves and pipe end of the round. -Nelson Round with with with | Stop fighting boring NelSon cease must he staggered Gans got oh etd iin the o le hookedGans close that the recognized ae eer SALE de- : ; Names " spoke B "Tt is now less than two years since}and economic aspects. the forest service was established. It|first suggested it was those ee Dee ee teat ay ae ae "|had a a the Pope: Gans against pushed Nelson round, of out ef the way together | Gans just stepped wrestling than fighting this rushed men 2-The Round 100.-| acre- and the pre-emption and settlements the arable of the Le] public } portionsi arab of fr the that important it rendered has lands iwe should rectair the aste laces and a. destroy. no man who knows the facts can ee F . a4 moment doubt. Service of -Forest'™. Task' . ' . . case') UBL ag nei ct ai ea ag pe seen mA eel to Rokr Nelson jaw ‘Thereandwas Nelson more| | at. the right on head.to and right sent left in acres DELEGATES should cul out this kind of work, Nel-|(right.to..face. -W raatiing was in order} Very. different local eee and|/unnecessary drain upon the national indlthat was fact The This | treasury. We the over all needs local missed a flerce uppercut Nelaon to nee and Siler slipped | again. son Rontitind had enterprise corporate and it! vidual of eburse and finished, Is not mo-|task a for and jJaw the for reclin-|intended his from Nelson pulled in and ing position. Gana, eating while wrest-| ment it looked as if they were going|could not have been finished in sO|carried the work forward as far as It bit ae ) fi was sh A in- esti- Widtsoe, Walter Scott, Joseph B. svlance Richa0 Joh NE # leet @ au sons WAIL Par ci le pee |, destroywith them lumberman, the with then sparred men 36-Both Round |Gans started something with a and straight will rani , dis- wirelesa Kaiser home sept 1 The congregation Herman Oeclrichs wa WwW oeigeteat yesterday dis dlsesterday esus o ( Jesus Society Oo i ir ie "-pman."'? "re c RuFather by made motion anes aie bs Rp a Byers oa nN mu June :8, 1860, In Pall ; ont aoiph Meyer of St Louis, Mo that ; a ae ar Wea react eee " years many For life lived a bu hias aq jt invites our best endeavor." TiChihiar LACLGRE won dito aire oat ete papers severa $ Tonight on irrigation: were discussed. S Fo: aa ae . SGEMESG: tix toon . Address. } otherwise . si ee Deane no. copa are hace tismeta Western forests are sm: "hc qual, rene mie hand that the prosperity, |roads, one! was t ae ; the y ie ee ani wrestled the the the water water anc and Tt the1e grass grass by|the. the Sernagreat tim ber. yer, the ry : millions : j throughout ° ree ear vee en 7 nl ay ea egriculuras fully, but wisely, and conthem lefts to stom-|using in two short-arm iworked ach and both men wrestled. Gans near- | servatively. We propose to do this|than elsewhere to inconsiderate = an Judgment. cordial | hysterical most and ud the through | ropes: the through Nelson butted ly¥ . . . « ve . Nelson looks lired and Joe appt ared ‘Ol en-operation between the government . sty Decision Ae Grae fresher of the two'as the round). 14 every man who is in sympathy Not a Hasty . dld not} to their Nelson laid his and & reminder butting for head more Nelson's aS center to rest. 5 tha men from When |ed, there which Se ‘ the same old story, wrestle it was and and stall without a blow being struck. away and at the | Gans finally ripped in a left to the Jaw but uppercut put in » right then Gans got a good right} Warned 19-Siler Round Up.) with in wee incapacitutec 34-The content minute, retaliated with stinging Fights Nelson Ws face thirty-second a See ee ees and stall Nel-| th }ceived 1 Sor forced Gans and ‘to left the onropes rea right head. and Nelson ag:ting ‘teil Siler x ai erate face, eh the } Round wisi tw and iAnee iis right to wind at'the ‘bell 18-Gans rushedNelsonin a right to fauna the In to mouth | Seflously straight ole ftsto o foot * the Roosevelt. iractically uninhabitable ap A practicant of increase rapid "The iStration, whit h et oe aay Peg"| ore Vo ain an each pee sur goro e said, on yave often pose to make every resource of the forest reserves contribute in the highact dena to the permanent prosperores é : 7 : . : mouth witd they: wert Paan AlinelL Siler thie gon sotnde d Nelson; fos bie Avat A weariness - great: Ume.. showed Nelson cautionedswung Nelson: his -against right to: hitting kidneys low. and | seconds claimed Gans had turned his| they oe made reclamation}the arid and semi-arid regions. it the present} will bring under cultivation Jarge} before dis-|greas of the publi domain whieh! to the Department i ne | Aen The forest pone a aa sure sumeéa the wrestling. In a mix-up Nelclosed. Ne ao debi Gans to the] 7Aan at ent Lo 1eht e ghey and face and) repes % twice ae ie - fue each strength at saved ind sending |) Gans restec mouth, to right hard a nen the negro to his corner. with blood elineh nine lson ble d frecly. As the men| streaming from his mouth as thie bell | work to center it Was a sight to berang. | hold, st ins sent Nelson's head back with and as Both we re weak left to Jaw. \on|* left his landed 17-Nelson Round to the, irrigated } of $40,000,000 in {rrigation|subject to which I have given con-|'Thomas Owens, the government will be re-|siderable attention during my public] A, Metcalf, C. swing. Gans drove him away | J#2w and quickly followed it with a left { } with ‘ ith great confidence to the Neresult aegis W left eyé¢ Nelson's place. to same te).| SWing We ta "ey isye reclamation of _the side the By closed, almost and swollen badly N =] wus but Ae its a " : AB ALCS ae a Bae ring trying to land some vicious right Gans sent Nelson back with straight | Serv ee sme ane Tete eS ee Gist aed vee G service of no ess interest and value . Thie ie rac NEN eee : ' jaw to right whipped Gans swings. Sa teap Phis nS oe to you of aeeoee clip} Nelson a terrific Gans caught ring,| ¢¥e,, the about: Nelson.*wrestled and: "lon the jaw with a right hook and sent service, which was created when 1 Gans holding on. Nelson seored with }in a dazzling left as the gong sounded | charge of the forest reserves was sul right. to- face = they leaned| § against 000,000 , . the w cl in pro- | portance of fr the Work which you farwith It Is fraught engaged exten-]are general the in thus and jects, Of} 8 ssperity West Until interest only ) to. the1 sion of prosperity in the » We nti | reaching& n ot aA has been proved that this great in-| present but to the future It is a ee iy P| Round 22-Gans danced away from cheered Gans| Dane's lead and as usual closed Be IL | Again they clinched and wrestled. be to systems reservoir opinion best) The great the tablished otherr of the ropes. The men. fought at such close quarters that little could be seen protect himself oo tance punches, The ¢ vd as he went to his corner. wpe Fairbanks to impossible |/Js used be may To ee _ President follows 8 res ; Be invest-|the original: the money ‘ . already Pheodore Presidents%s y Vice (4 particu respects, and the , completion - Sincerely atten- willetelve voll: efteatial getting larly "gh eserves ae aie' y shaky y Taediatels hy ht pi Ne acca Gore eh ane 1@ lookes ay bit) } t to his. feetibt | ee to trae Vauanters: to 50,000,000) Of..course,. may etio Viee the governof officers to the support law i | partoy as reclamation the making Saarra ment : ess baton in theelagain In a storm feet to its went crowd ‘ ne aT out" I ta wae "NOL iatteatlon ae 5 : m< aers ; Pie 4 | protests Inim of-foul d ‘the Reieinge re 7g agela on n axain fought | Round 31-Gans blocked Nelson's from acry peopt Seana tae «ie ph el the city hall. This was made good; and IT have faith that this in reception |@" informal successful to earried be will polley completion, because I belleve that the | ¢!fceit behind of the W est are people others of the ¢ane 1 I doubt and problem ld. S y should, You |=me Ktkind.Vat same rang|ment, bell Gans wns at which A .prousint = -due js of ariously. states board being ar _ fn a day, and it will probably ne be done without some mistakes It I} )oquire time ‘ Z ; scientifie i i | juire me, experience, aici |5,q q large expenditure ot money to} qq jt The field is, indeed, a vast one, forest Jands still vacant are) the public domain, and to possible usefulness to all anmaiaee eo ; So far a to support|highest been ee have particular give should this upper- | Successful right the As streneth. his « Nelson so rested then und cuts Nelson warned oe a‘ oseY } otee at again Pary" S put Gans quarters. fas Gan when the bell rang. the ropes against h | give > . but | wherever of|found in esc for assigned area the rigators his "ea is ‘mayeoin area This {fs 1G 3 steamer whi RO Popular toad Mexieo City and return, $69.80... The randthe affords Mexico of old the) on found be to trip autumn ‘ . Francisco, San. continent American it is reasonably} to indicate that seem points, intermediate and ngeles Lo be} may water sufficient that certain connectquick line, Short 325 50,-|only least at irrigating for obtained nt service aye to}¢hildren and grandchildren, rather that during the 10 years for owhich want] pend in a large degree upon for|tity of water which can be 1c public expense Our ven ate a fore See tet eer upon aie meeting 5 1e wishes of the : oebest) public sentiment of the whole West » ares eae Fs , ‘AaerTves It proposes. to create new reserves] eats Nelson to w Anes swin to land i wid Tuesday, died.on body Much There the osse, e ee: pert chs: in| devel- States. true " from ~ The men wrest-/fully tilled free holder: little the center of the] qanger of land monopoly will remain 5 Gans jaw, jaw with Duty of Congress, Irof practical meeting "Phis great Gana ite wte ated rested Gans ropes. é ft ee and ere ee head his Sie ara plainly. | ¢; Siier i was 4 is extent mated (00,000 "By keeping the publie the publie lands our forest stit@es the good of the rights to face and exchanged Nelson's ihe, 1- Ne ind g by3 fre rp groggy op getting sounding powers are great, and roughed it in ring and peppered permitting trying and and the latter|, at Gans Kicked son then ao had men The promptly 2 Recuennrats retaliated. son ras was Who bell a) ‘ane smashed Gans/ Nelson) right smash, close) ee at mon Poet hth bia sh ould were SOCNE van ase apn . man, shall be sufficient fora? dollewine Gt Ge aeT eine Ting, family When onge the farms Nelson's recuperat-|it. lbut falled to land. accomplished. "pape ee ers ; iis sna the joth it only its é forests In} acres of this tremendous area jis yet| gel and return, only $30 Special! deg policy sub-|a part of the public domain When|sale dates, Sept. 4 to 14 Positively Acquis ited deficiency of te ae rawhole peo-| the whole is brought under cullivation| = the last § excursion. of the season! ture since 131 degre . ov > « January \ : prec ipit: ition No California Southern gloriou to of} wealth the irrigation®* of means privileged | by the of profits the for money/ple is not tomi make aet reclamation natfar P « ' ¢ : ¢ excess of precipitation Accumulated in points to settler for -rate Low by Increased be will nation the will one no result that With few the} Therefore, homes make to but requirement of the reclamation act}quarrel except the men who are los- | $5,000,000,000 Southern Utah; miner excursions to | since the first of the month, .68 inches o spe t 7 y : i f oon a oe cea ae a shall ne a ae . ic . a ‘oo x personal profit at "This work can not be accomplished Nevada point and: lowest.-rate all Accumulated « ess of precipitation payment BSC. UE eyaLous "Nelson drove gery oe toi breast) nae ah - eer- "d, ar : a ounrt was est by at the} "se wrestling Nee Ce state ind then drove Joe to the} be limited in each region to the area ‘ith left to face. Gans sent right! which will comfortably support one the face and tried to| family in letter and] : Nate | 5\ : spl e Nelson eae g : mustst |be enforeed ; wung eft to) wrestle, but Gans drove him back with|jn spirit. This does not mean that the from Gans. Both jaw . gs Kept ke . : stimi puneh es to the » jaw. Gans at present family with its future grown later Lter blood belng- the chief offender, changed. right swings in WOGUL EE LO the "Speculation in lands reclaimed the government must be cheeked whatever cost The object of of United inrigi ined be ‘ Cefinite to|age 7 = ee £ » « ; ox , : ; S the done producti time, on) stock ~ the lumber-| the while roads, and chools to si hold attempts cE e therefore, che Poole up Gans eht Nelson wus'! i bell raug. to mGuth left in| rise the to object stockman irrigated | man, land completely acres of ropes amid put a right on the jaw, miss-|160 tt nd natin isoneee she Ronnd''12 t -Nelso ‘ ey ' r © SECC . ; 3 5 : hale Ong AVE ine ; : ‘ we heb oe the| But grass. and timber of value is preventing} he work, by government ay oa Be STehtamto oe oe Gar ns gol to shoulie re fought shoulder are,| Interests of the people as a whole is} and a home acquiring from others answered with two lefts to face, Nel on whipped and him from away Nelson of the for-| I repeat, safe in the hands the population| down keeping actually back head sending Gans' Jast one Gans|the forced Nelson right to face sti! against in stages pateh and larger} however, ' a vast deal¢ more to‘ be ‘ac oe a IONS many There are single indus- | complished give any set|of acres still lying within the iid nonare which regions, semi-arid would|and they often county money . opment than : : stockman} lumberman would| timber, the settler! The "more. less, The see more be.| preliminary New the return| irrig gated Beginning Made. that irrigation 1s: be-|the it less while Only belfeve: "I now the to have sheds, the be sue-]} cut When,|to desires Undoubtedly wants more. like to cut f has = Bc es Interests of any course, it cannot what exactly water acres}znd West West policy-wider ofte n like would his the national boundaries of) > Sal bt rf aer-|fense: better fitwnictescnelsca "aoe isthe aunts: ati , aia trenincof ring , Nels on ae He a Sete thy swing le ith na returnes Gans jand ood ‘ i I Se from Gans' mouth by lwo ae right cas he mo ran following this up with uppercuts. They broke [ron Lt clincn) three ace ght lefts to face. He then t to meet these suggestions | The forest policy of the Government _ . P , 5 than the or) whether and aaa profitably it not it is for the interest of the comtry Of men rhe}ot it. have should he that munity prosperity of the present frrigated | choose, » the/areas the ° r about again wrestled Dhey ry Its The ; page "DRPIERCES GOLDEN Wil-| Kaiser nee Grosse. ee Away helm der E York, Sept. Passes smut seen ol ede Bada project authorized, and for thereafter prosecuting the work it will have the proceeds derived from the future sales number of the greatest MANTELS WOOD will be found at Elias Morris & Saris Co. to be Full program "Lands in the forest reserves that|Struction Is about $41,441,573.95, and |jitea subjects. and| Round 41-The y-came up slowly for agriculture} When this expenditure.ia madé, it wills nounced' later: valuable. asked Billy Nolan fa-|are more Gans time oiinched. what : being | bring under irrigation nearly 1,200,000 it was. Then they than for forest purposes are A Tie li be"observed' that the NT us ; = "* Gans} opened Pas clinching contest. to settlement and entry as|@eres, - i e wi ee ves Round 24-Nels on went right after character |¢ost of the work now authorized {8/ SALT LAKE ROUTE EXCURSIONS. agricultural Then they wrestled about the fast as thelr amount estimated ° ings V J ‘'s Most There is, there- | ¢auivalent to ; the fund Mo Utah's ascertained. Via Outings uneof : Autumn until the gong. Nelson continually {can im erat go in and rough jt. At close quarters ring fore beno longer excuse for saying that oe ee itting and boring in. Melson swung . left and right to face Nelson gave Gans no chance - to rest. ‘ : : : ‘ 4 a ? smate | Will not, 4 however, Complete the work r opular L Road ‘ . : legitimate the . retard reserves they|the and as hed 42-They sea ear x 69.80" urn: oe ad$60,000,000nowin unIt will require of - the dition, struck|settlement On and the development deliberately 69,80. "The1e awayandNelsonae colored yoke low City ee and return, Mexico hard to the jaw. JOC) Goins Hie Sune, ler the ,bFolects to finish some contrary, they pro-| man slowly|country, came back with right to face, They] they are com-|tour of old Mexico affords the grandertaken, and when Satie: tak Nov aloginant: sank to the floor, The blow was clearl finre aid ashe capes: =e oP eH be 20g ne on ie ts oe suru hipaa ye irriJand of amore total the bleted, | more way no In so do will they and Gaas onsets eo Oe ae Spice un ft "dissent in' two efts! to | pay. ‘Eaters Francisco, _ San continent. American acres, 3,200,000 be' ‘vill sited | direct their through th powerfully. ints, eee a armediat murm : was openot a2 s Aiyeeles? there the a ral-| and 5 ched... , They both missed, rec their through an powerfully the} way it at ft ; os ane. Nae. aulble" coment eS "The secretary of the interior has L08s and schools the to ited,|contributions was Fae ttle Gans iaene Dakss (ota eee iy sage‘tollowed, itlelsar pene had coming a shade? the best o" eferee ae ws pine to his cer-|roads. Ten per cent of all the money under consideration additional projtonic Ut: h's atest rade a Kea Nel It mtr Fosas! was ner 1 ent to ear "He fought. amit! wrestled away oke ‘Ti‘hey. ¢lose quarters. at and Nelson sent in a left to Gans' stomHe ach. o jaw ae Gans' followed this hen Nelson p ee head tore with oe left up with a right sent two shortright uching In day. him on the ares He WIDE is BARGAINS Te we SPECIAL Suit Cloak, the IF. Auerbach & Department Bro. to- to jaw. recelyed SPECIAL He followed this with two rights and SEERCIAL. will move to 73 Burton Coal Co. oe 5 oke up and more lefts o jaw. formerly location street, Main ned up Tiphiite by Damar ins, South i t ‘oal C ‘o furipusly.: at Nelson's face Ww ith left and Co. Then. they Mvattt into a|eccupied by D. J. Sharp Coal punches. right delivery. Prompt coal. All kinds Gans shot efore the bell rang cits fe es 7719. 5 phones Both his left to face.aeGans was a bit 2 worried! from the reserves forest gées | ects In Arizona, Colorado, California, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada to the states for the use of the coun-| ties In which the reserves le, to be} Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington used for schools and roads. The}&nd Wyoming, which will cost about) |amount $70,000 grow ee a scree and and to Indieate that certain of this contribution for the first year, and steadily larger. and permanent will source is nearly | $109,000,000, vill pleted, will a] form of in %,070,000 pe whan ee rg comwhen which, and bring under trrigation It thus will Boye ala be nt Some pron a come, which would not have been the it case. with the taxes whose place werk pater now undertaken ane me it will render arable Prat take 6,300,000 oe at a cost of a "‘Posito TY exit Aten: Sept. ae peels the last $30 excursion of the 70° 4,rates glorious southern to California. In points for settlers Law Satrera Nevada time to tah:. Salt second miners' points and all Follow office, 169 little "Einally, a body of intelligent, prac- | More than $200,000,000. : 5 e "To prosecute the work which _ it |tical, well ‘trained men, citizens of the West, is being built up-men in whose | has undertaken, and which lies before| atin aaa ioaree Le ae pgoeeha in ees oro see pee its s feet to INelson. Owd yee fee and cheered tamS elson's roun excursions . to California points. to the street. ticket] eh Ova a Se re h ate eae seri Lake n's e aoor sout AYT : loweat-rates all: the southern the crowd South Main UW, -_ [Our Tadiant Grate on grate every other placesImproved market. a 21-27 W. SO. TEMPLE a - N Leading 109-11-13 So ST. a : 3 tah's SALT iu th Music M LAKE House . ain Street CITY : ' |