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Show Mer THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, j {| - } SALT LAKE CITY, | 5: Sa must } , | _ receivered dalogue, with enthusiasm. The Slight Misunderstand- | | LOGAN, , ybingham. March 24--One of the Afi ‘Leta "Wakeham was a most | LOean, March 24.-The_mammoth Bingham the Be March Lively 2 whi ut thehome of t One club Mrs. of Richards, | Uitte lossy I Fairhorn d Beck and 8S. iSvans. hosts The successful player for the evening were Mrs. Thoma evans and C Stiliman Mi A Jensen and >rhoma Bvans winning econd It being the last of the serias of partth t pecial prize of honor , i ; arded to the one t ne atest ! prenate a dit number of hr t pri : cones poin hs I having tom ‘." ers at . the, ‘ . e ae " EY Lak F has \ reherv wa 7 Mi * Hoste ds in e Angeline visiting f ee} as the Re urda se ci is Supervisor Junction chool worl Mir urday A. grim week Do to M y Macks suphatdt ad Ls jourtie Mi and tertained ! ri ( | he Sat at the interest Mi th ' ee wb Winners Brin hi ime in. as ES $ elu rhe ¢ 4 mee \ E ‘ marks Lule Cr were REIS of and Miss ae to prog Mrs Henry Heaston, Dell PF enkell, Thomas, Mr. Mr. Mr..and Mrs. Mrs.. E Gabriels 7 I. sowie det , bach, and ‘ Mi Miss B. Dudley a and Allen M entertained Jack Hai . Vy h Mrs. Cov of \ Sa ef : Hicheclul : \ and her. of the most gavyeties wa Inge enjoyment was' iw cnie vere cad awarded Mi Mr Francis 7 B. Jone Mi ma by ister buy Carl Hi M Mary _ "a iss tine Lizzie Quinn acl Mrs. 4. Gus ; ; t SAI Ae thle \ " H.. My 1 Li Ah Rober Ili i e Gr he man's home of Mi the Mrs. SS. ter ¥ orge ul ed it in I Pri WW wurned: at es lay Ost art thirty he fu eve i g ‘Tax ' Salt Lal Lop ¢ A her Olmstead DD. Smith Mrs. Mrs. M 5giver M home in Provo home to Mi ent oh (he uy Gi hi the the I ' Phere wn enjoy: tle her mother, anniversary of friends present venerable s was . his y a ©. C. day fn} Lake KE. * a a. f HH. | A in| had were Salt Lake 4 thi of : Mrs.' days la of | weet ' Wedne ent i. Oscay ; eMcn Sea R. Thurman City Laake 1 during £ a nee ub tive home ms t aan \| Mrs.aisle R. \chievement H.-Beesley's i paper, In. the World brought discussion Gul seine Judge Judge ' i the . ‘ ae Visit to an Aira. M%.& Ninetec M. het i pang rvivicdgee ak Kellogg Ogg club add addresses on. the' home of 4 After: the of the : ; 1 th ‘ Ji ; re ne m. : Joseph anal vat trip | que ) "went" to: Sali brothet 1% ham. sang 7 > Fe "Reuben 1 id \ tachel Rach k x 5 One! a Angels 5 7 Limited. of the leading features of the even- | wii arrive at ing was the "Dude Drill by the 05 p. m.. as . : primary. boys,s W hich received eee. Miss rere tl at Leta W show duet 21 Booth as ec and det as grea ial Sita Instrumental oO brothers «and ake Z train ibjlits che music Roy . kennel of ro from 25 p. m., heretofore ks rousing agra MaTawane Miss , Hazel Seng. Ratay Mayne, Mika Mi : ‘ « 1 z the :. . Sait wake went J. were to " la was wisWednes- Mant of (605 SSeS Miss: Salt : A ue Lehi a | de P< \ . Roval ‘ \ = visiting Marle Lake a Hh ROTH 3190. "PUONES: Call 3190, either ‘phone, to get a (nter-Mountain Republican, any 2 - partment, ‘department, advertisin advertising or , this eit circulation 5 Otto. the ge at I ? \ ay el Willan we i ; FROM i ; green ALL es 7 STATIONS UTAR > Sth Good in SALE T H Groceries / of For No. ON ons i \ 85 EAST SECOND Telephones nA Confercnce Week the five SOUTH theatres of the city offer monster : : attractions. EIT ! . at ; n i Ons 4 Salt Lake Route Juab and Utah , has ee the most Valleys . conventent Ask any i trains agent from of 9 ' ' ) Moret M) tl of ' \ th ‘ oral ho : leay ss Uta Ra : will if East why you ' 1 THE F lett not travel over ILLINOIS Nee ea 4 Se CENTRAL RAIl ROAD ul \ 7 a it yourself You 1 wm sta going . enjoy Se ithern- ‘ F Boo play l ning e When I Lite N« The As Seam i » rei % ‘ Mi : 1 , - z it don't cost any more ae rn } ' oS t Li UTAH'S MOST POPULA gy ict TA ! Wednesda a } mie the Sanpete, Pe ue Law Ri } Cha us) ; . . The San Pete pioneer line, will nfs conferenc aa ron the y, to "CL CHEESE 2 Me for . wearing 5th . ize TH Aes even elub held it ular meeting t }ot Mr H um J nsen last Mond !%6 M1 J es "3 mm aS t 1 ni ic i He 7: } Quint 7 APRIL ei rt z Nepl a ilele 2 . i or LIMBERGER pices VISIUN Oe e, ie ir I aro rl Om \ Wed Chica a Chicag Paul Sieg Orlea : I i | li i Leet ‘ a} ( ( ill 1 i f phi thet i a all i I Lake City, 4 uth trect. 1 Hornung, _ ogi general F Arrive as: usual. § Salt Lake A n ant agent, it Manti. " forey SALT : . f Geo. LAKEMe 118 W. TRANSFER gt ast Second CO iy South Mgr. Phones . Distance . Record, . Mountain : Over and 25a ,» bon scotty The = . Plain and rr i itera : in " ¢ 4 Special, a less e 45 than : - C.F. Warren, G. ure. BI A A., A T.& S. F, Sal ‘ ‘ y lak la i A. Sims, Long i Miles Cn EE Ce rine. hours Demonstrating that ‘Santa Fe" track, equip rt ment and employees are of the Dependable kind. Probably YOU wouldn't14 care to ride so fast. You prefer Trains From Utah h and d C Co lorado the Juxury of 3 Regular for Ticket me Ask to everywhere East and Southwest. Rates No Sa MN GarYount cr es ‘ . Pe . ao8 n ou ; ¥ phraim % year, ‘ The 2265 ge second Salt 1 eee) mir Wi a aa? 3 i 1 pe i Valley Railway, the give the best service th i Lak : ut nt Nephi.OU), ofJ. Salt) L../Morzan Mra. B. Jensen, | (Uheheon 7 Nielsen » AND : under Ander City i ve~|sion "to. tl ‘ LAKE , irs Ab ; sister; . "Dr. SALT oan :ee Charles:her fe Mirs. visiting 1a ' de-)jijip a HE E ( FS > . FE GH ESE f relativ "the POW, vs De assembl: hall Friday : . Soran ; | NEW YORK GREAM GHEESE Wed. * party <of to : 9 PoMecCafferty * H. "P"Uarsen ilentank? in init Awnlcetthiie. weel . : : Vegetables have just received ier rat a SS | > K BR ( visitor Manti Oe } W Merr principal oo the : Facet whool. and Trustee T. H G I inke Thursday "tor visit the "sch of pba s way its in Remember pa a FRUIT Presh . SW Sa Lake . * . Willardsen of Mayfleld was eI s Ce Willandseli's tamlleeeth 4 le ! Le HTS th 4 C4 treoitatio: his GAME, 1 m pred. = We Tugsias was was ee 2 i t of ; ‘ Groceries - 2 FISH Fancy AND ' alsi if ° and ' , POULTRY, Kiverything City. here in Willlams Teale dancing in n - Chicago 4 ° Staph : gwas on : on HARPER Prdévo ° _ E Man I ; -- oeee < Ww MeClella went to Salt Tuesday te | Kiverything \ "Vri- guests 4 instead de- . Salt Lake, and friends the "faculty ieltven at the ing pavilion PI oe the home ‘Veneven Tuesda bt yuUSsiNe > Calder excellent ‘ Not s Fotheringham a by rot up } entertaitin aniaKe a : Seed ane ca Joy inh Literature ae Be Watebest | asia Kilce Luh entertained ibe:aieis' |", . als as wa te of the club fo ome. time I ‘ 4 7 hom s Ka evening's programme . was . ee 2‘ ; 5 1 rousing chorus ) " i Mi ‘ ng i a l e fter which Eishop Water Dr, John A , Widtsoe: sper Gay : n children, after Whit Dean Wilcox | or two In ke this \ irs. Peter: Erte) : 1 Fish Haven, |prlee «pat et ee ee offered pra Mi 4 ahs" cit te oe ) > cea SnCer pel TeV) wa \ ~ 1 ind rier ' ) recited the : ong "Inventor'sreceived n ja Ephraim Wphrat President J. W. .Paxms ; ° rf J lt Mitehell's apolau The Cache Valley train which has)' 1 , CEve uenee tN Oe eee was-<le-| nau licld' thieweskh Of May nere Calg ate Guedes a ao preaeeEred eeePare ae renem,., OTIS nel frinhda te ee POA pects A hat p a 4:05 now ars leave Will daugntet and ham a other bon ; 8 om and luncheo oast . Mt. tae nt it the one Monday of the 8 jee r ( nr re- | and frien f oP as carpet | }j T oe ‘ \ ward W . . ye ee f Lars aniEiokes are fens or . to day e.-8 nic was C I Quinn Mrs. I. S. Petersen Wednesday Ma i |}, aa Or Bbjget IO0 beautiful the | id viswere S&S: -ake Salt Lak sdlay. SOO ; C.-Lund relative ] tu of same in ° Frid "Remark|ioulcei,ah clits Richfield ‘Tuesday... Medteat denial athe teresting Rees mes wept Panguitch Lake sen ae ne I i ob Hansen 1.00. 1CE8 ae Gare Mis Hannah ( o hg went to the "Davi Fintayson: Riehtield) rug sizes ‘ W. his William all = W. #1. SES her * twenty-five few 1 venile courtrhs at the Wawwnll thd fs had been disposed : spent regular price. beds on sale commenc- NOVELTY silk in Thomas Tavior and Alonzo Larsen came home from Sunnyside Tuesday ° ° e Mi s All ce and L und is visiting v x relatiy rel es and friends. in Mant IH. visited | iting went ame Lake been rendered, the | dancing were enjoyed entertained at tuned intendent Nelson was Salajt 4 st ead S. ih ‘ BED-- Patrick's a ReainT f + . W with 10x16 $22.5000, pee. 80 ® well worth the These folding ing Monday displayed Witlardsen a" Salt Mr. and iting: | ti-visitor Lake a visit x * M. IL. A. Sewing club meéti}in the dining the home of Mrs. Talph | well prepared After the "work af per recitations honor crowd are St. Murray MO anc 1] friends iends in in evening ave. _Litchfield March. 24 Mi H Ip. Gentry friends surprised her at the} Richfield hotel Monday evening About. with : regular | 08; week. pleasant } a pane | ™e mbers of the orae ost Mrs. Joseph use-| Bonnie Brier club met at the of Mrs Winnie Wilkins: this where the members enjoyed a) session and refreshments Seep. Irs, Iie Mayfield "nts Friday few Be } Dixon Pulver and Globe-Header the ] dyed patterns, Shariss Mors: an of Salt Bo SSD « D. . - Hancock to J. thing ; ~ account of is a gir | mission Maveock, Vednesday made Wednesday. rhe tine x \ Nee , ugh I. Folding . Mree nrrd Eline al, is Mr. : j elatives iting relatives toe attend | this week Salt Si Havnes to hear Wilk ison. for - RUG vegetable They ah Mrs a in of: went Mrs. a Orlental rugs. SaTeTeTit [eae rlandson FULNen to Salt Nine : dictates of your i ; pieces of every . QuarteR sawed oak front, woven wire a bed coil steel supports; weh springs LATEST Sarick: Oriental ty these days on | day arrival G.} -visit--in'.Pleasant W. Speat Jobin W. * * Ifriday tak ci i accordance with the woods. Odd Parlor = relatives : Salt Bed similar to cut, quaroak body; woven wire solid frame THE texture RICHELELD gramme members : in- 9 4g. tgutnen Miss nt Mrs. for .a T Friday Lake weit FOLDING Lal the Graham ° Olle Mi BY > JB Folding Upright, ter sawed springs on ; } . was ‘ seventy continued do. @ $47.58 | Pay- Salt in Wednesday ® : Daisy Fairbanl a : °morning eae Friday Wiis Provo. ericnds Ss) Ant) do | $22.50 | in were ° . Philip ere sister Mi apital cital th ‘ given WW. the her Hirth enjoyed woman's $ Same | county IS) after visiting j week acna ime home <We what ee we sort. The Lake of. 3 ana Gutheil in nes tovisit go to in party Mrs. being oceasion Lo. Faek il ie cox +f , Ly. . mirror, for- | Salt. - = MALTY. 7 PAE do, e ot Ross Smith | ceven- fe asd ae ue visited friends ywwe Golden oak body, she ' ss 143 woven wire springs with cable reinforcements. of | has . Payson Mutual 1 Pitfhavard hack, it-because plgeces. | "22% say Bed from Lake MES James last) young ladies issemblead péeasant evening The Y: Phursday Paulton evening Dell Fenkelwa j eanesday of : Lake it lance was given Friday ae S 5'* honor of Joseph S. Bills aiid attr Lake gave } ODD $17.50 Thursday of the unary 11 of John in honor of theit Stevenson of Sult of good ai} Salt ne | week onta une Monday vewcomb, who ifte 1 extended. the from attorney aeeau sday Payson r + i returned | Grove wi of Richards aes "Bas OF in} roac _-s* Miles of i. | under the auspices : >| A. at EoSsaoue Of) Eyes Beulah - M i Friday Adains, ee 19 leaves April 2, aA}the southern states ‘ to of SHOWING to ae A. farewe | . o in levening ts visiting| this LCeCel a life Schneither . Gaon ee . a Provo Wednesday nh Henry Hairy i GRAND ' we Our Parlor Floor is well furnished, so well that we could easily furnish yours in r Three and j f j :upholsterings ‘Re and pocket-book. five-piece sets :in all fashionable and taste e county, here | her eon chland:) Hichland the entertainmes ae VO . at visiting A do about afford money just AND can \ : re Luneh under vee ire was give : - city ens tnat nd e , entertained J. { Jos Mrs. Lake ; ayson Manderfield ot visiting, in An- S. nh Juab of s Of Mi Wednesday Mrs 3 Che home ecl social v guests . ° ° Primary ing ouse, x uke au win : at eh] Mis. Los with worry we ‘ Inner and left the best of wishes for | Lake Friday. t hear' Ben Davi , oe th of awarded Mi fellmt to about The Mi j inth nanny. Mhursda re + ‘rex to Ostlet ‘ ones H. part : ; : vo Andersoim entertained i. ju | camp Sutiday to fl the Upper Bingham w Mi 4 er | Don't how Mayor E Pre ide nt happy ie een visiting Mr. and } Wightman a few days. : ne SERS the resignation M« osk Mec! * ¢ * The Whist club parts of f Boy for friends Mt Bachman roof Lake oat 8 davs stay s e : Cheminant Le n| Mrs. and : W. la he left where she, N Iv. rie Grier i vies a og oat . oe pared a | aoe I of Eureka, n Prove this week Ma Jon several ( W ke STORE" -_- t E xo every that store . @ ay H ersts Cte the - Ybout. fifty nd enjoyed I To A Mel eo. * My \ \ Tuesda\ aie ee ad city from \ Eas returned Robertson, Thursday. | to alt * > wate 2 club wi a shee Forema W. A. nity Mr | | | . Dusenberry ai Misses Sea 2 ve make to : Salt eulan Geo Fitzeerald A at Provo Mi rt Mi ‘ on university |) were contributed Pacdvemant eat \ \ on FURNITURE be has were A. /@ttorney . -e ei who and N |} Eureka, La- entertained Lake 4 : Ata ee aS 7 MI Ml » Porte Lake Dusenber ry v Lake during the In party inuehter Mr. ureka, [fate Jimpsor Mrs Thom: Gabrielson i : } ; Dudley, a ; it John Quinn len and * re-|_. Mrs. and week W.-H. ind Lake, week Pilzgerald Second long trip bridge. Prize' |ing' thirty-five volumes "and $470 | yn, reo a home aN MeBeth rn Vraeer of her evening friends delightful of thi thie Woma 2 oane. Lake City, of Logan | visiting OfeSalt= Aldred Young a | number | Friday Mis: vere Clarl : War M \. Bl Gillett Srey has after Smoot in Salt Mis Di ‘ Ma Francis vn Ming < nan geles this week, ‘ family, will meet prizes fell to Mi In, FE. Dud ud Mi Gi Gabrielson, with. the « lation to Mrs. S. H. Gillette \ guessing contest of words was entered int with zest Mrs, Io Dude Wihhin aerial ; were: Mis: the pri Eng 1 \ Worthington Guire Mia _ people Moroni Mr. thi of the GREENEWALD we reand Prayer-President hosts new yrs | a Unity club party Tuesday evening =f the home of Mi osie iizgerasn Mrs. Adeline Scoville. assisting rhe room were decorated carnatio ' in' . hint ane fer fe glia . Ae rite predomi ra J. Mrs. Ida friends i Ww evening of Highland Saturday raatin young of : e One week's le of | ©.) was the of Mr. out Boes F. frie S ; Ca ee oO oun o an Slessin essrs. R. Anderson, W. S Cacia aux, M. J. Ballard } Piano Solo-Miss Mamie Brown | Address-President Joseph Morrel. Solo-Mrs. O. Borkman } : ddress Bishop Anthon Anderson, Logan Second ward Song-President Joseph Morrell Refreshments were served consisting of fruit punch, salad rolls, maple |parfait, eake and bon bons. during pleas sant | theh Sunday. week. - ee oy Thursday Holliway Mekillicor the capital a . M endenhal and | Brigham" Wood, Sawdy, . ‘ Smith week home Hendrickson Robinson their home . : Little Francis Arde: entertained Mrs. Riffer of young friends Saturda afternoon | euest of Mrs honor of her seventh birthday during . the week h in " % Faux 1 Mr. A. Dedicatory Roberts, /)_ The Kindergarten fepartmen nt of the | McEvoy, Tullet ‘ \% W or Mr. and Mrs. enjoyable party at the Eymnasiuin * > evening . Music . gi imes~ and Mrs.‘ Quinn, | last. Hich! 1B ighlane ays 1 and Mrs H. the new oes he Salt into went Hirsh A.\S. sur- | Home Myrtle my the home of her parents, | Priday Willlam Homer, Thurs: i : ! impromptu prox : : rendered and luncheon Mayol Nebeket has: returned t business trip to Sevier county e e , ° | Baler Mr Mi Wood A on small Mr. and/ed Jones, Burns, Donough, be Mr Mr. and Jehp° OT THE "é . or ie | which time the company enjoyed i | Dleasant visit The company was | dismissed it 10:80 by prayer by | large party of President feaze Smith i) Hen themselves at|drickson's health is not good Ot Newell, Wed= | lat years he finds it greatly to his event was 1 | detrime nt to be up late at night ind honor of Miss | on this account the guests left early songs and|€ach before leaving, however, wishing | evening helped Ad- | freshments Williams, Clays, care S Sehren- || ing ing a plpleasant t one. Guire "o Jinipson FehrenmT. a. EN Mc . 5 Lake, Messrs. 7 , st Gabrielson and TY) by Mrs. C. V. o ane Bayard dinner won and C. C was served present were 4 Thursday es ° | wite, tineau, pichard of Salt rooms e848 © he r Se SS 2 solation were Mrs. entertains i ae number Zillah urned varded th was fi vette. prizes game large ; a) « Aa At aho at t tl he "t ‘ lia‘ i i izes in in chins ine ere1 : ; iwarddec 1 { aMi Fehrenbach and W M. Smith Mr im EK. Dudilev and A. I HWoeaston: Con: L. Countryman dainty lunch tables Those Mart ngs : back," MARCH 25, 1906 ;Center street Monday evening Th home has just been completed and i one of the finest in the citv, and presents an imposing appearance About | sixty invited friends assembled at the | res sidence at 5 o'clock, among whom we President Joseph I Smith and |} i ' aP ric "( ‘ , a: at 4) anday refreshments the "of'ys ee nds prised hey at Mr and Mrs. evening framime wa Avid i server ed vere ae ( made ito) oe Charl 1am thei - thr ee listen-| a ena cards ey \ Bj Lor: Mi Emily Whitman of Chicago Is PAY . 5 SON. isiting her brothers, Le Lo Nunn and J.J. Nunn 7 ° Payson, Mareh Z4 Mrs. Phil Speckart entertained at | 'Tennonon went to Salt her home Thursday evening rhe to hear Ben Davies fruestSs spent the evening with songs, | . e * Vnnajimusie noth ecorated. an " hil 0) i yy of | games i : Mrs. the al ne guest o Lake was bd é rm ou I ae 7 Es PROVO, Provo, Mareh 24 \ young people enjoyed the home of 1 O. nesday evening The farewell party given in |Alta Newcomb Musie Sunday Out Pr rida Wr 1 Salt Dudley ove . ‘ Fehrenbach om ' flee _ . hall lowed Lerwill returned ~Satbrief st aut t ent . af Wi t returned pi the latter part of the At cump G. the . oon EE. lowed by . Joseph in a ta Mrs of Salt Lake camp during In I Saturday and | Sn ieee . |James H. Linford of the B. Y rlca . 0 lege, President Joseph Morrell ars Suan Order oF a ee vet {dent Isaac Smith Judge Vv. WwW MaIness session Aucsday evening Will! ari, s ‘ followins entertain membei und friends at an Setratiiue Win cincs ope ene informal card party and will serve pd Le light refreshments Singing Phe asse mbl3 rs . e | Prayet Bishop ( J Larsen, : . } Solo- Know that My Redeeme Alice Hive No, 16 held installation | Lives M. J. Ballard * ‘ I Waters Jones delighted a-recitation > Conca week. Vv\. 1 Fern Mrs. F. FE. Straup, acc ompé injied by] her sister and her mother in Salt Lake for a f days | ® re al ‘ returned from }| Mrs. H. J. Robinson spent the week | In Salt Lake i aaa a? te «2 and att ny d the Pauline sia Hall performanes lesday evening camp riday with a party of frignak a 2 at the capiM eroriolc 1 latter | t of 3 a Archie Orem has returned tO) ‘ eo after a fortnight's visit to Michael Fitzgerald w for several da the weel tal the the he es ; ea Pug : ree : a . eae eats pas Pee lesday evening D1 to during a cae : s i ig / t ni Bone ee NOME M t capital . fs Miss thetthe Bingham prammncantls) whist club cantnontn thelr M Mrs Christensen and Jam< Seck, secmd prize fell to M1 A. Jensen and J. Stillman, while the most unfortunate for the entire serte roves to be M1 ohn RA on nd Chat a Sr alle ALERT arn (Coarse Sneid 7 A a licious lunch was seryed to about iivty ~uest ° \I I Wakeh ent several . Miss by: Tu - In the Sti ti days by i iughable comedy ind the young ocial event of held | ladte recelved nvany compliments, | CePUoen at the party, James ing' . given . th iat? . : satisfactory money 162 t th We. ave enor stand back of piece of furniture a BINGILAM,. be the SUNDAY, 4 e ooly it y, \ ock, Utal City. ls |