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Show 6 THE | MPROVED OUTLET FOR CARISA'S ORES COLUMBUS Report That Channel Driving From Sioux-Ajax Tun- |: nel to Connect With Its Wealth. Losses currence of edy Manager an Joseph in the a to to drive camp as from the the main To Incline. it will be a distance ore ac- necessary of for about 70 feet and with this connection the ores from that. portion of the _company's territory may go ward without interruption and in iratenicily larger volume il the wagon reads are improving, with the tonnages from that portion of the increasing, the troubles are repeated each year nud the only permanent relief appears to over, a ra that will connect with all of the producers in that locality . Manager Joseph reports the Carisa in condition at this hour to put out a tonnage equal toa any in the record of its mines Ti addition to the ores with whieh the company has been reporting at the smelter for some time, not a Iittle first class is being opened up and the outlook at this time is quite 9 encouraging. VICINITY OF Into Comes Alta to day inorning. While the fall of snow ~ _ locality has been such as the oldest inhabitants of the it has. not retarded developis ment under ground and_ it this feature of the undertaking which is relied on to instruct the visitor. A, uvall, representing the Milwaukee interests in the undertaking, depart oa: his i ‘wilt the east today ch are manner {fn SM ich properties o responding to the management the Mr. Wantland, and confident that territory is to be made to repeat the his record of former days. During las sojourn in the careful Ss and on it is asieaish those other who ocalites camp's t= 2 made to have seek going turned bigger further to their game west in he is w val has made feenda in this timber during his visit and he departs with the assurance that a him. have glad hand will always await He will return after the snows disappeared, accompanied - by some of the home folks who placed their moneys into faking that promises to aay oF which it Is made AT DIXIE Reduction of have by the With ‘assurances that the waters have receded and that the voyage between the San Pedro and the properties of the Utah & Paster n Mining company out of St. s possible without the . The blockade alongs Ce. the route baving prevented the livery of coke at the furnaces of the company's smelter, Shem Clty, the reduction of ores from the Dixie the of copper bullion will be re- sed in a short Meanwhile, ork is progressing witheut internition at the properties, and sinking wil e resumed at once with, the livellest interest among the¢neighbors in conditions at depth. ~~. S. COMMON Dividend On : STOCK. tt to Be June Provided for at Meeting. a meeting of the directors of the United States Smelting, Refining & ining company held yesterday, the question of a dividend upon the common steck was postponed until the June meeting, says the Financial + Sharp, elected president, a member of the mittee, Sharp, Re Rice | x Property. Notes, of to the Pioneer arrive from of the Beck Tunbe permitted to dividend today. Peter Haack, by whom the Snjyder interest in the Honerine of Stockton was recently acquired, is scheduled to return from Chicago tomorow. W. D. Dunham has returned to the city after a visit to Los Angeles and will expert interests to which his attention has been called in this state _ White has returned from Robeson with Instructions to work on the east plans for the projected smelter with which the properties of the Balaklala company in California are to be equipped Joseph Farren, general superintendent of the Nevada properties of the Glasgow & Western Exploration company, has gone to the camps again, and before velurning will resume operations at a number of the mines. HH. The friends in this Coolidge, one of rectors of the city the United of appendicitis his. offices. and TONE hat IN he company, TIN ts back in STOCKS IN by BOSTON. A. which how consistsof W. 4. Ff Holden, Evans, .J. J. and 8. W. of New k, a director and ona com- Ones Pollock and COPPER OFPRENINGS.: W. HH. Coatiage Storrow, N. Not Lpon American aisineline d Shares Ior newed ann March faity, rticles of Bell. .| Little Chief Mam .} Mammoth seem the county itallzation is $100,000, located clerk. and in West The pene W. F. Hepes' noe oe Gi The the E. cap- proper- Tintic mining Huish, for the. are materia demand ahead mercial 2 nd electrolytic, in fact, are in ay cen price* for delivery as far xt September. sere the ComSh. Mew York City SHOT UP THE in 44,243 KING. the, Great Property of Ugly Hol shares Villed of stock sold on while a new week the was all Bure Mining The Silver Crown filed its articles of Company. Mining en Beaver Ts company ne Pela mining The officers are: Ezra president; J. W. Gardner. Ww. 6:5 20 * {> 18 Sein, Reynolds. treasurer ard, director. ~ Silver and |. 3 at 8 at at 10.6744. 5.00; at 39. 00: 16; 125 at 60; 100 mM; 100 at 3,000 at 900 at 28.25, 110 164%; 500 at 24% . 3. 1) al 56.20 6S at 6.15, Bel Sales. teat SU, 60; 300 200 at whieh the shareholders other dividend today, ck Tunnel, from are to cecelve an- again left the man In the afternoon Bs. of ease and etive Belmont: BOs Bid. 6,00" rie ao |Askea. :§ 6.25 Te swoene} ............. {}. 20 1,883) "1.35 <23.-1 . .24 | ‘| s| 1.80 7 ai or a ar }7<GL Tonopah Com. West ....... End. {<-re 5 D hme. ‘ | 2.97% hn fs ld ok 4 eteewkh Columbia Conquero _ Mountain. kre . | at {op Diamonatieti bes Pa eh ba SU od Goldtietd Wh, ak Seat yumbe, eG y-: 4s texgghston meee a ain 1 Mer Moh ny 1 ?* 13 by jet 4 Be. |: gt SA ool The . ; piaevoles Oe ipa "Ver COMDBOr sold Ba -.60 12% BB) yo 1B Adams Aulanta en ee Bull bate rt c cairn fake eral E 1,921} 1, WTKR Few 1: Pe ol matst of. GL }thing soft| In the ee 1. 1,4 Orig. Bullfrog .: Gabbe aceit seen be LEMOS, vitae) qe Sh ; dal > AME. [ocects Golden Crown ©...... Sool 10s. et Thee Great Bend ......-. Lr? Sie | 70 May o with wheat did ‘ Con, Ophir COMSTOCKS. oe Noreross 18 » 2 19 pant. 2%. ST) |.1.40 Pe 37. |. 8 | 20:':1° 0.0 40 w 1,25 2 points. 5 points Competition (Established Sasa T. Merrett, July at |\.oo1 sales %@) bales: condition offe in and the at ae the close ate gsiat Ate ane was animated TIME at} Prades were in date fae: pork | actiy athiount i hae 178 are Oa to The L ales for lowe large supdemand bale les. No. encouraging sues ‘hile de-| Phat Anaconda brought ein about Sree a ° decline 1c that settlement did) o Railway common, dropped and other bonds government bonds er The lows cana were the cent. of "prices over) were jor 1 tte Pndry S. and R ; 18, Manna ehasiin. saeee 110 Brook. Rapid Tran. $4% Canadian Pacific AW au Ches. and Ohio 57% ‘hi, Gt. Western... 21 a: and N. Wi "o94 Chi. with ‘ot Pl eas ty aa ood Hope and coured 1s 2 i-2 4 --_-_-_ uit earns REAL Linds . 20,4 bushels Actes than. those previous week, although' Russia| | not ad-| tity fol-! quite bring Z . afioat seh mont to up the what total of the quan-| it ; visible Patipiite 1s completed was at 15314 extablis ifne nt Pal [ the Rie. : : | No, ESTATE termediate particular ecrtainly ae of commodity follow, but the ae ir drying up «67% 242 2eile laye the suggestlo Benet an advance i of the from operators %e to 3c P..175% 175% 173% Iron. 6% pees. 62% feck. 49% ; a while caused to the general tone Uy The visible 44%. ABA els. leavi 144 MAN we pe snow y g to po P Nephi ol. Morrt i. Which 124, do: preferred. ...4...°-:.. TOO. Scent esp oe SMITE te 3. bre ons : 4 xd for bearishnesa the early heavy total for AOE last Ie st H, > Heiteas: ‘ 87. et al. C, to Co. % 20-21: A. eee to D. of 2. feeling uwhel r bears to ke The hhirhers - iano a is fica re oo. fap Ith y most part limited to - ae d 8 those P M7 Biciicae 4 ¢ to 14g | Able usiness be takir ard freedom. ral Be hog Notes, 16.000, and recelpts price reported a eiige s00d | sellers for the were satis- jand s who a For tibs with Se drop the yards, consider-;| tomorrow in Local Smelting peuglas run, | | B. G 73, to Refining . Jr. 4. Co., to I to 12 pounles' § A to any 2 | No. Sr and great in o the factories activity ‘ar = the and owing to tear down the old are. Teday's to wii consequent building Euigkis cproperty on Main al the end of the week will on the !|July any's reet. and be ready Sept The Rea) Estate has received an of lar luti people aunt! and tink very creditable ‘ Tile EET Tae ..\78s@™% 144% e ODEs gs | | Agency is Hke a ore = ne Lael ee ae Te er a ah ha y. The Pete Valley Rallway, the pioneer Hine, will give the best service for aoe this year, as usual. No walt ephi. 4 Don't Artivo. Salt: Lake verlook the © pvertoo Hornung, A boost general agent, for re ae the San Mant. Pete old Old for Berlin, March |nounced.. | southwest 20.-It 44L@%. [AG So | t0:.capture, him OE ee chutes ‘ } 43% qin \4Ay < Low. 7t Fay 30% to suppress robelli a rebelliqus San Francisco nt Hee " which» makes setton to date: cost of upwards ee | Close," BLACKMAILERS. Ftd (16 ze 16.15 * | Feitias by Jissepe 2, 2%GH;, No. re STOCK 1244 (ch! 2 White, ay Fe MARKETs, Chicago x 40776.30:;poor=-to yy $3.00q4 Hogs "Feéceipts BAG, Smron Bingham. 1-From East Denver Ogden eden = 4v0. eo Ogden West 6 Sust " este oliee, on aD ples, estimated for to- opened Gea ie lower, Seraes personally. ; He S40 5:3 pam p.m. and - 6:00 pom, 7:50 pan, 11004 ve (ou oe. Pe ; i 6en- points. ock, 'P hone B E LN Nv TO? a Pa -- Fe UTAM S MOST | POPULAR RAILROAD out gave | heavy, was Sy y March... made 3 20.-A to ‘second destroy m as pli underneath the |) oad ters? of to the. bid a ae Pee paar aw A boost for error tay deme the en- hong |. » A|No No. or é pty\room in - whieh the! stat' daw) ted, | No. one ea te lad ded OR Ue lect) owing -nt- the |tire gendarmerie staff! yesterday. was "placed In -an-empty | pomb- light, $6, 10476.40 ; | but ‘Baa Penae 850.15, him Pn, and habs ooly Sa Aine = ie SAN na. = a except. Nos xCepUisvosil ut Ike $500. Faizio's place was dynaimited on | ay Yes _ a gl fealehning lye ale py pe me ale! ‘Boy ad recelvet tetters 4 ihd.lottste bedan.t) come: deals andlor finally the two men arrested tonight | No. called «. ae trains | clus "leks 2 Denver: . tia os and , : Park City oe Mary -Itrom .ane a.m. 10:50 acm and anc Ogden West 101- - From a.m . 0:25 #16--Bronf-Bingham $-From on Heber in-| were . 10:00 a Net confederate CITY: and : ee: "| medium, © $3 8@9.19:/tompt rept market closed steady and $5. 20a . -Proin No. the | No. Police. a pon. CURRENT TIM T : cee . LINED PABLE, DEPART DAILY 4 e sh " Bai Ange Seger: ey I 15 pom. 5 Ton Pitot 1 Xpress 12:01 aan. " rik OCKIOD. ORM: 5. Se 312@ | them $30 in marked bills and today), 0 3 roy eons Sees TAS aan, when the blackmatllers called he hid) ake ee and San detectives In the house. They watched | tr Bo tg eae Nea Oe ie 8:00 am. und listened and when the culprits} No. 69-5) Garheld "11:30 wom. had thoroughly committed themselves, | 80> °°--Poer Nephi oo... 5 pan, made the arrest. [Ne were arts and Lane o: 20n. m. - AR 2 DA No. \ 80, ‘Ar l i, ~Cattle | ae = | 4 Angeles Saved by an Error No. 2< ; ates 5:45-pa p.m, prcniape:Lhe anda feedute. Bakeun. tee cows. and Pes LOD canners, $1.9@2.0;°Tex- marrow CG onglio, aan. 00 is LAKB Tintic > $150,-|No.-3=-From. the 10°85 1:35 pam, East Tintie 4" rom : = apa merchant we Union Stockyards, Ilh,, March 19. ; Hecoipts,'s 31,000; estimated for tomorrow "| 6.000; market 10 to 15¢ lower: prim e'DeEve 28,| « Oglossa;, < 112 } in nee | Seranton, » Pa, Mareh 19:-Paul} | Trapi, president of what the police| et is the be k a date rah ty and} ee re LIVE the ve ee 10:25 am. We st and SALT Banu = No. ARRESTED ae Caught Scoundrels | _ Oalts-No. |=. Provo "For me cas the| N° the of 8 All) Low 7 Open, ray Rote A Riedl lam bat : officially an- ae passed Denver sf rom chfeftain have failed| or eaetcinl a ds nina | No. the BYE! + DON DbO. Cae and Bingham 2-For ARRIVE Noo Morengo, or & last week Ogden ee 6-From: Ogden and é West B10 : eee . S10 ame. 12-From Ogden 2 , oe . 9-504 9:50 a.m. earl Peart supplementary Afric an budget, he amount of which Is) $7,500,000,4 y Close. 4! |B, (Ba. or. TERM 16.07! [16.20a0 116.05 \ = NE tae {16.05 116.176. ° 6.00. Valley | (yknSOD 6. an or Los Angeles, 4 is 8:10 acm. Ti ae aan ee =m | No. || | No. | No. Jacob ee is a boost for Sanpete county. |" Sheep-Recelpts, 30,000: estimated for to-|ing the lower floors se the pioneer line when going to| morrow. 18,000; market 10¢ lower; native Eleven persons were conference. Through cars, shortest Bheep: $3,00@5.%; western sheep, $4.25@/} jured. time, quick connections. 6.00, native ces $1.75@5.80; western $20, 0, Salt Lake Route, Utah's most popular road. 169 South Main street.) ‘Tickets on sale today. Phones 1986, 4 that advices from theGerman). Africa show that force; ** M4ke [1454% ; TE | heifer Greed, | J. H. i Unavailing, 77% * a as d, Ogden and | No. 2 yellow, isa: Na. e aa bargain lots For at and terms Aas SMELTER sae TOWNSITE 'CO. 1 D. F. Walker Bik. SAN PETE A SAN 5 COUNTY, ATTENTION. re REBELL STILL. | LARD- e L. Iw - | cant High. | | _- My's. MeCarty-'Can yea. ye me th' ne una why th' Giles- Ainer(¢an Mereans | Sapy S. Is, Fetes "Open. May,cot July to 30, | Close. RMD 2B Th. [285% * PORK- r God'n Low. eee Eph /3044 12876024 )2040% 5) SEU 78 781s |_ |4456 Mi@I54% BKan | Oo OA TS-: SoS May [July <= acres ; - Por Denvet ane East 8: 00 pein. 5-For Ogden and West 11:10 p.m. Low. | [18%_ClOSe. Germany's Eifortetoto Capture Hin Ave N° 7T844@'4 [78% eee ce ae ../42%4 a "Qs || | 7134 High. John 1s 10, 1905 Effect 0. |18%% |78% <1 | Span i smaller.) eee hams No -- l79%@", Sia GORN- 0s 4 6J, = Men's ee ialinn Mar. acknowledgement | Mas a nounds ais acon, from Honolulu of the receipt of a copy |July - 44@ly aoe by- anePd ee relative | Sept {43% 74 7 which the, Hen to 4) evponted range BAT- ere to excavate a the newbulld Utan Savings Trust compan and d ylverpaol Bingham ark ¢ Ci Park ee a Ogden "or, 113-For | No. LARGE Me from merchants | on the rail- | For owned 5-For |} No, 1{ No, AT roads shortage s western congestion PaPr ---- | No. 1-For Ogden and West : Co., fresh that 112+ foe oan | No. 11 American Beach sub. ete... Swan | No. Inv. Odell, -- LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY: 10-For Heber, Provo and Marysvale 5:00 acm. 375} No. ir 7 > , M. year's, T. thereof TIME 28.000 year. predicts above numbers, Dec, In Glen Springs ast, east trajo the Southern or the Union 3 tie ‘day last year, Shipments of cured | Jose ph een S "Pharaoh's meats, 429,000 pounds larger than Jast| CQ. Pharaoh's Lode, Hot will suffer from | cifle A . atrest. TABLE Were $838,877.15 as against $580,650.-| vA tor the corresponding day of last) es George Line 'p } shown Ennis ).-.-..-..-2---- Dd, 1, Anck K. Smith Short do not apply to west of Ogden, oO Main Ennis, a Elizabeth and A Swan Bea to (Q. C. HU Oregon | and cifle 11.15 pom. P i . to Pharaoh' s Giena add 1, Garfield théir! fea 25,00 Park i Ak rost ‘Frost, Charles as in face of lib-| and from Ennis tocdol So a Willard BUI RL EY SPENCE Bh CURRENT Co, Is ‘ rebate r Panwa to Weate rn Pa"elfic Railway Co., 55 6, Hig fied with their profit. Packers were considered to - among the best buyers and} au preferred 35, to 32, 3s, le Joseph. Milleron Saaboard clearances were larger} has been In evidence for some time, 370, i bushels being cleared. Leech btn ee Rubber. 33, | John bushels oe reported sold for shipment New York reported 50,000 bushels sold for Sianeli do preferred sh the E: 8S. City PrTicket Office, 201 Telephone, 250. N tot ' Trainme numbers Note 1,34 Mary A. Jenkins to Hi. 8B Blader 2%x5 rds 8 23) A. e John. HW. aul Johnson Charles' Ac: Ww In a tolOhere export. 1 Bacttic among was st Cache ‘sub an advance of %c ch occurred ater the first hour of the. tendine, when business became more brisk. The BBLAV OTS: Grew. Bil: stronz facto ble weather was aside from this and the firmness of corn, | wins TBC iinial there was nothing to create an Maenate | 8.66 acres 32 35 1 Ogden, Pacific Hunter's Mexican Central Missourl Pacifle Wo aS RN da ccccscece 1375 D: D. p.m sh eae Si acta 5, sh OF SEER Senay Denver, Omaha, et Chicago 6:05 pom re Western 1:05 Cy Bae points are Harman intermedl- Valley, Butte, Helena, Portland, San Francisco an intermediate ayy 4) and pomits Bs Gane way Business In the out pit was of moder- | Ofrawell Wha sie Dupatx i. volume, with prices firm. printelpally fj :2ll Be halon's add,,...-., ih sympathy with,the other grains. ~ | Otto Huette to B Richardson. ferings were ra ther spose ce except ate Mountain View ai 21,18); 1w Dene Ivan Pe ople's Gas ite M Graeber's 7B. Pro anaes San ‘rancisco 9--For | Titino!= hie tpc pa Inth Pap Louts antl "Nashville Met. Securities National Lead N. Y. Central...... ~ 146 Bees Ont. and West, Lom | 40° Berry ‘ aP am. er, oe 3-Iror Ogden, Kansas City, St. Leuis and No, - 4) B ae pom 7:10 : Valley Bi Christian 2 right Ha tfleld 73.0001 M. Piner to) rHeieE , 1, year. day, Rhoda BE 7:85 Eevee ais 13 Portland, "etiles Cc 1 canes 1 Oar, Ora. and intermedi- son he Portland Sa J to Ae Re sand add Dual: | Ame ia Ce pm. eis 5:45 pu. No, ) Lambourn alin. 1:25 Francisco DEPARY. Ogden, Omaha, ) a are jutte, No. 2,100 a.m. deck & intermediate points 10:30 am, 1-For Ogden, Omah Chicago, Denver, Kan. sas City, St. Louis and San Pranciseo 4 . 1:30pm 11-For Ogden, Cache eK Brockbank L. Ingram to Anna Ingran fr: nw 8x 4 $ I Mi ts a I bushels, at W. to G. N a opin. For-O Chicag ANO% EIS Butte, San 6-For ‘Fratello co sw.2 we 4G BD Ge ‘I ; oO ie oy eS B eae Pt wt lh irgarct little, but} firmness. | 97,000 the De YyWy i: snow ei jJon n PB. lax2hs the star cae s ? 15,294,000. 9 iTS, 000 bushels clearances Bis © ane ‘ in| Pt the|G I. deCone oe in wheat decreased the cerired. with le at be trimmed a was one of supply Scaboard bushels. ad reads worst, and indefinitely tucn a M! Ho 7 : in their | hod. 3 Bane tt Valley, No, IS Anna M rds © nw 6, a.m, 8:30 . 9:30am termediate point 2 Pr Ogden Chi4 Soe B is K: cago, St. Lou 3, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver and San Francisco 10-From Ogden, Cache and te in- points. 5:15 12-From Ogden, Cache Valley and intermediate (pointS 0s... ~. 11245 22 h 18-F romcC ago Omaha, Ogden on in- 2s‘2'd ; TRANSE _ Rogers to. 10x95 rds se fro4 z {RIV is. Bead n and 6-From Natal L ys Walt B. IXa% rJ-Poulton rds ne fro tod. rds first advance 110 Loe 245 24 170%, 19, 148% 7, similar) ENALEs a:thedecrea les snow/all, which was supposed to be so favorable for winter wheat, did| nol impress the traders in the corn, pit a reason D-dnd'Ri-G:. the before Indicated as being ‘and St. Ga as 1204 13634 261 9 Mable. See agents Fountain 1, Epl oronl, Ephraim and anti. ‘the tone heavy !n sy ¥y the weakness. aaa was sold by arbitrage brokers, the stock declining 34 on the day's transactions." Osceola wag le ae "yo Low Clore | of sul stantial proportions and it was ne 1S, toy 108% W3% | ticed that at Winulpes July wheat wa: pues RealtyCo. to Li... Goddard, 40% 40%}1 ne nen fhe same delivery in Chix44 -ft 1,434.) Hl, a | « tt 1tters helping to the ce-|} 4 : ‘eh Jr. to Arthur J. Bishop 169'q 221, 137% 268 Con. fours was ee 06%, aan 9 us 2% Mil, irregular. new today do preferred Am. Sugar Rerings Anaconda eee: Co, 268 M York acoff 2% on 71997) i ‘ 1906 18. 4-From Ogden, Chcago -- St. Louls, Kanen ‘ity and Denver Pa! 9m Ogde n, Portland, Butte, San Francisco No. Foll a Follow- i EFFECT ' Feb. withdrawals 000 in arene TABLE IN Americans buying suitable oarcels at 4) advance of 15 per cent over January averag fine se tectl ion New. Zeaiand haltbred combings brough: out eager compe titioh. Cape of Gaed Hope and Natal the shorts to a clearer position they hold under STOCKS. for a » today pon Competition BONDS SUGAR Grade Inv estment Securttles Bought Se S 36 ain ot. Both Phones 127. , Fspecially aw 19- decline in the later dehardening rates, especially general expectation - of ate re were in a i heat | PiyY and met with a good effeet to Ee w i whee') snowfall. The snew did not} traders In corn and oats aS to serve the ra isers of thes beneficlal way, and these at % to tke advance. Some- the March AND AND High Animated, * London, 1893.) z STOCKS BANK SALES. The Lower Grades ICeS left off at the Saturday, conditions = | mbers New (York JOHN Cc. CUTLER, JR., INVESTMENT BANKER SIE secre- In the final dealings moderate frac-| was a ae eTBtO to the extent of 2.000,_ $3,000 tlonal recoveries from the very lowest| 00) bushels, of about the same guantihy Mutual Realty, Co, -to Ro \ figures took plaee, but important losses|/us went from this side here was al arke, 102x37-ftswotr 374 ftowone rere sustained a rule. The market} increase of (28,00) bushie Is in the ‘Girone | S35, 2.900 closed weak and nervous with evidence of | tity on oce passage, which had noth-|C. B. Wentz!er. to EB. -MeGurrina scattered liquidation. | Ins bullish ‘it it;''.6f "auitee: but. it did 10-21. 2) Marion Dak add . aaa4 BOSTON MARKET IS WHAK. n selling for New stock declined to ae Bay Merrett, ibaa what € Mys. Hooll gan="Shure!, because it} RIBS- colldets <4 fant Caen es member that the Giles-American | Open. | Align: |- _Low. | i 14116 1.8.00 | 8.6246 ‘ L es' .06 ooliman bad debts in all parts of the world, and pieEnere, ‘Suite 4 r. oO %,69@67 | 3.02% BRIE] «ven 8.624 1 $107, 1.8.64 PER elva c's a! Walker Buildin Montgomery Mountain ers ee a2 s> sh2 sales-WhealNo. 2 red, S4%g01n: r " gy r ™"~ } 1, 78@82: No » Manhattan . ad dh aNe", > Ree Pe ee BUNS. Te oe 2 tig Non ‘ + J northern," "S06 fan. Dasttr: yaaa pe chee) Golden Seeptre -......-... a6 tia | OL M 1 Nin i Foca teil0. Mereur, *Udhe ta 2: 4244; 2 white, OOMBX: eee! . eo ate POCray ARERR poh vckhe zeke ss Te ee | Bend Extension ern ees'l uw | Bend Annex .......5..) WW} . See LONDON WOOL BROMO < a 2 ak i age ah te tect rene B. Ixtenslon Tr r oldtleld ‘Belmon ae Sutvect. els reat Great oware tary and treasurer; Eugene lead, advocates it ‘n present ; Itoi alt: from ar ia Yamee | ve: & "sacl Lad Baas o3f > rd ee end. price star day | | May Showell. Brathgrsare . will stare today M | » 62 Ohio-Tonopah ........ 1. {40 ¢-] > Tonopah Extension apaadas 15s ehaed | ww Rebbine or | market brought who is un-/}corception of the to the oetty aati yresident; points, Smelting and Refining | strike there, was Parerenls to the growth 4 points and Reading nearly} ot bullish Nanticnent ol rid s shipments nine Texas and | .e4<.-k-l$ "2. soo other roa dropped 7744 an extreme Le J U the San Francisco board during the the favorites were generally firm, the reports indicating heavy trad A. Pollock and Co. eeport the following market at the close of the day: Golden Anchor Home-Tonopah egram concessions Sead Js pe velopments were ignore not lalt until after the lose of the first ya Densities for the morning figures ranged | adyaiice, and from ‘ye to 14 penile so Por- | Sreasy sa sar 1 i 2 per ont Be Me ee aay news, with ve > ay gee rere On day with none: <¢ lise lower, The jjvery indicates. Saad ar eee WITH THE NEVADAS. a: a to fayor to the 3 olternately avor lin the dianapolis says that Seat the Pittsburg Coal company, derstood Points Favorable jstight auvantage there wits to etna ae { Readin PUB ee Island "Co... 26K C00 at 5.65; 200.at 6.60 1.000" at very |". March 19.-With an Increase | per cent In activity over Cole. Fuel and Cc. and $:,72d 16.2 Con., #0 at 3344; so) -900. value, $9,314.25 and was | Cor- 3RYAN, AND * fie bers TAN ae Boston Stock Ee Exchang hanChicago Board of Tra dle all prominent Gian *sining and Commercial Stocks. mem ber now Pollock Mr Our CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE | | | secretary of state yesterday. The eapl- | | ier stock is pls anced at $10,000, divided| lo ares of the par value of $190) e ae) The new company will do a Proved feneral real estate and investment! business In Green River, Utah, Frank | Mareh 19.-The wheat market 5 < ¢ . active today Bulls and bears Friday's moderate dealings recorded last |® beneficial week, Pa stock market today displayed |owing to the a reactio ag tendency, practically from {impress the wee to tints The downward amovement being likely. great as to almost detract atten-|cerenis in a Hon from special eee Were strong Am. al i Chleago, }| Gsand ; Grain Co ehoracrs CCotton: Bonds,ee . ithe | director Effect. Atchison Mammoth, 100 at = 25%, May Day, 1,000.at Beck een 1,000 at 80; 200 at §1; Butler Liberal, 1,000 a Daty'J dge, 100 at 10. 15, cee Yankee hanes: Selling New York, about 2 of Order Stocks) Stocks, t S450: | ethers, %-108 | Seer Tnoorporates, Land Company 7m . companys Land River Greén The. filed articles of incorporation with the Bullish Sentiment. lsame Amal. Copy Am, @ar ari Am. Locomo » Iutler-Lbcral \4Viet j cl n Now Pats teu' s 0 at 1856; 1,000 at Wahash, 10) a 1.15. Open From | | TYStreet, scout yl Souch Second LAK SALT F UPWARD < Foreign a Generally | ' Indianapolis Market In Ajax, 7M at DAM. Columbus Con., 100 at 612%; set Bell, 300 ‘at 5.20; 100 at ower Mammoth, ovo at re vee ay. OO at 25} buy Uncle Sam, 600 at 40 Tetro, 1,000 at 15 fYankee C , M0 al BK. Ohio Copper, 1b at 1.4 Shares sold, 4,578. Selling value, $4,489. 15. sold, value, Me at vaneed Board. ‘a falfly large volume of tra Around noon the mar geet wai dull J. How- 100 100 at i MOVE Saoeesces Brokers. and Bankers W. 6 bead 6.000 muttons, - 10e Receipt lower: = - "JAS. A. POLLO ; conlers to the extent at oo of restoring | was up » and ribs with an advance of > ae 4 out: a act 00 eee Ss. | No, the wage scale of two ago, had to sige ;scoured: 1873 1-20) a dg; greas L=4 been deposed from the leadership of the| Real winter weather in the last halt of S 2 1-2 d. Queensland 1 500 ba tes Sap ee ° bbs at today's confer-| Mareh disposed operators in wheat of buy ls 3 1-2d als 11d: greasy 6 1-4 35scoured No. nee. taken to {indicate that) at the opening and Liverpool at the same! Victoria Lae8 ee seoured Is % 1-20 the soft See peecire would present 4/ time being from %%d to ‘4d higher than|a 2s 5d; -2d4 a s 5d firm frort in refusing to make conces-| jf closed Saturday was an additional cea-| South Auste ales 00 bales; scoured 1s 'N sions. In coal circles the Strategic im-|son for the 44#@4c advance with which) 3d a 1s 6d: greasy 6d 4 18 1-20. Woet | 9 portance of concerted action of the hard} business commenced, Soon there oc-) Australia 300 bales: greasy 11 1-2 and soft coal operators was recognized.|eurred a different reading of the possl-| 4.) [9d New Beata hate oO i 1 ~ In the circumstances easier money condi- | br eeulte from the plentiful snew and) 4 yloq oye , [Go 7 re LIES; tlons were favorable, railroad statements | sellinr became popular asain for a time j fe d Gan ; Ww Good Hope and Natal No. Sales. 10.70; 37.75. 2,000 at Open 10.6 Litue News . Deposing of Robbins Has - STOCKS 4.95; j 2544 Situation 19 Db if ree 05 1290, 1.75 1" 9 |. 0) Saree eet: lieidelO | 18.75 | 18.12%] 19.00 t MMENNG Lyd 13.00 raeitot Liberal, 375 at 24; 300. at Beck Tunnel, 100 at 75%, seller Vietor Con., 4.000. at 3%; 2,000 at Shares sold, Selling values oe 341.0. 5 district. Vv. 2534] 1845 po 2) | sea at 26 10 at King, 28.007 75 eckeotnae 7 20°: | {| 20° | | Sees 08 : | 87, 2 4 | "38 25: |} 26.75 137.874 | .16%! 164 cael Dae 1 16% 25 16% » 12: | 15 154! 13% | 80 | le 5 80 cee lee O65 06 cea s 6 15% <i 15% <en}} 060.00 ane 10%y 40 10 } = .60 |] Oh | a8 [o-ae9h) ffs eG 3.00 6085." I [5 siet ae's od a 1.11 1.30 .38. | . :34%6[] 233 WY 9.00, seller 5; 100 at 6.00, seller 5.10: 200 at 5.15; 100 at 5.20, Mammoth, 100 at 1% May Day 1,000 at aot se ae 25%; 1,000 at 2514; 1, 25h arket count the Howard, vice presi- secretary; 1.83-1 - 225341 i | 2,00» | Bell PROVISIONS London. ed 1.371). TONOPAH Little vantage to Either. bat dol- REACTION IN STOCKS |i Deelded Break in Nevada Consolidated ao eature of Early Session to. ‘Bos "Match 19.-The break in Nevada canolidh ted was the feature of the early the county clerk yesterday. pany is incorporated for $600, 000 re $1 shaves and will develop claims the We 1.32--(- « Carisa, 1,00 Daly Judge, in oe Sheep to. eak $ eady, 18,-Commerecial at & ec. Mextean 1g)! Goldfield B. es Jim Butler. 1770 McNamara .| .75 Mon't Ton...; 3.00 .00. Got aia, won. Bel. .58-% Ton. ext. . Silver Crown in Silver -.{ R.-H R.-An Eilvaue ‘ee: Sacramento 5s hiel Star Con Swansen Swansea Sunshine Tetro "; U.S: ‘Com Unele Sam Utah «+ Victorla Vietor Con Wabash ankee . | Silver St Mareh quoted Sa packers, $6.15470.274: pigs | $6.2001.29, $5.5. 25476. iWehts 2545.1 15. tharket | Bulls and Bears Alternately in jy. Basta" °" fed ewes, $4.25 Lead With Small Ad- and - [ae ree ee CK & CO. -_---- $3:75605.0; west: | acs we hal Receipts, 5,000 head; ae 5 15405,.25; on Hors -lower; sale of bulk 2 Ito tin clos fed strong | SE vot al 167 pounds 125 nautiee 10s. as oa oie | rrants Sonar: esioese west | native lower We to stead Ke er arket, M 8d for standa rd Middlesboro, Ss ier --- GREAT AGTIVITY = North ; Cop- silver today March 13.--8 ar London, steady at Sd, a recession of 1 1-l6d from the closing price Saturda y THE nor were prices at their best. feature of the opening was e dein Silver King, precipitated by ruar with one of the mainte ack ae, that its territory has been ip ed and that the only redress is that oftered by the courts. From an open Was sent staggering dow tiie te a floss The ae 19, =Fie Bar R producers Tin BYArC mH York, New silver today lara, Me : Da York Ontarjo in- corporation of the West Tintic Mining evelopment company have been district. ators are copper sustained demand Specia filed with liek are Lipose opper are still ecehae orders for roi Siedustl in by far the largest volume In their experience a ne time of the year, and this assures , Nephi, to Consumer. fir {Rs Moe Silver,| Cittle" May New London London, Co Winslow, West Tintic Incorporation. Republican Anxious the ete, .. of]! 1. |. bee Co. ankers and brokers, report the following market and range of prices at the close of the day zeit: Low Close. Sales AMaAlib yy 7.2 is: $106.75 $103.50 2.0 1, On B on. 33.50 33.25 38.2 475 Bos. Con 23.00 22.75 22,75. 1,440 Con. Mer "dl A Wi A» stuns daly West 14,00 14.00 14.00 280 Utah Con 62.0 61.00 61.00 1,082 ee eee 00) 6.00 1,005 opfd. 16,25 at) oer) 718 Nev. Con 19.2 oe 18.25 15.257 Tetin. Cop. es 16.50 TY V,! per .; &.2 H.57K 6,500 Ny Butte, oS 19.75 2,049 Producers -$ 3.0 [$4.00 ||$ 3.50. [$ 4.00 seas | cotAtels 88h neiee Dy B.-Tun. off 2,.U. S. Smelting, 1; Pacrot, Le: Butte, 1; Mohawk a4 Es entennial, per Range, %, an » Roya | P M. |Askea. Prices Firm But Generally Unchanged on San Francisco Board. Big The : week on the Boston board opence with the shorts' again exhibiting fice fangs, and with 2 few of the list mu theri a from the attacks. Boston cnD Was again assailed, as was Binngh winlle Tae States, from whieh itd hold: es the preferred oie a ie dend coming tn a few ys, mmered for more than $1, with Daly Wot James P.M. Bid. Black Jack.| Catiia<s.: | Creo . | Conf, Mercur} Cyclo ‘ ne ce aP ! Daly Judge aly West Bb. and B Ieme oe vrand Cent.| Galena-,.... MARKET. Day Among my in the Far Was! selling at %i4. aie | A. M, || |Asked,jj Bulilon Beek) "1.00 Boston Con, | 22. H.-LAberal |...) Shares Selling ew York, March 19.-At the metal exchanae today there was a decidedly better inquiry for tin, e in part to the strength in the foreign market: Spot and nearby deliveries improved 4c, while later months were up in proportio Copper : as firm but unchanged. Lead and abel: er were quiet and Beene Closi bid and Tee rice: Sey Lake, §50@18.7 75; "olectroly tie, 18 d 18.D; cantina 318.0G18.25 ee kat : 545, spelter, $6.20@6.40; tin, '836.70@ 7.00, Disorderly REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1906 Ajax, a _ Carisa Little Bell, "0 at 424, LW at 3.0). May Day, 3,000 at 25%; 1,000 al 255,. Silver King, 100 at 37.25 Sta cits Kind Unele Sam, a of William Boston di- States LA. Mi Bid. | cee will be gratified to. learn that he. has fully recovered from. his recent attack S arp was graduated from the Troy Polytechnic in 1879, afterwards "was upon the United States Geological Survey and engaged in railr engineering. Subsequently he became general manager of the coal companfes in Utah owned and controlled by the Rio Grande Western railroad. In 1902 he returned east and became the castern mauager of the Fairmount and Somerset Coal companies, = in New York, and Lets the Consolidation, Fairmount and Somerset Coal companies. of With On. % => 2 Z At was also Stockton a Mtot iX.. Joc Bowers.| Pleased Col. George Waterbury, by whom the leaching plant is being constructed at Newhouse, will leave for the big copper camp again tomorrow. has man- tween Acoma and the smelter is again open to wagon wheel and it is. expected that it will be possible to blow in again the present week. In the absence of further interruption the for- warding of INTER-MOUNTAIN who enltatde at the post and shot up the pike to §2 cents, with a elean gain over Sa yrdegis close of 10 cents while Liberal ced a cent, with the retThainder Bhictically unchanged, the day closing on the following market: Horn Product Beneficially Affected Strength in Poreign Market. SMELTER. Ores Overcome cavy Storms. Much The shareholders el company will dray down another BETTER the undershow the DF tt that Reports from the Little Bell of Park City are all favorable to an improved condition. The EUR EE ene of the Utah o Deep creek is on the way with another lot of high eine ore. Inquire, in the alarm above DIAMOND. Manager Rooklidge sampler is scheduled the West today Interests, Dr. Jones, a Accompanied by wealthy shareholder in the Flagstaff Wantland asConsolidated, W. M sistant manager, Jeft for the properties of the company at Alta yester- Soon. feet Mining PLAGSTAPP. Investor Duluth Main With the strike of the new ore. bady Black n the erties Stockton, the Diamond company at for no less management has exposure than forty feet Manager in the face at this hour. who has returned | to several days in : much pleased r of the body, and, while he has not yet begun to raise on it, he is breaking down an ore of fine quality as the drift} advances, with another car of it to arrive the present week. The properties of the company » adds, never appeared as well as at present and several o y Tdiene shareholders, In which latter list is iIneluded some of the most prominent names in that state, are to day for an inspecarrive at an early tion. disable} soon as Too BLACK Condition with at shower will, extend Carisa this be not is dunnel complish provided Was 25 Management Carisa is of that Intercepted With the condition. of the throughout, Superintendent is much pleased and that much to its prominence the venr he is positive this time to come out with a equal to any that characterearliest days of the camp AT ores be will there that end permit, Sloux-Ajax bodies shall Re- Rem- the the that time the Cover. of that outlet every him Under property and to facilities With Spring-Only Lies determined Tinth& Incurred Has was yoint property Jacobson will add nent ready at tonnage ized the CANNOT ENDURE BAD ROADS WINZE. The report that the main winze 1® properties of the Columbus Consolidated of Alta has dropped into ae rich channel premature, Superintendent Al Jacobson ‘auting the day. It Is nol expected, he added, that it will Intercept the channel at a point above the 75 foot station and when he recently left camp, for which he will depart again this morning, the winze Heavy It CON. San NM vat cg oy inthe ae ay Se ‘reck- Pete in- JSS en ed oh : Su G4- mm. Fr Pete 7 Nephi ; and Valle : 6:30 a.m. 50a 1200 720 he pom. \92--From + Tintle Stockton Seen Finest Dining Car Servi pee nly direct fra ¢ to Los an Angeles, Ae Stage connections eampr. or Nevada mining Valley | allway Is a boost for Sanpete county.} going to} Kansas Ong. , | Use the ploneer line when Kunsay City, Mo. Mareh -Catthe-/ conference. Through cars, Recelpty, 10,000 head, ineluding" De south- time, quick poritiec oni ANIC, [x » G4--Brom Nephi com- | No. seriously 52 Ange les Express 62-From Lynn and 5466--Fre From Garfield shortest CITYstreet. TICKET OFFICE "Phone 15 Main Distiict. : L. Pas 169a8South yn TOORE, eiea. Agent, : |