OCR Text |
Show VOLUN WE - NUMBER = lee , I3 THOTT , PALMA Books Do Owners of Stock \nnounced Tflas 1) Been Turned st.7 Louls, college " SENATOR the on Over ; Business| || Qbjectsb Stand- . oaviitien , the ie ¢@ ;+ f RECORD had | beet road The Re aniin Of camps ny. which |/%8 that playedithe part of an independent | criticism Mask the Pulled mask Of was ; | Q finally OL ' ucceeded to do out An company nd in what proving important will be done company. f cut | of been a iid will In made many case all on in a company. fant : declined to le') adley ge { Nictenasahacdentes ¢he a Oil company's fc Turned Over |elusion what of has Oil} It that thanks to go|way£ is} of ust at tl i.cil xanga usiness tasthe™ the pany . agi ; Sp ; ment." PROOF the Mr « 1 NIC With over pe -_CHANLER , aXl Reali proy ided that he by the Hep- favored at oy a si & s on Z sity i for Article D : Tee Mare March ; 1 9 ( ued for libel ol. Will Willian " ‘aM. fo $50,000 begun in ee pial ink timating pivir eres an, \I o thut und sat sig aos ; : ou right, olct of and the o1 f ) "~ from a -----S-<--------_-- ~ CTU . oe M . } by ive olf ; j by Chicago Police. mt co from person: involved "Mrs to t are oO} ' ni lo "DESTROYED rbi retires aan Dorcas ence th i. ot r origin ine tons Creek "As completels destroyed eas pe ore da : and 7 nev exe tre ate aaa ( , Che ‘ 150 ripple . ‘ Mining Milling ; ny and Was by the Dorcas own y , Ln na Departially Natwre {01 Did Her Mareh 19 Best -Chiecf beng! commisthe canal a wired Washins neer aievene a Panama that Engi-| sion en, and neers rere about vut ly wrong declared oie IE it could triple not locks hi than 1A reorganizing --Burr were tye has done » for . cca 'Pepatiin President > > mn on of Pe t Gen a czat Jobn Dee | the the Furlous a ae ‘y : Vane haetcoli eat Criven cats Miss ds Ss sa are 10'W P : Scot of : * ‘ 1oOu ire away t Line by : ow te , peals | | ™ HOUSE Deaf for Open Berlin, } . Ear a town March of Markets mous hy aon da} reported a result of Col-| ed on the of be so. that is his paper of fortur the d that : Se § , ; a amn empt m1 de ‘i 1i i "eoush : ie of 19 ‘ # ITy si 2* 4 ot aers naa r I 2 satya carbolic the bed o outh r~ Uni-| Sentor. " March H J Sts ae { ‘ es. Poni I f acid hi hee door co eKs twe Ube rm aaa uC area found { body ned a verdl bolle acid u t} e \ of ( Og lair- mbers dog thefts i to meet Ren ftick ence Eiiinoss » Nikon ee oe cal driy- a spend S1(Mi tae for available is and with» feared that to pass fie » the in a use he rronel Sulcide. despondent Is is on the degrees said he the reas basesource and ea - will use 4 The In the governor + coal by of » ‘ if the i eve lette . iof yy Irtsh> the . ways cal ible . of of rg greater i : I homes mani th ‘ i |] he people for he at I fron fe eat ent pres 1 ir Hi our id hope of | gz r( , Hi aes 1 oO Woman iominaté ! Subpoenas served firm‘ ator Smoot { i route Utal - posed Pace pl er hou M- wi in end the of the long >. No Serious rE xe | ran Ost Braz 4 5 gaining abl of Cousin | w~nd as rubber jury °re-ifar can by care |) sustained § 01 : Nien thi { o'clos Jed ork ifte t struggle | o had be ] to ‘ \ oonce be red to, to I t ver- r : orses to ja vice rom offi- Bble Gra : to t h e vn i1 ' his own. WAY brief t Uta ») At ere I tracks "hay lecture ot bittimin® of West Y vation ° for owing to to t. but Mare so u the the flooded it } by acquisition of ti ed} mention a mean mu ible: the thou : half from property : too the 0) 1 the th Wal thi 4 ue C=) piece the Douglas eet i years ago sam¢ a fight tract es vf OF} ibove dis- ' It hit was tel- r + Nag he ee) Is of no of | the tered Cears danae New You i will be carried further Comnnit- | fielal nN eaten original ha ta : ; nad at tT p out lah : well : couth. between 1@ university os of ‘he t } . oat ' ay caied S 4 ni vate a f tc iy - At bil the by ‘ ; the v h _ tu aisee oe BOvEname rah Roe. of Berlit Cl ntroduced Prussia in Varch. par! - 20 O\lees of women undeare bravals preparingfey OoUcochndes help the cause Cockades will eents each and brooclhe $4 10,000,-) le to| cost-10 here This isin with ‘Magyar its previou the toniuc ittemy Francis Kossuth, who has riously is ill for some da to in of organized : = Utah ; ap : i vill rabies HT The ‘ oats : «¢ and Hine|the "Three class suppress | troduction of the The Qemocratic se-| measure as likely been better. j able imbitterment system" or the. he ; 6 ; ( é yp ( s } declar ; L ing , reo cory np o ‘ f Pn aad ; t , ipted di 1 er fud ul revi ation M Bail eT ( | inde a t ron r "ite thought | to a sav right of et aside |"1s!0n, in : i yoo cou dial arblty nh evera AR not ih { mu led ay f r 7 Ty To nate th ‘eitisize Critisize ae NT Mts t ML Supreme Washingtor |/preme court Poe ae olin } vc ' ; jor cs i } ‘ 7 ne iD. ‘ { ! et Court: of Ral ' ¢ OMere‘ree a ( ymme ¢ \ ' MRHETET rehusetts . ; to) that , ; aay or ; South { sthorities au . ! : mp ! la aimed. H ead det ine a ready eh Mi He ene (Id col bod ! H me t f read. As the rend. ther a ae Sas / I ut ae h j 1uthorities ee I mt " ib ( il jude he leveritas aceet ‘ f seats of @ proper udges of hought theh YT NI . of lf tevin i hethe full in- secret denounces voung press the to kindle Immeasur- mM ad hones powers" t rit : oe he publi into closing ‘ nyo gain ~ ro- on hen Y did oneat Ve ho { ppre ' Y ae belle De ‘ ri hearing be of c that ‘ i t ft \ the measure Mond: al. deelslor = - mmi ! th usti judicial quit one had ; eae le Workingmen fs nt Me ive! nIver- RELIEF IN SIG Se : : Eetves z Parliament Pulls to Meet mands . SOULN= | of expe create camp- | questio inder disp ‘ said He a boundat o nee determining eae NO ; German Sen ee hos of | wal use to me} , i Ee yans h ae rooms na departments byvu Jurya passed 7 comme *e 1 if ' { € t asid uside hud bette ¢ . cen tutio tlor pat pe for the "e the cise mad eee sity the present athletic field of wa yy feted for fea cod such u ‘ at hy tne accor farritol ae aha he connr1 town,rut s Commission 7 : Phursd { é SERUES URGE TOT ark. "MRS ee eee : po Ss foSao) cto. ! : and a Ww hi A marks feces Sie be basedDT ana upi will orm viding > wo 19.-Hungarian~ March seri ho1g The! men are eres a oe scheme to Back to German Tongue. it was promised itisfy the de-| pent to the it bil e, hich fund for situation weainst ~Ist. March mands for 1¢ workingme S 1 commission of neony 2 ise funds Si s Buda-Pes la Cts ge nm its & at -! rsey hore |}the government ware school chil-|t<mpt to Soi te the Maygar power | falls to : ilisfy the peonl Althoug 1}will largely be p m Para, |} dren are wearing cocka es ¢ rasette ind influence, thi yvernment propos- | the number of seats In the lower house eech of Commi one I Boston ‘at. ered word)! no ten, by {increased been to reintroduce | has time a short. within les Hungarthe green. and white red, at'of Moated 1s , Copsia ia national coloi Thi silent pro-lthe German language in all he of-|is mentioned as to the alteration of ees test point- . thi . them nothing He read lette fr na laws 1 Pard Judg that charging Florida of the federal cou tl ad e olned th t commi , asthe i flicials f n r ) the upre } ' ¢ y to reduce ' ! fixed by th mm io B 1use 1 } suc! raordinatr d opt . be made but northern the nd ee dam- | PUrPOSé tufacturing | be made of operate to-|De donated wil a . ee constructive trial deah ands of ive wt University |0 eR w land ease, ies The grounc n extremity us Glenn Addie half a dozen houses blown down and the rallroad washed away for a distance of a| of the people. Be brave purposes." with ro ipproved badly engine ae id provide itors eon Ground. vil i ine ul 1 til + Withdraws itv campus ca :LIMES Scerk cine Toand ao from] and far in y | was thet congress of courts from for extending= that ind, hall | of fount. Olivet cemetery it wil : meusure about one-seventh of a mile as to loss} limsquare, extending the outhern im the general * pf F South street of ‘the ma were able to also claimesc "What er Ti PaleiiaNneite: ? of the railway or tel GRIN Pa _ The ehh itch } several negroes of the state lost Ainston punish' Ss University t The bill partment the demolition of thel trees that were blown upon them, ) phe te npossible to mileThe and oss a 3 ire 5 } rhe], 19 recovering : that part "TAGE " Texas amendment Vir-| response | to | Sor and i ws al lasl accec o =e | wishe of the univerrety authorith | Where ¢ Pike rere Ground Lics, telephone to and Th: - Jthat the land t night's the by big itior rhe city of oped, and none establishments ete' in of Effects March last wires reported rrorthe 1 lives ses by day wai Damage ;egraph is . oe! on Ali of terruption habs rue 10 on Soclety _ Personals Citi new University. effects Rate. ‘for from enactment by withdrawing right ¢ 5 onte mpt SS Valuable Storm. and rain storm, but details eS are hard to get owing to It Improven Lak ad Kaiser determined yrocean affairs tarian O'Cn ire "ut on way unk .vault for Ci Offic all thar PageSalt 9 the tention. race |ment measures)! hich intend will give to our.introduce people practical) control of their domestic affairs ine that any measure th nd. pro ii dat Tall 726 dellve c Slowly slowly is state entire the his] h | department at Washingto put its foot | aatibed turn ovel the wn é ind tto Rents Sent Since then it has been shawn ita the satisfaction of the department peep sre . ) é a4 | : Birmingham, NA- Ful- ™ ana Imprisoned Dy ask, 1€ «6dethe commission = ee 1. treatment senator ¢dto. the, legidiation He toto 4 ; Opposition to Donating dogs BLOW Stat rio Fixed pabed" My, The en compani Department ‘War 5 ithe Eff By thas Nae .ofetne™ et bly}. sj it. i s In s i uctions business to- en From F cone S Mr. { pane' 2d, sp, Unie believ 97.- ee ¥ Big oO ney and - Balley nterstate the covering at ees a interrupted On OM eeby ies ts 1 tras ane tae ane prevented from He havin t set aside befire a judielal trial, wil the "sen- wiilch toforce} of the | some oe he out - . mr 1 } » large of horsuse we i a ; has e the att inntesiat Section Stami ies eo a Prussiar number BIRMINGHAM'S | ot hody of : cant : pet Med aoe AOF| nit harm He took Mr. MeCreary. o a speech earlien people were Indicted pending trail l~ red, "Is that when TY So ee of Fea ne friends spirit of Suffered Nn t do "him issue with who, iIn- Shall Mr. It} are} "Ne has ‘ _-_-_ m- . ae forced eturn, Pp Oe amendment to federal court _ vot-| vial cme eee > operators | Vania Wo Stocks ana ued bonds _--- was hy proposed interior > Ohio Oper @ pel Shears ptr ana j nterstate ih. eat; enor- properties His led be carrlec b LjJOrityt aS to make. re tence b he lor Aifticicul hort Vv ery InI wor I believe,-a ‘ pproach- t <2 ine ‘ uw) woud state fixed ' bythe te te Oude: o y re oeSeige res Hy, M Ir. Bailey Le Ree Ci5i0n was Mr. Overman (N. @C:) il to- having hough such actionwould immediately | patch means much to the ie at Future. uthor tr \ bott ‘ ee EON Puesday nigh and it he uleide . committed 4nd hud lain dead in the hs d His ¢ ‘ ho had ‘been past the break | to Pred = of A Takes) of ember. a d scsi HIMSELF Suicide Wea or the nee i ntucky,' | ina. sa he out states. -vear The the Indle 2 hasa only cause same The price of meat is now ‘wholly bevond the reach of the working class-| ne « } y 1< > ‘ bu overnment remain deaf} to the ippeal to open. the frontiers to Americar and wr p ee though such actio ould meditate -ceay I EES teks : pri from | eutlool for letter follows 1 ri to eeced . View Country's editor 7 Cassie ou Mr.--Balley's Prohibit the Prussian | last consumption idds Southern ‘ 5 Causes elected ) Se a ' O'Connor At- hom KILLS versity f : s Optimistic Tete have tee |hed"sppsrtunis to cxvstallie ‘stand pat' expressfons sir into| |ator tight trom of theOrewon railway"contend Bhat. the eS and 1,072i dogs were:buteh- foy ber department asman Howell recommends of. J. P. Madsen and Jo nost ‘ tanti-and postma l t -_---_ i way ma Marcl 19.-Sens aren J.-senator . the acting leader of right haya ie utenants at Peer as iNustration of ne power ~ of Ap-|to start an investigation of th ull_fcongress to HMmit judicial procedure, published the aes "a o wer y - commerce commission appeal Lansehatice wit , i spook with unusual earnestness, because of reports tha ita Democratic conference veste rday, ‘ ee majority of his ‘natorial colbel or E leagut S hey reached the decision that TA peta > con= corrup-| les with twat charged with» rat to "a at vs E renee ch ' oe .eged in UIL |) Now toda it was betwee ' coal King was I vo rs ! What tay rinia recently uppealed to congress to] abo declares ‘Yet .we hear | come over and release his state from | questions d the constitutional right o the grasp that the Pennsylvania rail| congre » Hmil h rf of ourts lroad has obtained on its coal mines.| to suspe end a railroad rate b erloiThe Pennsylvania and other railroads|cutory degree high|are interested in the western Pennsy! Senators Advised io Be Candid 10 the thor Metal ihahnas RUC Cg for flesh of The road F'rt thn. le he The | interstate pending an | The' ‘neti matter of committee} without aaa have horse statisties course 000 horses i Germany elation house I ered ret epo "he HN , PET the. ' in quantities slaugh st 19.-That meat startling a : anted ey Secking adjourned morning WWedited edited with with starting. sta &. Products, g . péople kaiser's of the : dogs ar and cats as well as ing. : of isited . ¢ session fs to some en ; re mn ee das OF American passes | prices out Stntes : slides idine ee PE ' ) P Give MM i Paes eee Be es ee seve) lark ter thought it an' seatintt ‘ injustice to \dethe » re re-| : |prive the railways of the right. to . ‘ ~ have a rate suspended Delay. | Operators district tO | resigna-| . f LS nit g ; Ad Deat? "Valle y Va Not 1 ‘ oo ca wire rate rece nae . his : ay MaansrsnsEra BUTCHERY prt bepe pod ello ae Death More fatalities orado ra : ae the eae oo es janimpas-| Government.Turns -Thavot wines = : o by Subjeotes subjects S$ D . wna. Soge avi ; McGregor aH hat th 2 ‘Statesman ' the » nee Nothing.hot li On|} i ochre ee E orsBn de wave pat" operators the Ryan resolution stand vent of Prices of Meats Drive; Kaiser's; aise Nii " elie iv: by ‘iInted att Yo ago. zermans: to iiiortly tornado o- P land in a aColoradoe ‘| producing weed et, : Stages. af Milton at i ‘ Seer | SUshenslon ed on any important proposition became evident that the operators seeking delay Q ae ee pee e knows abot Bigokiie ve ae to. vk H ee dent Give é op Washington 5 Bailey of Texa Cor coyee 8 seNts uy the. . . x mines' »w} theut to atevVages-the nd fora' orig-| 12 increase det: aH: "Mite bet iy is modified | ¢ pen sensational that 1 ; the minority of the senate delivered an. impassioned appeal t : |B maurtyt qicolleagues stand as a unit il aaa to ao 2 ‘ | against any amendment to the rail| ror ~ate Va thy . inal morrow a2 jen 000.000 most word I c wa gg00 O00 ntire- | the the Gatun Hy ature hat dam intended vided nalter (61 it meats P ; tion % Pro- open-), the postponing J compa velopment insured. os ald . yOe@OT, Vice G3. NEA ) pie. ‘ied himself at Ma , right by : ‘ « afternoon, entailing $250 000 to $800,000, anes fire is unknow a yt Bathe nad a capacity of ' wiaC- : ‘ larze ._ spoke ho busines fortune STUDENT The Flor- | Despondency 19 of | udated cons be ould rr Le congres instead ' condem d declared . Vit } 4 took \ +to efteat Williams occasion ate tood by his eriticism of Frida . i 2 ( mai ' spo d courtdso® Ae S5 100) ‘ hich took pan ily 1 | ; UOe Completely oi Wipes Out Big= Plant ? Be Colo March Fiore Ore Mill, just north icse to settlers of the Shoshone recsrvalion in. idaho, until AugustIndian15.) time 1oOWn Ore of - Vither W I || SOUGHT. 2 Available to { BEING - "ADVICE Sarnnne | 2per Ys'rgs cent pov- of by ‘ ers may s ‘Bekttor f. sovtle «tricike tees ewin cacotering ra ws p : "| Page 2. Courts ‘ Premier Witte has tendered 19.-The _ 5 ' reHerais ‘ will of anneal bill r ‘ ae service; al cited passing ahs n pricés she Ae ee tell 2 Athos aeobee i Lettone aha ite ‘oO \ ane March i ae Sairk invert u tab, belt eit : pr T. 2% Ta high Clerks da c Vni¢ court to 1 City na une da when ientally i ‘ eC t c de ling Mer="| estimated ri WBA.0 val insaynum citles. MILL. , ane 7? ; moted iva CCooaes Sabre I - is mind or he Live 3 eh 1 uth, arrested 1 the sectire the fortun ie indwhich gang of as members led' South Chicago business men, ow f thousands otf yi e by me w of 9 ' id ) le ‘ check ace ording ‘ uv bogus pays nefarious trade | date confession pied thelr ne 1 imbet o wil ; ce att u C.. ee busy RAS t aria gris is tite ; 1 sad: by he @ fortu 000.000 a ju ee com wie} and') we ¢ Stick Stick TO ? The of SA Aaulty for cont uperatary. at to | *Q00* 0° Bailewias ingaae paiaa Service. Willian ta e Jutte Chicage. March 19 Twelve itndict1 tllewed ey , tate t of : 2 eA the erand Jurys aten ‘ ments welt t i ‘ ca : I Hoffsto today against ench of the following | panker nd the secure to I es k Ake : 806 widow and ite i equity ai I>in equity. STO thethe "Latis Lonspres: a ho te 1 objec or eaporure by Hawley |High the long nd A uranic | Moro ind ‘ uit Jel ‘ 1 LOst Gran and ¢ hay ‘ forgery ee hden a oa fae : D. in consular rl I the he | duct game-operations. conspiracy ing forges chech i Al Fraud. Viaren rrust I } Up Pan, Georet charging : u Ineflicient Public a y v niversity Peano Parner f inh Toe on nude Ou article ‘ Proposition t . > 000 : ac F sing oor vhich a mbes Man oe SENATORS | - the below far notoriously is teported rubber to a }grows DI at general debate compa ov thi xecutive tion kb number known to have been actually a t ind. judicial bill N- | lation Kkllled for meat purposes Statis ties | Republican Specia : : 3 = La ‘ luded ba the vali Gan Tammany vdlainl hows Hearst Ay is to cats Gate une ot available, but Washingt March 19 Y DIL wa } (Rep. Ohio) took occasior eve hone to be t candidate for £OV- | the statisticiar assert that. the im- jints oduced -in the = ite ida i A | of Securing :to defend the army from the criticism | ernor | mense number of thefts of feline .pet on 6nd da at carta to Uni-= Bankers ccl sed J made week by Representatives Jurors crawn and cases set for Spring | without doubt is due to the prey BUSES Aree Suth ie ne ere a ' | Fortune of Deranged Williams of Mississippi and Jone of | term of federal court custom of butchering and selling them | versity of Utah a plot Re NE ALS} Virginia, Democrat oO he thir of as rabbits The increa in the num-j|a part of Fort Douglas Military ré =X Clever Gang of Forged Check joocconting the Mary Davis, White, of . s | ‘fg x. gamed persons: put b Ee eiacal ite ther VO rie to ine di Yor} connectio ] Rounded muse iy ge i; wid o ce nO AN KOC ne) a e ad eourteaes to patient they had and listened 7ittsb . Airing Eliminate berde 5 withdraws ground, cago" pol F - h DE! FENGS- ARM , othe ; Operators |" Lengthy de- one i ee he} would . ‘ NOR wonderful abolist eS NEW {resdamh neaLeak ta ead. |=. we "tor Ireland's‘as freedom Lf ns of clever forges caught int Passed * OSVE and and . ~ me department St, LouCue Sections of Country R labor-saving figure out to ; car as reebok : eae Reo ueliG am company) busine am esult Sete cs of Interest to All = ae greatest try we ensanong) Suet tor' restoration wealth alleged to have been obtaine ed fraud Seng Zlkins , . atte en- be Makewhenthe But 1. Var donating G Jt in| 2. > -_$____._ | oe _ Fire $$ ‘ 4. ~ Topay' Y'S S indignation / ov the forvhieh bd ; you infamy y Sg ! ' ,.committee ou av {i 5, trength } SWIN RCAS. 3. the Are ‘sat | as Paes aN out CAUGHT IDLERS em my cadet to voreed from aa the Pri aya-the. esmarried ocean plier Pr tskoyt if Poland that Chan was at Charlotte ville Va the gi hood home of hi wi the princess, hunting driving fishing and ‘golfing with his successo the ffect s of the. fa Amelie _- - DO auwyer discretion and vou your overcam aeclared that sodong as God gave abet, tear . Chant hi forme sec the | nounce Fede ul b) Johs Armstrong ‘hanlet he former husband of Amel‘ ‘im " o ‘ ae Thi1 a the author st | Rive laint all that in Octobe 1902 hi wwe tons. erty of and several other members of | tas committe e remember | Prom ? iilroad representative sat | where I. could see him No railroad | jattorneys furnished any questions Washington, You say this railroad attorney. passed | cee ee Ago. toda clio - P . © © . ey . . ean go outforth and conquer the nations. Think and manage all commerce. world we go to the tall timber » papa |; the $50, 000 Published Years lat inal W P ee me and ARE the aInterstate to 0 St Stand Fail, | | viiners. th "stand pat" instructions £0: ae one emp ceeed Nimgeit tava committee will be regarded | of the bill, but opposed lo any inamendas still in foree and Robbins will have} Ment alming to restrict the powers of to get enough support to repeal those} the courts, such as the Bailey idea Instructions jon the grounds of its unconstitutiont was reported that Patrick Dolan ality. 3 ; I | in 1 _hos- disg oue +8 quote jes Aah bee ae May whether this conference sha garded as a reconvened adjourned conference. | If t.is elsose | as a the whit ca association a RY ‘ dan in ie Re the pon, gee rien ad wae eo Hobe that ee d our arms were intertwined Mann Three eee eebeori You inprion They f Action of or rules and order of business Rob-| from granting an vinjunction bins stands opposed to the unit rule }see upon an interlocutory and may threaten to bolt the conven-| Wet unconstitutional He tion and opereate his mines if: it is} 2S ineling d to believe that adopted. ports which he characterized : t 40 "4 , Another fight is on the Bre vuay int less, had originated from a | ~ anis sidered the the scale } Se President is hghting. |. & F. etm on tile |: Col. That ae Acti | ae MAT , | governor's he t | miners. The fight is policy and the report > a : AR SP Son, | W Indtake if ay ; a dianapolis, Ind.. March 19.-The| fight. between the coal operators this | efternoon became very serious and bit-| , ter. It was feared they would sbao=.| - 5 lutely fail to get together to meet the | to that 4S ‘ +) + Sg cides to Wield It. £ show mad if "tor, heim ae Sues say seit aa f tal ddI } ¢| dying. ; OPERATORS sposerele a Ourte ae | of) the{ | my E state- | | Governoy | Appeal,: * which the i] alias com- e critically be 7 Sig & and quotes to rate (ah ase iS bill, and fu mum ena wt eae Suis? iS asia DELAYS Rail- membeters Defies Eikins }burn | pensi Oil. been to |: CAN'T SoLveE 3 express listened 8 ed : F 4 Meta has +| ; + |GIVES lie for his recent Elkins and the the Elkins | at ap aS who is he patient have aye ; a|Sttement ReANE Ppt oH arPa King," e prevent. other things Senator Erkins Indianapolis, Ind., March 19-#t was to, Arnon nnnounced today that the Republic Oil | say is believed 4 + +) 19 = Sugar Told Attorney General |Siving the interstate commerce com- | Sars ee tee | mission the ower to fix absol | discuss the matter | ; ‘ abso ute "~7 ) sandy | rates ane no contiime t to: ¢ axi- a. to Standard fll, Corporations, which com-| before NEARS th Mi to Meet Absociation of excep for. in have Oil never. n SPRECKRLS THE END. After All, ¢ x imination, when h A ‘ ‘ ' ‘ If he had anything further ; eae ad eat + oa ) £ | committee \ never Missouri. fie + + Possible the Nothin Vile ownership era: ‘ charter Francisco, March eee ‘ D. Spreckels, the OFEN a a7 AIS FOR official the of Senator started |isdwas daarasked is ¥ have fights has the ubsidiary have Republic Standard {it court he There : in the the heretofore dmitted the once. will now probably ' af similar that heen question with It business he San. John IVE +| Pome JOHN COAL Mr Elkins quotes from. the sieno- | Krapher's reports of the hearing t prove®that: the "governor rr , a al + + te* AR San Tas2 ELECTRICA= of there w left a mere tueh Ac length of time given him Sy ie which as a real corporation had no|was_ not treated with hostility ; tl a existence of its own fae: Cava wiiGbaer vianibe meant a It only remains now for Attorney |that he did not expen diss matte Hl General : Hadley to secure a similar |to the rT i a hs at I i eocommitteeee fe ) I ae any allegec admisston in regard to the Waters-| proper. treatment. and eae Pe Half Pierce D. TH+ i RICE ¥ + 7 + | compahy while use ad by th Standard | membe of the committee, made in O1 company -to kill competition, has speeche in hi ite . $ Soe clung to its stock books in the suit | The bone of tent Cat " brought by Attorney General Hadley | ain, Seen fie ee Bk the exugainst the Standard and subsidlary |} railroad rate question by th on the ‘ oO ' e se e |} companies committee in the sprine of last ale Vhen TTT clondy. Made. IN ; - PULLS fier party 4 produced in court by ‘W. 7T McKee of leveland and the proof of the fae Washington, March 19.-Senator established beyond doubt dla Mi Bikineoren : ° i | Iddy concede the fact The Weaire ae nairman of the senate comshowed Frank Wilson Jund ana | Mittee on interstate commerce has, A: Ro Taylor, e mploves ; Standard | Written a 3,500 word letter to GovoO 1eh ee c: York, ave the pH 26 Broad\ wa New }ernor A B. Cummins, of Iowa ant ure sto ekholders ie £0 Cl ihe compa re prresent effect, if > net in exact language, 5 givhas TTT -_-_- Or stockbooks conics today-Fatr, | Public Speeches. 19 te ee Weath weather TTF + today. to Statement n S Governor ° Hi y wester n attorney for company, admitted company's ; / JWVEN oshe Py Wsto Mo.,.-March the 1906 - le ELKINS day at the hearing before « ‘ommission: one Who is er Mahoney, i acting for the Mis- | Denies Any Intimate ~"OuUrl Supreme court: that the stoc : ‘ ocK Ot > : by tthe ay 1 company was owned Kepresentatives Y Others than those hose na « »- | peared 20, tttt+ttt++4++43+4 ard-Other Suits to Polow. Eddy, general Standard -Oj1 electoral ri MARCH ANNULLED | ' Company's lat 2% Se ‘TUESDAY, -- CITY, +| 7 19 Thomas unanimousp Cubs president of r Cuba re-cleeted the LAKE g 7 Show Names of of Real CHARTER TO BE yY 'y why eee. + PR FSID YEN ret N 17 + EEELECTED Havana, Mareh atrada Palma wa + ey |+ Ad mits y SALT TH Tee He re He _Is x, ee+ e| Attorne er-lountain B Che Int j ie Vie ra la } j : Hi } a:1 i ct « 1 , bt ce - Adjourns hoot I ite ee 1 I Stat - t u1dl< |