Show Early Pioneer Lady Succumbs After Long Illness I Mrs Eliza EtzL Ellen Adams Bladen 79 19 who crossed the plains with an ox cart when she's she was wason on only y three years of age died Sa Saturday Saturday Sa Sa- morning after an Illness of about five months from ailments to age Mrs Bladen was born In Raunds Rounds Northampton England on I 1860 a a daughter of or Thomas and Elizabeth Hazeldine Adams She came carne to America with her he parents parents par par- in 1863 On the trip across the plains one of her brothers died and was burled by the road road- side Before the party reached Salt SaIt Lake City Mr Adams became very ill but left for Cedar City soon afterward However he was unable to stand the trip and died and was burled buried at Round Valley now known as Scipio The family continued on to Cedar City and played a part In the pioneer pioneer pioneer pio pio- neer history of tills this City On January 27 1882 in he St. St George temple she married Thomas Tho S. S Bladen who died 20 years ago Surviving are the following child ren all residents of Cedar City Mrs Rhoda B B. B Willis Mrs Rebecca Reecca Re- Re becca ecca n. n Leigh Mrs Elizabeth B B. Ence Mrs Alean Mean B B. B McConnell Thomas Bladen and Mrs Zela Zella B. B McC McConnell Al Also o surviving are 32 grandchildren and 6 great grand children Funeral were held Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- Ila day in the First Ward Chapel with Bp lip F. F B B. B Wood presiding The musical program Included the opening and closing SOll songs S. S Beautiful Isle of Somewhere and andI andI I 1 Know My Heavenly nJ Father Knows by a quartet compo composed td of Mrs Sarah A. A Wood Mrs LaPreal Mertz Ra Ray Cosslett Cos and Wm Macfarlane Macfarlane Macfarlane Mac- Mac farlane a solo Coming ring Home by Bert Carpenter and a duet Whispering Hope nope b by Rot lUy Cos Cosslett lett and Wm Macfarlane The were Dr J J. J W. W Bergstrom Charles Chares R. R Hunter and Bp Wood Invocation was by Wm Macfarlane benediction by H. H H H. Lunt and the grave was dedicated by Herbert W. W Webster |