Show Staggering Data From South America Reveals Numerous Interesting Facts How many people realize reaUze that South America boasts a population of more than people That Brazil is Ia more than square squire miles larger than the entire United Untied States That Argentina is 11 as big as all the states east of the Mississippi pi piT That Rio de Janeiro is 11 one of the most beautiful dUes clUes in the world That steel will wID not rut rust in Lake That the Plata and Parana rivers discharge double the quantity of water water wa ter of the great Mississippi That the diamond mines of Brazil furnished furnished furnished fur fur- one stone slone valued at That the forests of Chaco in Argentina are valued at That the Amazon and its tributaries constitute the greatest water system on earth That Buenos BuenosAires BuenosAires BuenosAires Aires is the largest Latin city in the world That Thai the cascade of Herval has a sheer drop of feet That the ruins of the Incas antedate those of ot Babylon That the worlds world's finest opera house bouse Is in Sao Paulo That the nuts nula of the palms supply buttons for the universe That the falls are higher and wider than Niagara Niagara Ni Nl agara That square miles mlles of territory there still Iun await the eye of the explorer That but a fraction of the natural wealth of the country has haa been developed |