Show WHAT to EA EAT Tand and WHY C. C Houston Goudiss Explains ins How Food C Can n M Make ke You F Fat t or Thin Offers Tips lips on G Gaining ining Weight By fly C C. C HOUSTON GOUDISS To NEARLY every adult weight Is a matter of great conI concern concern con- con I cern Thin people step on the scales in the hope of finding that they have gained a pound or two Fat people sometimes weigh themselves several times a day trusting each time that the arrow will point to a slightly lower figure In many cases the reason for tills this absorbing interest is vanity vanity vanity-a a desire to look 1001 better But the real objective should be to attain the weight at which one ones d feels feds better for few people realize that to weigh neither too much nor too little is one of the best possible aids to buoyant health Moreover the secret of weight control for normal individuals lies in the kind and amount of food con con- The science of nutrition teaches us that all bod body fat originates mates as surplus fuel that Is food which has bas been consumed k over and above the Immediate requirements requirements require require- ments of the body machine It therefore therefore there there- fore follows that in r general the problem problem lem hem of gaining or losing weight is concerned with an Increase or reduction reduction tion in the total fuel value of ot the diet Shortage or Surplus of Fuel Those who find it difficult after 30 to avoid taking on excess pounds must learn to reduce the total fuel intake Otherwise they may find themselves burdened I with a mounting surplus of fat which not only destroys beauty but impairs health and tends to decrease both mental and physical physIcal physical cal efficiency On the other hand those who feel that they must struggle to keep their weight up to normal who declare that they simply cannot gain no matter matter matter mat mat- ter how much they eat should acquaint themselves with the high caloric foods and make a persistent persistent per per- effort each day to eat a little more than enough to meet their needs If It a gain is achieved the result will be well worth the effort For just as overweight isa is isa isa a handicap to health and efficiency cy so have nutritionists observed that physical efficiency may be definitely decreased when the weight falls more than 10 per cent below the average for ones one's height It Is la often said that It Is easier to lose weight than to gain it and andIn andin andin In many cases this Is true For Forthe Forthe the overweight person who cony coni consistently con con- cuts down the fuel value of ot the diet should under normal Dormal circumstances be able to reduce gradually comfortably and effee- effee effectively lively Uvel nut But ut the Individual who is underweight often has a small appetite appetite appetite ap ap- petite and therefore has little desire desire de- de sire to eat the Increased quantities quantities quantities ties of food that are required In order to gain fain In Influence of Body Build Nutritionists have observed that many people who find it difficult to gain have a tall tan slender type of body build It has been determined determined determined deter deter- mined that In people of this type the digestive tract is usually shorter short short- er than in those having a stocky I build Moreover they tend to be bemore bemore bemore more tense more active and of a amore amore amore more nervous temperament As a result the passage of food through the he digestive tract may be so rapid rapId rapid rap rap- id that it leaves the body before all the available nutrients can be utilized At the same time these active people tend to burn up more of their food for energy so BO it is not surprising that they fail faU to store body fat unless the diet is especially planned to meet their needs Concentrated Foods Desirable I The well wen balanced diet with its full quota of minerals and vitamins vitamins vita vita- mins Is basic to good load health for all aU But in order to produce a aCain again again gain Cain in weight eight the diet of indi Indi- 1 belonging to the slender type should be composed of easily digested foods which can be utilized utilized uti uti- uti by the body with a minimum of effort and it should include generous amounts of concentrated and highly nourishing foods Included in this classification are eggs cheese cream butter or margarine bacon bread cereals cereals cereals cere cere- als cream soups custards ice fee cream rice and tapioca puddings The addition of two or three glasses of ot milk to the regular regular regular regu regu- lar meals will be found useful in increasing the fuel tuel value of the diet Milk also belongs In the reducing diet but there it Is used to replace other high caloric foods Fruit Juices will be found useful in stimulating the appetite of those who desire to gain and the fuel value of these beverages may be increased by the addition of milk or cream An Extra Meal Very often it Is possible to get extra nourishment into the diet by way of a 8 light lunch in midmorning midmorning mid- mid morning mid afternoon or both- both provided it does not Dot Interfere with the appetite for the regular meals This may take the form of fruit Juice and crackers malted milk milli cocoa egg nog or plain I milk A meal between snack is regarded as especially desirable for thin people whose work is fa fa- It will help them to sustain austain sustain sus sus- tain energy and prevent them from coming to their regular meals too tired to enjoy or profit proSt by food Importance of Rest Re Since thin people have a tendency tendency tendency ten ten- dency to tire tiro quickly they are advised advised advised ad ad- to get plenty of rest There should be lon long hours of sleep at night and nutritionists have also f observed that the food is apt to tobe tobe be better utilized if a short rest is fa taken before meals C. e 0 C. C Smitten Houston U. U |