Show SPEEDY by Bradshaw Chevrolet Co I I HAS IT ITA HASiT LOOK BO MILES PER PER- WELL IT LOOKS LIKE fOURE YOURE Ic- Ic BRADSHAW A GOOD HOP IM IN IMAND 1 IM I'M 50 SO TICKLED TICKLE D t i tWANT GOIN CH CHANCE Y PICK UP ANt AND 1 WANT TO TELL TO TELL LL IT R TO A CHIEF II P SEE ABOUT rr THE SPEEDY suCHA CHEVROLET CO MERCHANTS MERCHANTS- CHIEF CHIEP OF POLICE CHIEFS CHIEFS- HIMSELF CAR HAVE THE BEST Erk CABS IM SELL THEM r CW CON VERY REASONABLE H TERMS R Ri i i 4 1930 1936 Olds Sedan 1935 1933 Chevrolet Coach 35 1931 Chev Cher Coupe 1151 SPECIALS SPECIALS' 1937 1931 Ford Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Coach 1150 1936 Chev Pickup 1345 1937 1931 Ford Sedan 1930 1938 Chevrolet Coupe 1937 Chev I Tk 1937 1931 Ford Coach 1935 Chev Cher 1935 Ford dump Tk TV 1575 S1 BRADSHAW l CHEVROLET COMPANY SERVICE SALES 1 AHEAD 7 CEDAR CITY UTAH lU lUI 41 II H PINT HALF ALF Taste why I Code Ced N No Ill Code PINT No I I Ik QUART b TEN HIGH k Code No o. o a I 1 WHISKEY 1 fil In independent package stores from coast to coast I r s According to an unbiased survey of Independent a f N pac package age stores sponsored by leading distillers u Have you found out how to Double Your Whiskey Whiskeys s have have- Enjoyment Enjoyments Thousands of other Americans have have have- if V because TEN HIGH tho the bourbon that offers Double a t Ries Your Enjoyment Is now Americas America's selling biggest whiskey in independent package stores Taste the tho reason for yourself TEN HIGH is doubly doubly- rich doubly satisfying smooth because all Rough Edges are kept out Strict methods of distilling control STRAIGHT STRA BOURBON 1 b In the worlds world's largest distillery are the secret of TEN HIGHS HIGH'S perfectly balanced bourbon taste 4 Y Find out today why TEN HIGH is so popular You Youcan Youcan Youx x can buy TEN HIGH in stores and taverns everywhere S HIRAM SONS INC INe i Peoria Illinois 1 t I At The Theatres PARKS THORLEY NOW PLAYING FLAYING NOW PLAYING Double Feature RONALD COLEMAN In Blondie Blondle If I Were Vere King KingSUN Old Barn Dance SUN MON 1 and TUES SUN MON and TUES Show starts tarts 3 P. P M. M Sun Mon 1 Show sl Starts ia 4 P. P M. M Sun Mon DURBIN z t k CG gOB BURNS nh a w f l BOOM MELVY DOUGLA J Wednesday Both Theatres Missing Quest and Reckless Living THURS FRI SAT THURS FRI SAT 1 SO o. al 6 ea Double Feature t b aS 0 yoi y- y as' as ati a t 1 oi sd i nen n d cl O rS O C IC n. n fn m HIM r i O S V f tn ft ss J l LOLA LOU LANE PAUL KELLY f also tOi 0 tt It 0 tu GEORGE OBRIAN O'BRIAN InI In Nt p p I oN RENEGADE RANGER Plan to attend the Gala N New ew Years Year's Eve Show u All Ali at sea about 10 f. f i W I ISail Sail in and see our complete selection of f fine ine gifts including THE NEWEST ELGINS Dont Don't let your gift sit list get you down Let et us show you our unusually complete stock of special Christmas gifts sifts You'll be especially thrilled by our c newest EI Elgins ins which in include in clude dude the finest nest values in 74 years 1 I Exquisite semi semi- baguettes for ladies Handsome Handsom sturdy wrist wristwatches a watches for for lor real men Every model flawless flawless- timed to the st standard l of the stars Elgin prices rites C from 1650 to 1000 a J. J It A hWd Lady Lad Elsie 11 l 19 UK 11 a. a MI s et ar sid fold fillad eaM 50 B 8 Ha a HM Lord lad wit with wille Irk U. U Curved lo 1 a 1 fit at 1 UK aud 55 O MA O OC N M MC C Eltta Arl C B aut id autT U rl E. E UM wa l IS 15 UK belt i. i 5 BVM D UMI o se aul ir l laid 61 CM u- u 2500 25 00 W. W F. F Mullett Jeweler |