Show LEEDS NEWS Charles Allen spent several days 1 in lii Provo attending a a. meeting for forthe forthe forthe the officers of the American Legion Oeo Goo Olson and Thomas Storing S their are making improvements on homes Mr and Mrs C. C C. C Anderson Anderso andson and andson andson with relatives rela rela- son spent last week end lives tives in Cedar Ced City B. B Glen Smith and Miss Irene Cox C Cox were our speakers in fn Sacrament meeting Sunday They came over ove from at St George The Boy Scouts gave a program and dance Thursday evening The Senior class of the M M- I. I A A. I held their social Friday night with Ethyl George Lula Sullivan and Earl Richards In charge Rhoda Andrus Andres play leader A very fine time was enjoyed especially the the solos Goloa by Rhoda Andrus and Earl Richards It was in th form of a Christmas party and each ie e received a present Ahot A Ahot Ahot hot lunch was served The L. L L. L L. L Club met at the home of Bp and Mrs Ed McI Mc- Mc McMullin Mullin Wednesday night Mrs Dallice Dallice Dal Dal- I lice Hartman reviewed the book The Obsession and anda a piano solo was given by Ben McMullin Lunch was served bythe bythe by bythe the hostesses Kate Allen Evelyn McMullin to twenty members and two guests I Mr and Mrs Jack Jek Cox have bave re returned returned re- re turned tuned from Salt Lake City to spend the winter here I Mrs Walter Eager who has been t quite ill in for several weeks is slowly slowly slow low lowly ly Improving |