Show WHAT EAT and WHY i to t I fr Fe Feed d Adolescent Correctly or Tr Tragic gic Consequences M May y Result W Warns C. C Houston Goudiss Teeth Must Receive Special l Consider Consideration tion By Dy C. C HOUSTON GOUDISS OFFHAND it may seem as if there could be very little connection between a deficient diet during adolescence and painful childbirth in later years Yet it has been demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demon demon- clinically that there is a definite link It has likewise been determined that the kind of food which is fed adolescents has bas a significant and far far- reaching influence upon their teeth in later life and in the tho case of girls upon the teeth of their children when they in turn become mothers Preparation for Parenthood Adolescence is a difficult period at best And if a girl takes an unbalanced unbalanced unbalanced un un- un- un balanced diet at this tills time the result re reo re- re suit sult may be an unstable un un- stable nervous system system tem tern poor physical development lowered lowered low low- ered Bred vitality and inability to fight off infections This lack of strong resistance resistance resistance re re- may open the way to dental disease and to a variety of other serious serious se se- se- se rious infections as well It has also been established that if a girl is poorly nourished dur during during dur- dur ing these years of rapid development development develop develop- ment there may not be the slightest slight slight- est indication of that fact until she first becomes an expectant moth moth- er Then she will pay for her mothers mother's lack of nutrition knowl knowl- edge Results of Calcium Deficiency If her diet has been deficient in calcium for exam example pie her pelvic bones may be imperfectly developed developed developed devel devel- so that she suffers unnecessarily unnecessarily unnecessarily during the birth of her child And if liberal amounts of calcium have not been stored in her body she may be called upon to make needless sacrifices from her own body in the interests o of her child It Is well known that Ifan If Ifan ifan an expectant mothers mother's diet Is not abundantly supplied with calcium the substance will be withdrawn from her own bones and teeth In Inan Inan Inan an effort ellort to meet the needs of the developing child An Aid to Dental Dentel Health For although expectant mothers mother are not always aware of this important important important im im- fact it is true that the first or baby teeth are developed developed developed devel devel- within the Jaw during prenatal prenatal pre pre- natal life and the foundations fo for forthe forthe the second set are also laid at this thi time Unless the expectant mothers mother's diet is very generously supplied with calcium so as adequate adequate ade- ade quate amounts for the baby's teeth and bones nature will endeavor endeavor endeavor en en- deavor to meet the childs child's requirements requirements requirements require require- ments by sacrificing calcium from the he mothers mother's own body If she has no adequate reserve then she may be forced to lose a tooth for every child or suffer even more serious dental ills Rich Calcium Rich Foods Required Leading nutrition authorities hold that the average American diet is more deficient in calcium perhaps than in any other single nutrient This is especially likely to o be the case in the diet of the adolescent For at that time boys I develop prodigious appetites and a tremendous capacity for tor carbohydrates carbohydrates carbohydrates drates or producing energy foods while girls become extremely fin fin- icky Either they do not take enough food cit at t meals or they tend to o eat too many rich mixtures between between be- be tween meals As a result the diet of both boys and girls is likely to contain an abundance of meat fish highly milled cereals cereals cereals ce ce- reals and other refined foods with inadequate amounts of the foods rich in calcium The Tha Adolescents Adolescent's Diet To balance blance the diet properly these necessary protein and energy energy energy en en- ergy foods should be supplemented supplement supplement- ed by milk and cheese which are rich In calcium by green leafy vegetables which are also a a good goal source by eggs eus and fruits valued for their minerals and vitamins and by bulky foods which supply sufficient cellulose to help promote promote pro pro- mote regular health habits Mothers of adolescent children should make a conscientious and determined effort ellort to feed them a diet rich In calcium and vitamins A C and D the D-the the substances re se required especially for maintaining sound healthy teeth If milk and succulent fruits and vegetables figure prominently in the daily menus of the adolescent girl they will go a long way toward helping to correct the choosy attitude toward food toad from which many older old er children suffer And If careful attention to diet Is coupled with careful attention to sound hygienic habits the health of our teen age bo boys and girls will be greatly Improved and they will be more adequately adequatelY prepared to assume the duties of or Ji j parenthood f s I Correct Dental Hygiene i It Is vitally Important that the proper care be given to the teeth J Jand r and mouth But Dut it is quite unlikely o that a correct routine will be followed followed fol fol- 1 lowed unless mothers offer tactful tactful tact tact- tact tact-J ful advice and suggestions very 1 frequently For while the tiny child has his teeth brushed for fors him and the young school child has his tooth-brushing tooth ritual supervised su su- supervised au 1 too often the adolescent is left to his own devices in this' this respect That is a great mistake as adolescents are sometimes careless in the care of their teeth Mothers must see to it that that t v 1 there are two toothbrushes one for tor night and one for morning so I that it is never necessary to use a soggy brush They must watch when the supply of tooth paste or powder runs low and see that It is replaced For It Is surprising how y few children can be persuaded to to brush their teeth properly without P Pan an agreeable dentifrice Mothers should take care to choose a dentifrice den- den that will preserve or restore restore restore re- re store luster In la the teeth For adolescents adolescents adolescents ado- ado I are extremely sensitive about their appearance and they must not be allowed to permit permit dingy teeth to spoil their smiles i y If mothers will feed their adolescents adolescents ado- ado s a correct diet and supervise supervise super- super 11 j vise their dall daily dental care the coming generation will not only i ibe be more attractive to look at but should enjoy more abundant health I J J r |