Show A beautifully arranged tea wa was s given at the home of Mrs W W. I H. H sL L Leigh from 3 to 6 p p. p In m. Friday by the officers of the Women's Women's Wo Woo mens men's Civic Club A Thanksgiving theme was carried throughout th the table being covered with a yellow w lace law cloth and decorated with tall tat l yellow tapers at each end and a large bowl of fruit forming the center center cen ter piece The rooms were decorated decorate d with yellow and white mums Pouring were four pas past t presidents of the club Mrs John P. P Fuller Mrs Lillian Corry Mrs J J. J T T. Leigh and Mrs George Gcorge AWood A A. A Wood and serving were Mrs Maeser Mae Maeser Maeser Mae Mae- ser Dalley Mrs Myron Myren F. F HIgbee Mrs Harry Thorley and Mrs Abnor Abner Abner Ab Ab- ner nor Perry The program consisted d of vocal sol solos by Mrs Wm H. H Manning Manning Manning Man Man- ning Mrs Wood Urle Uric and Mrs Bert Smith several selections b ba by bv bya y a string trio and a violin solo b by y Nevada Haight The committee In charge was as follows Mrs Blaine Blame chairman Mrs Stewart t Udell Mrs Parley Dalley Mrs Wm R. R Palmer Mrs W W. II H. H Leigh Mrs Jethro Palmer and Mrs Mark McMullin Mc Mc- Mullin |