Show Dogs Are Used in Palestine to Track Outlaws Prove Efficient I Murder is no longer safe in Palestine Pales tine due almost entirely to the natural natural nat nat- ural ability of the animal which for hundreds of years has been despised in the Holy Land the Land the dog writes a Jerusalem United Press correspondent correspond correspond- ent in the New York Herald Trib une one Six hours after two kilted youths had been shot down behind by local terrorists while king outside out side the walls of the C G t I City the suspected murderers were arrested Jan and Elsa two dogs belonging to the Palestine police had scored the latest feat in a series of spectacular spec triumphs which has thrown fear tear Into the hearts of Palestine's hitherto confident organized kill kill- ers For years brigands J and terrorists have laughed at the efforts of the police to track them down Outlaws felt safe as they hid in caves and crannies of the mountains of Judea and Galilee In the sandy wastes of the Mediterranean coastal plain or with kinsmen in the countless villages vil vil- villages lages dotting Palestine Exasperated by the mounting list lilt of unsolved crimes the Palestine poll polite e sent detectives to South Africa's Africa's Af Af- Af ricas rica's police dog training school at near Pretoria The two policemen spent six months learning the African language which is the only one the dogs understand They also studied how to work the dogs Then they returned to Jerusalem with two pinschers Within a few weeks everything changed The outlaws began to fear and respect these four footed detectives detec detec- lives tives that were so phenomenally successful In no way do the resemble resemble re reo the bloodhounds of detective fiction but they are Just lIS es s efficient In following a scent They stand tand about three feet high have sleek brown wire wire haired coats and rippling rippling rip rip- pling muscles When properly trained these hounds can follow even a faint human scent for days over dry sun baked terrains |