Show NOTICE OF ELECTION An will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Building in Cedar City on In July for th the Ole purpose of electing or re electing Advisory Board members to the vacancies that now exist in the Utah Grazing District No 4 due to the expiration of terms of office of the following members Cattle Section Walden Ballard Rockville A A. A C C. C Christensen Newcastle New New- castle Sheep Section Wayne C. C C Gardner Oard Gard ner nor St. St George G. G D. D McDonald Kanab and Ward Esplin St St. George Nominations of candidates will willbe willbe willbe i be made at p. p m. m Polls will be open from to p. p m. m All qualified applicants are eligible to vote Candidates for election must come from the same precinct as member whose term expires Acting under authority from the Ole Director for a gradual decrease of Board Doard membership to twelve members members members mem mem- bers In each Utah district the election elec lion tion this year ear will be held to fill three vacancies Two of the vacancies vacancies cies cles resulting from expiration of terms this year will not be filled tilled |