Show THE TIIE ART DEPARTMENT By Bonnie Donnie Dalley Dailey Two very Important and entertaining enter enter- taming events are going to be beheld beheld beheld held soon In connection with th the theart art department One of these I Ithe Is the Art Festival Frolic a student body dan dance to be given Friday April The art classes a ar are e sponsoring this dance with one de definite definite definite de- de finite purpose in mind They ar are hoping to raise enough funds t to buy an original oil painting to for forthe forthe the school In doing this this' It is necessary necessary neus- neus sary to charge an admission of 15 per person An ex excellent floor noor show is Ii to be given under the direction of Miss Kathryn Bulloch Punch and wafers will be for sale The Th theme of the dance Is Springtime and to carry It out the hall hail Is t to tobe tobe be decorated with blos- blos Perhaps some of you have noticed the success of the students in their attempts to make soap carvings an and pottery vases An Art exhibit willbe will wll be presented from May to Many of the carvings and v vases vase ses will be exhibited along with ih the paintings that have been secured from from many different places In Utah Arizona New York and Hawaii This Is the first exhibit of this particular type that has hu ever er been held In Cedar City Cley Hard liard work work and patient efforts have been practiced ed fd In hi the hope of making this ex exhibit ex- ex exhibit hibit successful Students encourage encourage encourage age your parents to attend this creative accomplishment |