Show I CEDAR STUDENTS RATE IN 1 CHICAGO ART EXHIBIT Ml Miss Mary Bestow Bastow art teacher at atthe atthe atthe the Branch Dranch Agricultural College announced today that several students students stu stu- stu dents In the high school division had placed In the annual art con contest contest contest test for high schools sponsored by bythe bythe bythe the American Federation of Arts and the Scholastic Magazine a high school weekly The students student whose drawings rated and will be exhibited exhibit exhibit- ed in the International Scholastic Arts Exhibition In hi Chicago Carnegie Car CAr- negie negle Museum Pittsburgh Philadelphia Phila Phila- Philadelphia delphia and Washington D. D C. C are Virginia Biederman Myrtle Dodge and Nadine Gower Miss Bleder- Bleder mans mans' pencil sketch was wu awarded I a place place-In in the exhibition in the pencil division and Miss Dodge and Miss Gower were awarded a place in the design division Entries by Deone Deane Booth and Odessa Ford were so 80 excellent as to find Immediate buyers These students are indeed very I talented to be able to win a place in an exhibition when they must compete with students from over I three thousand schools both public and private located in every part of 01 the United states The Winners were chosen by a select t group of judges Branch Agricultural college students students stu stu- dents have participated in ln several previous contests and In every ca case e have won excellent ratings n |