Show Civic Clubs Favor Routing Roosevelt GOver 6 G Over Highway 50 At the monthly my meeting of the Associated Civic clubs which was held at Orand Grand Junction Colorado Saturday a long step was taken toward to toward to- to ward ard routing muting the Roosevelt High Highway way ay No 6 over Highway 50 ro from Denver through Grand Junction Colorado into Utah by way of and Price thence south Into the southern souther part of the state and on to Los Angeles The route through Utah that is Ls proposed goes b by way of Delta and Hinckley into Ely Nevada The Associated civic Clubs supported supported sup sup- ported by civic clubs of Grand Orand Junction an vicinity h has been striving for the past year to get the support of the state road com corn commission comm m mission on for the routing o of the highway high way way Into Utah over highway No 50 SO and has haa at last apparently accomplished accomplished pushed it Preston G O. O Petersen chairman of ot the he state commission w was present at the meeting and af after after after af- af ter the discussion was ended stated definitely that he favored highway 50 for the route He later told the Editor of the Record that he favored this route and that the other proposed pro proS posed route highway 40 through the basin was out of the question It is Ls understood that W. W D. D Hammond member of ot the commission has favored this route from the beginning A bitter fight can be expected on the matter since the Salt aLke City Chamber of ot commerce Is s working for tor highway No 40 and recently announced that a fund of had been raised to campaign for Its designation and needless to say basin people will not back down without a tight fight fight The action of ot the Associated civic clubs came Just at a time when Price was staging a demonstration demo dean against Salt Lake for its action in the matter In response to 14 the announcement of the campaign campaign cam cam- fund from Salt Lake Price business men started a boycott on Salt Lake wholesale houses refusing refus reus refusing ing to buy from them and tum turning g their purchases to Colorado whole salem salers In spite 0 of the action of ot the Associated Associated As M civic Clubs Club the question 13 s by no means settled since it is s ne nA n necessary for the Colorado and Utah state road to recommend recommend recommend mend this route and that the Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt highway association No matter mat mat- matter ter what becomes of this the fight continued continued continued con con- improvement of either or both routes will FlU benefit southern ut Utah h and Cedar city because once the traveler Is s In the state southern southern southern south south- ern Utah with its National Parks Paries and Boulder dam darn as drawing cards will attract its share of the travel travel- ers erSt erStA A delegation of Cedar people representing representing representing re re- presenting the Chamber of Com Corn COmmerce Commerce merce coerce and the Lions Club attended attend attend- ed the 1 meeting In Grand Junction Those who made the trip were Mr and Mrs Walter Lunt Mr and Mrs l M. M J. J Urle Uric Mr Mr and Mrs Morgan Rollo Wesley Pryor Miss Mias Leah Gibson and Miss Ruth Burt i Following the Grand Junction meeting the Utah visitors made a trip to Moab over a river road down the beautiful canyon of the Colorado Colo Colorado rado river and were guests of the I Moab Lions club at luncheon |