Show a A M Cedar Planning a Elaborate Programs s For o. o Memorial Mothers' Mothers D Day y r ole WILL ALSO OPERATE CO-OPERATE IN PREPARATION FOR HOLDING OF COMING COMINO BLACKHAWK ENCAMPMENT WILL ENCAMPMENT WILL STAGE STAGG SPORTS k PROGRAM r FOR THAT EVENT EVENT ENT OF PAVILION AND ND ARENA TO BE BR UNDERTAKEN JOINS UNDERTAKEN JOINS WITH JR CHAMBER IN GENERAL CLEANUP CLEAN COMMITTEES CAMPAIGN APPOINTED The American Legion Post No 74 I held an interesting and well attended attend attend- ed monthly meeting Monday even even- ing After the formal opening ceremony cere cere- mon mony the group enjoyed a 20 minute minute min minute ute period singing old time songs Tie Tte committee headed by Frank C. C Childs reported their findings Including an estimate of cost cost on the construction and Installing of 01 adequate restroom facilities for the open air dan dance e hall The committee which consists of or Mr Childs Child's Ralph Green and Sherman C. C Lamb was ms given the responsibility of ot completing comple comple- completing ting plans for the construction of proper rest rooms Plans were also outlined to make a general cleanup of the Legion Leilon grounds with several Improvements such as 84 repainting the fences of the dance hall and arena the my lity of erecting latus work along wit with some landscaping to make the grounds give a more attractive and Inviting The cleanup cone committee composed of Earl Urle Urie Nate Green Ether Arthur and Mart Thorley were also Instructed to work wok with the Junior Chamber of Commerce In Initiating a general genera up clean campaign In the ity y A short report of the progress of the Blackhawk program was made by Comander Lorin Arin O. O Miles in which he outlined the responsibilities ties of the Legion in this conne tion A committee by Murl Gibson with Durham Morris William Melling tensest as members was Appointed appointeeS to as members was appointed to sponsor a Memorial Day Dar program Ii This committee is b expected to put on an excellent excel program of events on that day Although many iUS n v v were made at the meeting all aU arrangements will be left lett entire t ly If In the hands of the committee e. e It ls is is expected however that each I club and civic organization willbe b asked to participate in the p program Plans were also I started for fork Ji k worthwhile Mothers Mothers' D Day y program p ram am The Legion Leilon wil wll cooperate with they the 1 three wards and sponsor a 4 program program to be held in the evening on May by lOth The committee in charge charr will be headed by Commander f Miles Mile's with members to be ba selected by him Committees were also appointed to handle the Legions Legion's summer ac ac- as ns follows t Dance Dante Committee I. I 0 O. O Cog s chairman Alfred Altred Olson Eap and George e. e 4 u J. Rodeo Committee John Brown chairman Parry RI Jones Jonea Gronway Parry and awl NepH- NepH JoUey Jolley V Fight Promoters Herb Hem Milne chairman Haldow Baldow Christensen Hartley Woodbury S. S O. O Lamb and Frank rank t. t Concessions Committee Committee Or Ai k L L. Graff GraU chairman Bil JWJ Vergene Ver yen gene Simkins Ralph Green and anet p.O. p. p G O. O Parry ka s. s Finance Committee e B. B J. J chairman Parley E Anderson SOla and aM Lehl Lehi M. M Jones Junes |