Show City Council and Recreation 1 Committee Plan Summer Playground GENERAL RESPONSIBILITY REST UPON COMMITTEE CITY COOPERATING COOPERATING CO- CO OPERATING IN EMPLOYMENT El OF GENERAL SUPERVISOR N N. N J. J BARLOW AND MAYOR 1 It R. HUNTER APPOINTED AS REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES REPRESENTATIVES RE RE- TO RECREATIONAL COl COMMITTEE I A committee composed of N. N J J. J. Barlow from the school district Hazen Cooley Cootey from the Br Branch Agricultural College D D' D John Hr l Irving Peterson Herbert Milne Mike Mrs Frank Wo inden and Morgan Rol Rol- Rollo lo la from the Community Council met with the City Council at its meeting Thursday night to discuss matters pertaining to the planning of a summers summer's recreation program Following the discussion It was Vas as decided that the supervision and general responsibility should be beturne turne turned over to the recreation council coun coun- cil dl with the city cooperating by employing employing employing em em- a recreation supervisor and the school and city instructing the music leaders to correlate their pro pro- programs programs grams with the recreation program Mayor Charles R. R Hunter and Supt N N. J. J Barlow were named as representatives representatives representatives to the recreation council Following this the count council l devoted considerable time Ume to routine business business I matters as follows N. N J. J Barlow requested that a cheaper rate for water to be used on the public school grounds be granted The question was discuss discuss- ed at length but no action was Wal taken J. J D. D Callahan newly appointed sanitation program supervisor for I Iron county met with the council to discuss various pl phases ases of or the program The matter yas yes referred to the Board of Health with power t to take such action as they saw fit James Fisher Fiher Sexton requested that the he the city be responsible for the collection o of lees fees for cemetery work and pay him his salary rather than the way it has had been handled In the past whereby he received the fees for his services The city attorney was authorized to draw up the necessary necessary necessary ne ne- ordinance to make this change A decision was reached to have love police officers uniformed and the officers were instructed to provide provid e their own uniforms but were ere granted grant grant- ed a 5 5 a a. month raise in pay to defray de defray detray de- de fray tray the expense The e officers to be uniformed are City Marshall Arthur Nelson Night Marshall Alonzo Ahlstrom and Traffic Officer Preston Preston Pres Pres- ton Wood |