Show Former Cedar Woman Succumbs To GunShot GunShot Gun GunShot Shot Wound Mr and Mrs Peter Mackelprang were ere called to Los Angeles Sunday because because be be- cause of the tragic death of ot their daughter Mrs Lyn Mackelprang Thomas 34 34 who died cited Saturday evening even even- in ing from a bullet wound around said to have been Inflicted by her own hand but for the firing of which her husband Jay Thomas 34 34 U Is reported to have han been arrested Mr and Mrs Mackelprang left for Los Angelus Angeles Sunday evening accompanied accompanied by their sons DelRoy and Max They have not returned yet et and have hav sent no Information regarding reg th the tha death of their daughter It is understood understood under under- stood that funeral services are to beheld be ba beheld held today Besides Beside her parents the deceased li la survived by five sisters Mrs Minnie Mitchell Mrs Margaret Jane Dalton Mrs Eunice Long Mrs Laverne Norris Norb and Mrs Roxy foxy Middleton Middlet n all all' living In ln Los Angeles and three brothers brother DelRoy DelRoy Del Del- Roy Warren and Max of Cedar City No recent reports of the case have been received In Cedar and the only Information available Is press reports report from Los Angeles The following re report report report re- re port appeared In the Monday July 2 Issue of the Los Angeles Examiner Climaxing a bitter quarrel with her husband Jay Thomas 34 over an another another another an- an other woman Mrs Mr Lyn Thomas Thoma 34 was VlIS fatally wounded early Saturday night In her home at South Woodlawn Woodlawn Wood Wood- lawn avenue and early yesterday Thomas was as arrested by police on suspicion su suspicion su- su of murder police poUce reported Mrs Thomas died to the Georgia Street Receiving Hospital from a II gunshot wound in her left side near her heart She was wu wounded about Saturday y evening police poUce said Thomas told police she shot herself herself herself her her- self after she Had berated him about a woman known n 90 only to o police poUce as U Miss MIM Gordon but several andes In his story tory br brought about hi hit his arrest lr st at at atthe the hospital when he he appeared appeared appeared ap ap- there on returning from a Ii dance in a beer parlor Thomas Thomaa called the ambulance ambulance ambulance am am- that took his wife to the hospital boa hos pit pital at and then went Into the house washed his hands and went to dance where he met and danced several times with her sister Mrs Laverna Laverne Norris who lives at the Thomas home According to Thomas Thomas' story to Detective Detective Detective De De- De- De Lieutenants Aldo and George Hill Bill and repeated to Captain Hubert J J. J Wallis and Le Roy noy Sanderson his wife quarreled with him about his asserted association with a Miss Gordon Suddenly during the heat of th the argument she ran to the bedroom seized the gun and ana came back to the kitchen Then standing dramatically In front of hIm Kim she cocked the re revolver revolver re- re revolver volver Thomas declares held It ov over r her heart and with the thumb of her right and touched off oft the trigger but bu the he gun did not fire Thomas told police she repeated the operation but this time a shot sho rang out Mrs Thomas then ran thru the house and then fell feU off the front porch onto the Ta grass He then called the ambulance and after it had left washed up and went to the dance he told Captain Meeting his wife's wires alster sister at the tha dance Thomas said he danced with her several times and then told her that her sister had been shot that shot that se ae had attempted suicide Mrs Norris wanted anted to go immediately immediately mined mined- to tyre tie he receiving hospital but Thomas Mrs Norris told police poUce insisted in insisted in- in slated on returning to his hon hom home to re-enact re the shooting scene After Arter returning home Mrs Norris Nonis went with Thomas to the receiving hospital where he learned his wife had died in the ambulance He was taken into custody there ther thereby by Detectives Corsini and Hill and aM after several hours' hours qu questioning booked booked booked book book- ed at central police station on suspicion sus sw- of or murder |