Show Free Cooking School Sessions A free cooking demonstration will willbe willbe be given at the First Ward Church amusement hall han on Thursday July One session will be held in inthe inthe inthe the afternoon at 2 I o'clock and another another another an an- other at 8 o'clock In the evening The demonstration n In the evening will ill bea bea be bea a continuation and not a of the afternoon session The cooking demonstration or school Is sponsored by the Southern Utah Power company and is conducted by Miss Reha Johnson he head d of the Home Economics Department of the Branch Agricultural college This Is an educational demonstration tion to teach the correct and economical economical econom econom- ical use of and a completely equipped Kitchen of Tomorrow will willbe willbe be used a labor and fuel saving luncheon and dinner will be featured and at the evening session oven canning canning can can- ning and other Interesting demonstrations demonstrations will be made Valuable prizes will be given away at each session and every woman at attending attending at at- tending Is eligible for the prize win win ning The company invites every Interested Interest interest- ed woman in town to attend these free demonstrations |