Show I Fifteen Elk Permits Cedar Preserve The state board of big game gune control cons con trot will Issue permits for the killing of fifteen elk on Cedar mountain this year but hunters will wUl be limited to shooting hooting of pronged-horn pronged elk although Cedar sportsmen and property owners recommended killing fifteen elk of any kind The e a l h hunting season has been set for the period from November 8 II to 2 inclusive and drawing for permits will be conducted in the same manner as has been done in the past Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Com Com- missioner Newell Nevell B D Cook will receive applications for the right to participate in drawings for licenses up to September Septem ber her 20 The license fee has hu been flied fix fixed fixed fix fix- ed at 10 on all districts except Marti ManU Fish Lake where It will ill be 5 3 The number of or hunting permits ar arc ara allocated allocate to the various districts ai as follows Cache 60 permits N Nebo bo 50 Heaton 15 15 Cedar Mountain 15 Tim run 6 and Fish ManU Lake Upon the report of r range a damage mage by the elk on Cedar Mountain the boar authorized Commissioner Cook to make mako an Investigation and take what hat action de deems necessary to relieve the sitI sit- sit I |