Show JUST WHAT GOES INTO R 0 Real flea Food Value i iRoles ie if the ills theas 11 as has Rules Roles Are Followed p. p M M. JA EIt B raged In the I press pres a Coo the proper way war t to tor about ago 0 shall hall we say drink pot drink pot fIt a r that of ot southern fame Shall Shan bread be crumbled In It or org lb 1 tolt be dunked dunked In It U Many t g ahaU Joined In the dispute and InterS Inter Inter- S governors and majors and as well a. a Southerners Southerner b bo base ban e bad had experience still 11 be De ninon there r ma may among Perhaps who Of ot this column some derl adell the re exactly wha Vhal l 40 o not t 1 their benefit I will wl an shy say that thatIs IL Is For the or liquid remaining In the pot Ot It usually pork and meat net after ft greens reens cooked And Just lo to he be on one been bare u that to mention safe pate side I 1 will 1 the e i dunk Is to dip The TIle really Important point about aboul did not enter Into the IOD at alt all The essential Is ac ae not have you taken int do take It lt In that Uia jut at that you rou remain valuable salts and which are necessary to o th the of ot the bod body and In the poorer poorer of the South the lives of many babies and the health of llIan many UM have been saved by the Ille custom of In fug lua infant infante this form of ot nourish nourishment men I ter ery early In life The greens mn marbe mar mn to be if one oae of man many kinds There are In III Intact tact fact an any ny number of of wild greens which art are re eatable but which are little known UK The bureau of plant Industry In Wash on has recently prepared some ma ilia ter la in regard to 10 these greens grens which common weeds art are re often otten considered A i recent article In the Ibe press coiled called these vegetable foods to be bad had at al Natures Nature's Free Lunch Counter Of course you Jou know the humble dan dellon deflon which has bas furnished us In tn the for tor so many years ears our first taste of ot spring Perhaps you have bave dug the young oun roots from the for or a price thus satisfying the Ibe annual favorite craving for tor them and at it the Ibe same time beautifying I the he lawn It U ls almost a shock to find that now the dandelion Is cultivated and plucked like ao any other green for market where you joo can order It II In the same way beginning be- be ginning In late February Young Toung beet greens sometimes greens sometimes labeled la la- sanitary are also to be bought trashed brushed and ready for cooking Pinched beets In tn market this week had bail young tender lender tops worthy of preparation preparation prep prep- for the table Swiss chard while not nol In season all the year ear has Me hasa a delicate or flavor which some people Ue late te b better than that of spinach Carrot Car rot tops and turnip tops are used to tome some extent stent The I lender ender green tops 10 cf of I young onions are a also Iso delicious Try rry them with a white sau sauce e. e Kale Kate and broccoli greens greos are arc also delicious To get gel the most food value and the best test flavor Davor these greens must be cooled with little or no tin water and for forthe forthe forthe the least possible time Overcooking destroys destroy a their delicacy of ot flavor or and tolor as well They differ In the amounts of ot minerals and vitamins Inthe in inthe inthe the first place but bul they are all supplied supplied sup sup- plied pUPIl with a large enough quantity to te tomake sake make them count coot In the diet These Thee are re preserved by the proper method of 01 cooking They must first be thor thor- cleaned Warm water which wilts ll the leaves also makes It en easier easle sic to 10 e remove remo the sand from leafy leaty geta tin They should then be drained and w cooked ked In the water which remains on the leaves I 1 like to us use heavy ulen ells Illi Ui and to keep them covered tightly A ten ten minute minute cooking Is usually long enough for spinach spinach other other greens reens may tale take slightly longer They should be served as soon as os possible after utter cook cook- lo lug Ins I Genuine as IlS we know it in inthe tie the South Is la not nol prepared by these thee roles toles and regulations but 1 l dare to toay toy ay y that It II would be the better for It ItIS Itis IS far as food value alue Is concerned I Inot do not oot dare express any opinion as to the lie Improvement In flavor Molded With Creamed Mushrooms Mushroom C 4 cups cooked greens 3 1 cup butter teaspoon salt saltI 2 1 2 raps cape creamed mushrooms b a hard-cooked hard eggs I U Iz Drain greens thoroughly Chop One fine sad nfl season with butter and lal salt Press iress Into buttered ring mold and set setIn In to warm naru water five livE minutes Remove from frem mold and till center with willi mush mushrooms rooms Garnish with slices of ot hard cooked conked eggs Creamed Onion Oulon Tops Top 3 S bunches young onions 2 cups cup white I sauce Cut Cui the onion tops Into Inlo one-Inch one pieces Cook ook In plenty of boiling water water water wa wa- ter salted about ten minutes until tender Add to the white sauce and serve sene on toast Spinach With WIh Sour Cream h 14 cup hour sour cream cream- 1 I tablespoon tarragon vinegar 1 t tablespoon grated horseradish Salt ta ka 4 cups CUP cooked spinach Whip cream add seasoning and pass with spinach which must be very ery hot hol when served C. 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