Show H How Hove w I Broke Into info Movies 4 C. C erma B Eg JEAN N HERSHOLT p t Tot To m correct a term Ot conditions and end events ont bout about about my 11 advent Into the movies movie cint tt and nd probably most moat Important wen wai th tilt fact that I was born well born well almo almost almost- almost s t. t-t. the theater My Il paren parents were w n known known- theatrical a folks and were were I in sp pea peering ring In Co Copenhagen h. h n So from such luch tin Rn auspicious n a 1 t- t was rear reared d' d Jn ln the atmosphere ct oy p painted d canvas canvas canns paint grease and foot lights t I My early earll youth io th was very similar t to most ether young folks ant and after afler t hIgh h school and college training t I e wt let out be te fin In an artist A number of tut my paintings won prizes and a bright eire ei- ei re reer r loomed before but me but theatrics theatrical blood coursed through my veins la in o ne uncertain manner manner- manner so so o I tried the stage May MayI I say with all aU due mod modesty tl that I 1 soon loon became became- widely known for mj my portrayals of of characters characters' from th the th plays of Ibsen and Tolstoy T The theatrical career as anyone ma ilia mat know Is replete with travel and thus thul I soon BOon toured all of Scandinavia Her Here Bert Berta a motion picture company came Into 1011 my life and for tor four tour years I worker f fr r u Jean Hersholt before re the camera camera camer nearly always la is Biblical plays plas I soon eoon became so 10 thoroughly established established as n a t player layer of Biblical characters charm charac tees that I couldn't obtain another part under any Iny circumstances At a loss as to what to do I 1 wason wu was on the verge of returning to the scats when a most welcome summons came The Danish government go wanted me to I stage and supervise the national ex at the San Francisco exposition In 1915 1315 That of course brought me to Call Cali fornia The American company compan at Portland Ore engaged me soon after to direct several leveral pictures the At theold bold b old love acting didn't thrive unto under such neglect so I gave up the directorial directorial direct tonal phase of motion pictures picture to tomake tomake I make several pictures with the lat hats Thomas Ince Then followed a year with the Universal Uni Ual vernal versal company During this period I learned earned to absorb all itc Orb the American technique and aDd atmosphere at it- and believe you me It war wil almost like being reborn The part of Marcus In Eric Voa VOD Stroheim's great picture Greed won woe me the praise and plaudits of the tl- tl ways generous press of America and nl success was knocking at my door Followed a number of pictures such inch The Battle as Alias the Deacon of the Sexes and Ables Irish Rose And then talking pictures picturE'S which Include In III- elude clude Give GIe and Take The Girlon Girl on the Barge The Climax tn and more recently Grand Hotel And there Is the story story uninteresting lag ing wasn't It In Yet between the fe fey fe highlights run many Incidents that lIt even ln the world at large doesn't know kno of or at care about but about but to me as 81 1 ID the old song song each each tear a pearl My knowledge of painting has helped In my makeup and It may Interest some of you to know I have ha play played plated 1700 separate characterizations In mf ml I career And In closing I want to say to In I a afew few words out of a vocabulary that seems all too small smal to express ml my sentiments that the gracious r of my work by the American people and the kind consideration of tH the many men who helped me on my mT sal f during my early days shall always ay remain In my heart heart heart-a a glow 10 memory Service Benle |