Show ALUMNI BANQUET AND BALL The Alumni Association of the Branch Dranch Agricultural College held Its annual banquet at the Hotel El Escalante Escalante Escalante Escal- Escal ante Friday evening followed by a ball at the B. B A. A C. C gymnasium One Onehundred Onehundred Onehundred hundred one fifty-one guests attended the banquet Scott Matheson of the class of 1916 acted as toastmaster Toasts were responded to by Henry ley Mrs M. M J. J Macfarlane Rex flex Harris Harris Harris Har Har- ris and Mrs Della Delia Olsen Musical numbers were furnished by a double trio consisting of Mrs Hazel Granger Mrs Mirian lUrlan Luke Miss Mamie Gardner Gardner Gardner Gard Gard- ner Mrs Helen Foster and Mrs Annette Annette Annette An An- nette Bettenson They were accompanied accompanied accompanied on the piano by Mrs Bernella Jones Special guests were President Elmer Peterson and Mr Champ member member member mem mem- ber of the Board Doard of Trustees both of whom spoke a few words The committee In charge of arrangements arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments consisted of Ernest Burgess Durgess Mrs Myrtle Janson Miss Mary Palmer Palmer Palmer Pal Pal- mer and Harold Sargent Officers of the Alumni Association elected for the coming year were President Oscar Hulet Vice President Miss Mary Urie Uric Treasurer Secretary Miss Lydia Matheson Matheson Matheson Math Math- eson Executive committee Mrs Beth Deth Leigh Mrs Mattie Mattle Booth and Scott Gardner |