Show Improvement Notice Notice Is ts hereby given by the City Council of Cedar City Utah of th the s Intention in intention intention In- In of said Council to make the following described Improvements to- to wit it To construct a sewer setter line with manholes man raan- holes etc extending the present system m mon on First West and Main Street in Sewer Sever Districts Nos 1 and 2 and to de defray defray defray de- de fray the cost thereof by a local assessment assessment asses asses- upon the lots or pieces of ground ground to be affected and benefit ted by said Improvements as lIs listed below To construct a sewer line on First West str street t in Sewer District Nil Nu 2 from the end of the present line line o on on Harding Avenue south on said First West to a point four hundred and four f feet t south of the south side of First South street and pay the cost CM of same by an assessment upon the following following following fol fol- lowing property to- to wit to-wit The west vest half of Block 25 the East halt half of ot Block 26 excepting the portions of said Block Black used as College ege Avenue A Lots 2 23 3 and the south 97 feet of Lot 4 In Block 36 Lots 1 I III 18 18 nd end the south 97 feet of Lot 17 17 11 in Block 35 the north feet of the west half halt of Block 16 and the north feet of the east half of ot Block 15 all aU In Plat B B. B Cedar Cit City Survey To construct a sewer ewer line on the east eastside eastside east side of Main street in Sewer District No I 1 1 tram from the end of ot the present line lineon lineon on Center r Street et south along said J l aln 1 to o the north s1 te Hof South street and pay ay the cost of same same by an assessment upon the following property wit to The west halt half of Block 24 except the P portion of ot said Block used as College CoUtre An Avenue all aU In Plat B B. B Cedar City Survey The estimated cut cost of the above Improvement Im Jm- pro provement ment Is 1 UG One dollar and andy ninety y tents cents per foot toot of ot sewer line Une All AU protests and objections to the carrying out of such intentions must be presented In la writing with the at signature of the own owner r and a legal 1 description of the property and filed with the City Recorder du before the oWl day of June on which 1 ch date t t P. P M. M in the City Offices the City Council will meet mett and Dd hear and consider such luch objections ob Db- as u may be filed against said caid improvement I I. Y BIGELOW City Recorder May 9 39 |