Show PETTICOATS IN AGAIN PEEP FROM FROl UNDER UNDERSKIRT SKIRT HEMLINES lIEl V kJ V L ta I U Its It's true truel I tic oats are in again n- n mare It I is nn not their intention to tu remain undEr rUnder cover tr entirely Rather father are ore they going to peep out ut from under the hemlines or ot the trucks with lIh which they are worn orn Just enough h to add a fascinating trimming touch lUh to the tile costume That III this Adorable fashion confirms earlier reports to tn the effect that styles for tor spring and summer Ir will go prettily pret pret- tily feminine you will agree after glimpsing the Illustration herewith As you rou will alli observe 1 the tile skirt of ot this charming afternoon gown n made of ot D c cn a a D i t 7 F is 4 a n i C. C i I t s 5 r ri P i N d Petticoats in to a Come black de chine has hns crepe a II scalloped edge from beneath which shows the petticoat with Its rows and rows s of ot narrow al Val edging The lower lr portion portion por por- tion of the sleeves ls and the time vestee r repent repeat the same sume lace Ince effect If It It Is 18 not a lace Ince petticoat which Is 18 showing ho then It Is apt to be a ruffle or pleating of print silk the time theIry very Iry selfsame selfsame self self- sa same OIl as trims the rest of ut the dress Often It Is not nt the actual petticoat 1 which shows but a 0 similar effect Is 13 achieved pd In Unit that the scalloped or flaring flaring flar liar In ing hemline of the monotone frock truck Is faced with the gay Y patterned silk slIk The Idea Is repeated 1 In the lining of ot J I j i f H t a e Illustrating the tho Lure of Velvet x r. r with perhaps the thO short flaring sleeves ls a o scurf neckline to match The revival of the petticoat A Is also also t I suggested in the popular costumes their the open open front front skirts and l Inn long ns coats being made mude to reveal underskirt of print prima an modes yield yielding Oft lire daytime Not ut only for or the new ln ing to petticoat etlI t OI rule Into the realm extending gesture Is of evening frocks frolks The Ile Idea of transparent transparent trans trans- for tor parent hemlines Is one exploited l call cull flit for costume dress These formal l n hl which h are petticoats slips ps or with net knees knee down from wm below helO v the or tull tulle Velvet Wrap a Necessity Ut-re's Ut telling the world there theres there's theme being fascinating no more throughout these days day d discussed 0 the length th and breadth of fashion fashion- dom doin than that of ot the novel 1 little velvet wraps which will III top mi mi ladys lady's dainty frocks this coming sun sum suni mer flier For or mall maid or lr matron to carry on successfully In the rank and file tile of It the style minded this season Ion sans Bans one or several of these adorable adorable ador ador- able little velvet lct fantasies fantasies tile ble 1 One Is III reminded Il again and again by these thle wraps that the o vogue rogue ue of ot velvet Is In this day and age considered consid conald ered fed as Important for tur spring prinK and summer summer sum Bum mer as It Is for fall tall and winter It Is because of ot the chic an and 1 the charm expressed In models such as AI asare asare are shown In the Illustration that the lure of ot the velvet wrap Is proving Ir Ir- One of ot the flattering things to be said suld In regard to the cape cape- sleeved slee coat cont on the time seated figure Is I that In every try line and detail It breathes breathe'S the very spirit of ot youth The fhe color of ot this winsome tran transparent pao tnt eat velvet Is blue stained rout coat gl glass a 1111 blue to quote from rom fashions fashion's vocabulary vocabulary and It Is is In this tells Instance worn over a 0 blue bille red Id and ond gray striped silk frock The fhe short cape sleeve and ond tie fastening tell unmistakably a story of youth In keeping with the general ribbon del dei- color scheme u a blue velvet orates the pretty brimmed hat which t Is among the new rough straws The attractive little Jacket length Jacket length wrap to the right In the pl picture ture I Is I. Isgreen green of ot course for tor green Is tl a ta favored ore ored l color this season U. So Ho vision lettuce pet let lure tuce green If you please for this soft modish little wrap The fhe fetching II tied bow of ot self velvet self velvet Is lined with jonquil f lt The story of the quaint and novel which h Is I. enlivening both buth velvet wrap daytime and evening mode matte Is as 18 versatile ver as creative genius can an make It It via viii ls fabric and the use of ot delectable colors Clurs 1 NICHOLAS AS t IPa tell Jill Western ru Dlo I |