Show I Relief Ladies Enjoy Mothers lothers Day Program Tuesday afternoon the Relief Society of ot the three wards met together In th the e Second Ward chapel with Mrs Ella EllaLeigh EllaLeigh EllaLeigh Leigh of the Second ward presiding The following program was given Song by congregation We Love Our Work prayer Mrs May Mrs May Thompson organ selection Mrs Inez Lombard Lombardi report of White House Convention re recently recently recently re- re held In Salt Lake by Miss Amy J. J Leigh song by congregation Utah We Love Thee benediction Mrs Oco Geo H. H Wood After the meeting the ladies adjourned adjourn adJourn- ed to the Relief Society banquet room where the following Mothers Mother's t Pay ay program program program pro pro- gram was given solo Songs My Mother Moth Moth- er Used to Sing Forrest Hunter solo Dear Little Mother of Mine Mrs Jane Thomas solo Mrs Helen Foster and a by Mrs Beth Leigh Following the program punch wafers wafers wafers ers and mints were served the ladies ladles present |