Show I O l oG r n BEVERLY nEVERLY IUIS Wen Wed all alII 1 I know it 11 Just lust what I read ead ID la th tU press Course Coune those five Ave hundred that come In 10 out of ot the th woods down Jn la Arkansaw and end demanded food for tor their f mallel that r was wasa was a reel real sensa lenlA tion I It c caused a 11 sed c more more than any one he Item that bad had a appeared ap at- in a longtime Ion long I time Now those folks down there she sho was hungry or orthey orthey they have bave come in and asked for food for if it there ever was proud people its them They dont believe belleve in accepting g. g Charity Well the Government woke wok up and voted food fod rl right t away At rl first st the Government said they would try and provide mo money y to get Bet Bettha get the tha Farmers some seed for their next crops croIS but that t they ey give them money C for r toad food as that tha would be too much like the tho Dole that the thing they do in England when you cant get work ork they give you a certain weekly allowance and I its s called the Dole Course everybody over there says sas it worked out and that it was a mistake to start It But I 1 guess the ones that have been receiving It and buying their bread bread- dont think that It Is such a terrible blunder so BO the way it Is if sorter depends on which side of the fence you are on If It you live under a a Government find and it dont provide some means of you getting get ting tine work ork when you Jou really want It and will do it why then there is Something something some thing wrong wrong Yo You cant lust Just let the people starve starve so eo dont give dve em work end and ind indy y you u dont give em m food fod or money to buy it U. U why what are they to do dot What is 11 the matt matter r with with our our Country anyhow anyhow I With ai ad tour our brains In high positions and all pur our boa boasted ted organizations thousands of of f our folks are starving or on the verge of Jt it Millions Million of bushels bushel of wheat are in Granaries tt nt the lowest lowet price in twenty ty yearS Wl Why y cant there ther be some means means of at least giving everybody all the bread they wanted anyhow Here they are are starving In Arkansaw and in our adjoining State of f Oklahoma Okla homa boma they are feeding thel their wheat to the stock to to try and get rid of it Oil Gil th there was never such an over overproduction production l of oil all in hi the World and yet Gasoline was never much higher But Dut there you have a business thata in the hands bands of ot a few men and they see that the price is kept up Its not regulated by supply and demand It itt Its regulated by manipulation That But the main thing is fe we just lust t doing something right we are lIJe o on the wrong tra track k somewhere be giving people money and them then not do anything for Cor it It no no matter what you bad had to hand out for necessities the there re receiver elver should give give some some kind Lind of I York work in In return Ca Cause e he has to eat Ju just t the same same Yh ryben when n he is laying 0 oil u as when he is working So every CIty or eTer every state should give w work fk of at some kind ata livable wage age so that w no one would I be in ii want Of cour Course e It would cost ost the Taxpayers morn more n money ne but if Jr you Jou are making It and ind ill all your fellow tallow men men are not why shy by you mh mind paying ga a a good dice allce of oUt It for tor the less feu fortunate Course th ui big mans argument and all the heny beary Taxpayers is I. that when J you fOg m take too big a slice from a man U II J taxes tues it ft much more out of his investments and cut down on money being put into enterprises Eat B ut it work that way after the war and end during it why whys Income taxes TO ran u high as seventy percent on every ery dollar earned and yet there was more r money being made and put into things ass than there is 1 now new thU If U your four Income Taxes go to help out th the iMM less eal fortun fortunate e. e t there ere could be no Do let mate te kl kick against t It In the e world TM Thue I is II becoming th the richest and the po Wb poorest ore Country in the Why on account of o an an at unequal dig die Cation of the money wr o can Mn you ou equalize it a hither by putting that that H ber lur surtax on large In incomes omes and money ey goes goes to provide some pub pub- s a- a work ork at eta ata a lIv livable ble w wage geI I dent dont mean mean ware th that t lj I in un ea l I a J maintained in other u lbs tt mean a wage ft 8 1 Provided for toe tt II 1550 D That is Ii If Sf you could mould way find And a Job lob you JOu could to toCOI lose go 0 State a e or Nat National hat COI onal or City or l ek oo Hy Public Public work that would give ghe 1511 o et the thY four hours hour a i a day flay vor work Instead usual eight You tie be z mating h Charity But you tou would be g f honest work tor or It until yoa get et Yli that employment to in some line PaS t not public Eli work ort an and at a Wage It re rec c ctt dent t cheapen r Jw Paw Would d tapen P II b 11 r the thing to tj t b belonge th t all d N People DIe and Ind the tart c thy they would Co the e to have ve cheap h h be ut It would tH T t Insurance II IIa I a stein not j having I 1 I to I do ha how Now e to that th do dat we wa got that settled all we fe feItt Itt It th 0 Is to get by Congress and fA tr h Inco femme ta b nathe will vote a highl high IW- IW ht t e tax l on a the tho rich babies bable It not no be 21 11 tie tore a great creat Plan bUt It will bee eat t the one we got now |