Show I i Strategy Tl That dd eit Ended ade o F-o Fros Talk pity Illy IIi nf of M II In Ii Jena ell silt II I. I hi In the Illy lily pools pis are flu nu- huge derp bullfrogs ue i enough by da day but hut a thUD hun at night with their loud Ducks Duck were Intro Intro- Introduced ehl hut bed the row they made Dl de when wh n they taught a ro frog too tar big to eat but too nits nit's to tu let KU JU proved worse rile than the they were mere supposed to cure lUr ducks were substituted These appeared to annoy annul i the frog c considerably but the they ate ale more Mowers flowers and anel plants than thaD frogs A bounty of 3 8 cents a frog was then offered to neighboring child children reD and more frogs than had ever been beeD Inor teen seen teenor or heard lu 10 the country were speedily brought In as having been extracted from truss I the he tie spools pouts In the hotel grounds A sharpshooter was the next experiment expert ment went hut but he woke oke up more people than limn the frogs Then the hotel manager manager man mOD ager read up Frog rog In all Its aspects and the problem He lie strung nn an electric light Ight over each pool a good hurricane lamp serves Fenes equally qually well where electricity Is not available and bei iii the baffled hamed brutes henceforth henceforth hence forth sat tat silently waiting for the darkness darkness dark dark- ness that never came clime |