Show CEO ED MAN fOUND DEAD Saturday afternoon Joseph stevenson Steven steven- son 74 14 74 a l long n time resident AKA of ot this iM city was found dead in his bed The day before he was visiting with ft his daughter Mrs Wm living liv Uv- line ing on East 1st South a short distance from the home borne of the dead man mar while vL visiting he seemed to feel fine that he never felt better In InUs Us life We He went home that evening and was waa not seen again by anyone until und f Saturday afternoon as stated Neighbors had passed his residence Saturday morning and remarked that ao o path had been broken through the newly fallen tallen snow of the night before nd md thought that probably Mr Stevenson Steven Steven- son n had not been home during the night g ht t later ter In the he day other neighbors passing noticed that no no path had been made through the snow to the house and became alarmed thinking that Mr Stevenson might have taken ill and ami andRas wu Ras unable to get out They called caned called W the deceased mans man's sons eons Wm and ing who went Wert e t to their hom and JIn finding the door locked to force force- entrance nc through the window They found their father lying in his bed apparently asleep On ex examination ex- ex he was seen to be de dead Ld No appearance of a struggle was Jn In evidence and apparently the deceased had bad died while sleeping He was mown known to to have suffered from heart trouble for tor the past several months b but t not to an alarming extent It lIt is thought that during his hla sleep his heart heart failed and he died without w waking |