Show Howe Hove About The Conservative Side Waterloo idealism By 87 ED HOWE I K KNOW OW a widow who has long been 1 poor and very tery bitter and unfair In n denunciations of ot the wrongs of ot the poor At the last election a farmer candidate for a little office but still big K enough to provide proville a dishonest salary and appropriation for tor an assist assist- ant int promised her the She lie at once plunged Into the campaign cam cam- and did her best to rob the poor b because ause she expected to share In the rubbery That Is the trouble even the poor ho tho women the farmers the working workingmen men men are willing to engage In the special cial lal robbery of the people against which we have most cause causo of ot com corn plaint If given a chance to share In It The farmer candidate was elected The he last time I saw the widow she said he had promised nine other peole peo- peo pie le the and that she would bring suit against him It If he did ld not kElp keep coop his word to her John D D. D Rockefeller should write and publish his own hlo biography no host ghost writer can cnn equal him In the truth ruth and candor a task of this kind requires Jean Jenn Jacques Rousseau gave such apology as ns there Is for the radical I should hould like to hear with equal candor displayed from the worlds world's greatest business man and conservative The conservative side of the argument meat ment has line never ne been adequately pre pre- seated sentell It should be Le we specially need such a book now not only for our own ownus us use uie but for the use of ot future gener gener- S I The great Napoleon apolon suffered intensely Intense Intense- I ly Iy y at Waterloo ruin was never more humiliating or complete nut Hut millions of ot less Iss noted suffer suITer the anguish of a n Waterloo I rarely pick up a newspaper per er without rending of ot a Waterloo for or some poor devil II Waterloo Is a good word to rem remember em ber er i perhaps It Is fortunate we so frequently fre fro see It In la print I beg you OU to remember Its which ranee-which which Is to avoid such a fate when you ou have lived ed only half hnIt your life Ife and have ha equipment to win tr F. Everyone one who believes belle In a Cause supports It fanatically no one Is s ex exactly exactly ex- ex Just In his advocacy ad of or opposition opposition to the great controversies which make up life I 1 am a fanatic too but hut on the side of ot conservatism conservatism con con- of ot safety of caution of ot looking longer before we leap Writers are doing unusually bold things now I note that one makes fun of that old oM sub about what a boy learns at hi his mothers mother's knee That Is Isone Isone Isone one of the soh sob stories I have always respected Most men and all women say Meal Meal- Ism Is III the first standard by hy which men may Judge their thc action and enterprise This Thill Is III pleasant sounding hut but actually foolish Idealism means menns visionary the opposite of realism The worst mistakes of men have hn been heen due to neglecting the good that may be accomplished accomplished ac ac- ac- ac In attempting good far beyond be bl yond their powers Our first standard stand ard and of endeavor or should l be he Intelligent realism selection of the best of two evils and training and harnessing It to do Gods God's work worl I have lately had occasion to visit two neighboring towns In both of them are being built school houses housE'S palatial palatial pa pa- and unnecessary ary Hoth Poth Include theaters restaurants athletic fields music departments etc that would he ho an outrage on common sense In good times but hut are specially outrageous outrage outrage- ous In the midst of ot the greatest depression depression de do- In history Have you ou not noted that lately Indignation Includes In In- eludes ettra a extravagant ant and unnecessary waste walte In education J- J England has hns never never nev nev- er Ir been half as wasteful In this respect as all we are but hut has called ra a halt People usually tell UPS lies not because they are mistaken but because they are o an old oM watch house p automobile or doctrine they thy are trying to trade or raffle ramE What hat we need Is not more belief In Christ but more appreciation of ot the simple truth attested attested at at- tested by lon long experience that we should be more truthful honorable polite economical and Industrious for tor our own sakes It happens every day that a man can cnn go out and ond get a athIng athing athing thing he needs and I Is entitled to while praying for It or arguing he Is entitled to It t Some say ay that one who would acquire acquIre acquire ac ac- ac- ac quire the art of ot writing should read Addison I think Macaulay a better teacher AddIson wrote of or trilling things too much whereas Macaulay Macaulay Ma Ua- caulay wrote of the French revolution of ot the trial of Lord Hastings of s-or s of In rending reading e events e of ot first Importance one should get edo education atlon as well as entertainment out of It itS S t Everyone E admires admirE's children who are respectful to parents And It tt may be added that parents to whom much to todo todo todo such respect Is shown have ha do with It children are always ays Imla impatient Impatient tient with weak parents natural trou trou- People have haY so many possibly get et rid of ot cannot hIes nies th they y Is congress a that the greatest Kt t crime imposing troubles on them totally un necessary Co 0 tui lo Sall ll W U nr |