Show IS AMERICAN INITIATIVE AND AND ENTERPRISE A M MYTH 1 a The people of the United States have ha a reputation for Initiative and enterprise They Iney start things and they finish them J They have a n chance now to demons demons' demonstrate demon demon- I s' s strate their ability as never before 8 Everyone is waiting for business to 1 Pick up up hut But business wont won't pick up ups s f of its own o accord It will pick up when hen the desire and the determination I to do something rises again in our na national na- na nations consciousness There are about 25 or 30 million families in the United States This means that there are some 30 million I men who are actual producers Payrolls depend on construction ac activity ac- ac the the building and upkeep of homes factories and end enterprises wl which ch consume every Imaginable product i t Building has peen been een going down steadily stead stead- fly ily for the past put several eral years tars until it has baa become almost stagnant ThouSands Thousands ands of structures are deteriorating because of lack of repairs paint rotting rotting rot rot- ting g f foundations und leaky plumbing worn out heating i crumbling chimneys chim chins and and l n a th thousand and one other things wl which ch have been let go Never in years ears could repair work or new construction be done as cheaply I as today r I There here are arc millions of individuals and anda a industries in this country that have ii savings Eoa and are arc well able to carry oni on i 0 j necessary improvements now ir h Starting a n few million Jobs lobs varying in amounts from ten dollars to a few i thousand dollars dc each would release i an an avalanche of money and start the wheels of Industry Employment would increase our nation would take heart and commerce commerce com corn merce and ond industry would slowly regain regain regain re- re gain a normal stride Before Detore long this Improvement would be reflected in other nations No amount of legislation or political panaceas involving Increased taxation and greater public burdens can do a fraction of the good that the people can do for themselves by exercising our much prized American initiative and enterprise Do it now Investment and employment employment employment employ employ- ment are arc cheaper than charity |