Show Intermountain News Briefly Told for tor Busy Readers WEEDS O ON INCREASE hUGh HIGH TEST T CATTLE CATrIE DOG noo DERBY CALL CALI OUT AUTO CREMATES TF I DRIVER 7 PER rEI CE CENT T RATE TE ASKED IDA First call to th the annual A Ashton American dog derby February 22 has hns been leen sounded by bi bythe bythe the association No Ko charges ls will U bI made for spectators this season loading leading have boe already al already al- al ready announced their Intention of entering the 1933 rn races i II IDA A The noxious weed problem on the Irrigated farms of Oneida county Is becoming more serious each year o IT Only rr-Only Only 81 8 or 5 Z f per percent J r reent tent cent of the tine cattle tested for tub tuberculosis In 1032 1932 32 were wre reactors according to 10 a chart In the annual report of County Lyman Ly Ly- man nJ II If Rich and Anson Alison 11 Il Call Jr TO Ol II NEV Dr P P. D. D Mo Mc CO O 0 I county health officer was s-as burned to 10 death when ini his automobile automobile auto auto- mobile turned over orOr anti and hurst burst Into flames six thirty mules mills east ost of mere here IDA The The rock Arrow Irrigators Irrl Ir Ir- rl association inns has gone cone olle on record re to cord corll through resolutions adopted 1 ota ata nt ot nta a recent meet meeting Ing hll In III fa favor of II assessing assess assess- ing tag anti and taxing mort mortgages nIP notes nolIs anti and cash III In bank and making 7 per percent rent cent the Ihl maximum rate of Interest In the time state WJ SIU IDA State highway work hll Inns has been suspended n In the country with tIne the exception c of or keeping tine the highways free fre of snow until the close clo of winter ITT tenths Sis of a II amile mile anile of snow O fence Is li now completed ed Ill along the tine highway between State str street et and Draper The fence protects protects pro lure the tine worst worst points poll t II along I on this section of road from the tine heavy y drifting of snow which caused 11 extensive ex cx x snow scraping during tine the recent windy weather LOGAN UT UT n nearly e a 0 r I y doubled deaths during 1932 1032 In Logan Tonn City City I 12 11 I r. r Hanson retorts reports During the tine year jear Sj SO o births were recorded as ns o against deaths the tine records show how IDA Hunting ducks by bythe bythe the tine noise nolle of an nn airplane has hns become n a new nl sport around strictly Illegal al to local game ganne authorities au ou- los Indicated hunters were vere hiding mid hid In ing the tine sound of their shouting tin tin- l tor r the tine roar of airplane motors as liS they roared along the mall route parallels the rI rIver rIm r I TIT ur vill y farmers ate aie becoming alarmed avertine over aver tine the lack of rain and snow on Oil time the mountains and valley All Au Indications Indica point to n a drou drought ht which will exceed that lInt of or 1031 ITT UT UT-ln In spite of nt the tle eel eel- verso erso economic condit conditions which 01 obtained In there was wn loss crime In Imo Judging from flom tine the annual police lolIe report UT Accidental deaths death in Sn Itah county numbered on ony 7 j during 1932 32 as ns compared with 20 In 1031 1931 H. H a 1 reduction i of ot more atone than 4 T per Ir cent Int according to the tIne annual an on nual ual report of or Sheriff I 13 1 fl 1 I ST. ST ANTHONY Y It Every r. rural school In la county Is 11 e If f f nt lit least a II seven even m nth school honl term according to tn I- I II 1 Glen Cameron county ns Oi teachers rs of tine the curious districts lI have agreed to tn take n registered I warrants warrants war war- rants and hold th them until they can an anIl be ito ca cashed IDA Idaho had more than n lra J snow fall fail during the four month ending Dee nl 81 1 81 but southern Idaho fell short n a summary of snow fall fail c by ity II O. O Carter floise weather Lur bureau lu meteorologist l t stated omm IT Work Work has I begun on ma the new 1111 forestry building mere here TO IDA ex experimenting ex- ex X with pho phosphate us as n a sugar ar r beet teet er Izer will l 11 be ito conducted conduct net ed Ill during durIn tine the spring sin by County Agent Int Chasis Kent Kearl Success i of last years year's lars cars Iq on the tine Larsen farm on which h lot pounds of phosphate was as need on onO 20 21 O al' al acres Increasing the tle crop crOl 10 0 tons I her lIr or acre accelerated tests test YI H. H ITT According to a report from Forest orest or t II ml M. M Christensen there hove have been II seventeen seventeen seven seven- teen mountain 11 lions killed In III the Heaver mountains during the tine past year 10 coyotes and 8 S bobcats hae Icon been reported killed which Is not tine tile total a mount amount killed 1 TWIN 11 FALLS r. IDA ItU Immediate sate sale of 1 pounds 1 of ot leans beans stored toned In tine tho Jerome Terome B. B HI I Seed company warehouse c since shire 1931 was Permitted by Iy five southern Idaho liean n growers growers' agreements IP Ir the tine district ourt court Tine The beans w were 1110 stored stor flor ed Ill In tIne tile company warehouse when It went vent Into receivership IT tT Covering In detail the time work of or tho time Utah Itah State Stall Hospital for the tIne lust last n II report of or tine tile state board of ot Insanity has been Issued The One report shows s II nn an n enroll enroll- n went l on July 1 of ur OSS 03 patients us II compared ft with 01 J two t years jears rs before l During the tail ml patients were weN committed anti and discharged and died The number num num- her ber er of patients p to each nithi officer and e Is I- shown to 1 II lie 57 anti and the Iho dl discharge percentage 25 of one j per er cent |