Show t Pinto Pinio Mrs Mn C. C E. E Knell Reporter Mrs Heber lieber Harrison of Ne Newcastle castle Nevada ti tb attend was 81 called to Lied Lurd the funeral of her sister Mrs Alice Carer Mrs Rulon Knell Knew and children ar arrived arrived ar- ar rived home last night from Carry Idaho Idaho Idaho Ida Ida- ho where she has spent the past three months with her parents parent Rulon Union Knell Is home after a months stay In Cedar where he has been em em- Mr and Mrs Thomas Forsyth and R. R E. E Tullis left Friday for Zion and Bryce National parks and other places of Interest They returned home Sunday Sun Sun- day Mr and Mrs Herbert Knell came over from Cedar Thursday evening where they have ha been with their son Harry who has been in the hospital at that place Herberts Herbert's sister Mrs Jos Foster returned with them Bp Dp and Mrs John Tullis and family tamil went to Newcastle Saturday to spend Sunday Some of the young people from here went to Enterprise for the dance on he night of he Many people from Pinto attended the Cedar City Fourth of July program program program pro pro- gram and dance Foster of Cedar is here visitIng visiting visiting visit visit- ing with his Mr and Mrs C. C E. E Knell |